Now you guys have probably seen a billion of these, all guys lamenting that their S.O. just don't put out enough.
Welll..... this is only SLIGHTly similar. I don't want her Libido to increase, i would like mine to decrease. Quite frankly, its distracting. I can guess one answer, but to be honest, if I 'take care of it' it really doesn't really change how constantly turned on I am.
Im afraid if this goes for longer that I will do something that I will regret, since I have done something along those lines in my distant past, and I really felt like I was hardly in control. After things were said and done, all i was left with was regret, so I don't want that to happen in this case.
Cold showers 24/7 is also not really a feasible option.
And im also not some 'youngin' going through puberty, so until i hit male menopause, im pretty sure that this is my median, and im not happy with it.
And please don't see this as a "im a stallion, brag brag brag, not really a H/A post" thread. I really am looking out for help here. This is tearing my and my S.O. apart. I make her feel inadequate, and even though I know she finds me attractive, I always end up feeling like i am doing something not right... and failing at the seducing...... its really not a good place to be in.
So.... i dunno... am i a freak? should I see a medical professional? Or does someone have any ideas?
In the crudest and simplest sense, I am am irrevocably horny all the time. Its all I think about, I spend absurd amounts of time trying to get it. This end up with me feeling shot down all the time by my gf, but I know that its sort of my fault because if I wasn't trying for it all the time, i wouldn't be feeling dissapointed all the time.
What kind of specifics do you think are required?
edit: ooh, misread
honestly if regular 'taking care of it' and somewhat regular attention from your SO isn't handling things, it might be time to talk to a doctor
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Im begining to think that, ehum, reaching the goal, isn't really what im craving...... and Im craving the special kind of intimacy and in some way power that only a sex act between myself and my partner can provide.....
which makes me think that its probably a psych issue, which means im wasting my time and just creeping everyone out.
So. Sorry All.
Just let this drop of the front page.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.