I'm in the market for science-fiction books. Not especially in the mood to take in a new universe, so I'm narrowing my search to Star Wars EU. I'm not really interested in any situation that involves a generic superweapon that's basically some sort of large spaceship or space station. Also uninterested in stories about Jedi that get out of ridiculous situations by waving their hands and sweeping the traps away.
Here are the books I've read already, for reference:
Top Six
Specter of the Past
Outbound Flight
Wraith Squadron
Han Solo at Star's End
Starfighters of Adumar
Dark Force Rising
Also Liked
The Bacta War
Heir to the Empire
Last Command
Vision of the Future
Survivor's Quest
Iron Fist
Solo Command
Solo's Revenge
These Ones Not Really
The other X-Wing books
Rebel Dream, Rebel Stand
Solo and the Lost Legacy
The Approaching Storm
Thanks in advance for your recommendations. Unless those aren't good, in which case we can never become friends.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom