Hey I have a serious problem. I have a surplus of time and a deficite of good NDS games to play
Just to save wasted effort I have played and enjoyed
Prof. Layton
Zelda Wind Waker
Anything with megaman in the title (starforce kinda meh though)
Pokemon Plat.
Pheonix Wright Series
Wario Ware
I'm not sure if the list shows it or not but I'm a fan of Platforms and Puzzlers RPG elements are a plus and the higher the difficulty the better (untill it gets stupid)
Thanks guys!
*note most Jrpgs will put me to sleep
The Raid
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Locke's Quest if you like RPGs and Tower Defense games
Chrono Trigger if you haven't (it is the global exception to people who hate JRPGs, myself included)
LoL Summoner: infobrains | XBL: cwap4brains | PSN: infobrains
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
oh god damnit zerokku
damn you to hell
Eight player multi, one cart. Even Slash missed it.
There's a 3D one coming out later this year, too, which is supposed to be great.
Yeppers. Incredible deal (especially because you'll probably be able to find it for 5 bucks or so) if you can get your hands on one.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is much more METAL.
New Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Metroid Prime Hunters
Big Brain Academy
Tetris DS
Super Mario 64 DS
Bangai-O spirits is a lot of fun. A little bit of puzzling in finding the right weapon combinations and difficulty.
Perhaps try out other zelda (GBA games) like minish cap and so on.
No you may not. Unless you are recommending it over buying 2-3 other games.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword- Possibly the best DS game out there right now. The control are excellent and the action is fun
Moon- Really good FPS.
Contra 4- Great side-scrolling shoot-em-up that may challenge you to the fullest.
Hotel Dusk- Great mystery game that involves some interesting puzzle solving and a good story.
Also if you haven't played it yet and like RPGs...
Chrono Trigger DS- Great RPG with a fun combat system, awesome music, and great story.
The World Ends With You has rpg elements to it but in terms of gameplay is much more fast-paced and unique. This is assuming you can stomach the brooding, emo protagonist.
As a side note I'm not really a fan of puzzle quest type puzzling. I'm more into logic puzzles (not really sure what to call them, more prof layton though.) Unless im doing puzzle quest wrong?
Edit: Ugh, still get Puzzle Quest.
As far as logic puzzles go, I'm a big fan of Slitherlink.
When you have 60 games, is the system and library still portable? :P
No one yet recommends GTA: Chinatown Wars? I must've put in nearly 100 hours into that game and I have no intention of stopping now.
Portable Shin Megami Tensei. Awesome.
And on an unrelated note, The Dark Spire if you like old school RPGs.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Oh, and get Mario 64 DS.
Well, it's lasted me far more than 2-3 games combined, so... Doo eeeet 8-)
This was what I was going to post. Platforming elements that force you to play a puzzler as you go to gain health and fight bosses by swapping back and forth? Yes please.
Once you get a good team, there really isn't that much strategy to most of the fights, just move near the enemy and spam aurablast. It's an excellent time-waster, though.
Edit: I'm not sure if I would recommend Knights in the Knightmare. It's interesting, but it's also really slow, both in plot and gameplay. I played it on easy, though, so maybe Normal feels better.
How about Rythm Heaven. I have lots of fun with it.