My family has been considering a new console lately. The main reasons we have not already picked one up in the past is that we don't have a TV that we can truely appreciate the updated graphics. We bought a Wii back on day one and had high hopes. It's a good system, but 3rd party developers screwed the pooch for Nintendo once again. Lack of good games for the Wii is real sore spot. Also, there is 4 of us in the family and there are 4 DS's and a collection of 40-50 games...we all LOVE the DS. Amazing little system.
But with the PS3 being a blu-ray drive and the price is down to $300 now? We are considering getting one and then maybe a tv within the next year. My only issue is games...I have heard that the PS3 suffers the same issues that the Wii suffers. Lack of really good games other than a few exclusive titles. How bad are extra hardware prices for the PS3 as well?
My wife and I really enjoy some good RPG's with good storyline and play. We loved the PS2 and the GameCube because they had some good RPG's. The Tales series, Final Fantasies, Arc the Lad, SKIES OF ARCADIA was fun and some others. Those are a really big hook for us as we sit on the couch and cuddle whilst we play (another great reason we love our DS's). We are not that big in to FPS games....I can't play them well enough unless I have a keyboard/mouse. We like some platformers and stuff...but Nintendo tends to excel at those. We love some fighter games, but are very picky on them. SSBM and SSBB are fantastic.
So...are there enough games that would interest us on the PS3? Are there any other really good games of any genre (except for FPS) on the PS3 that are worthy of the buy? A lot of extra hardware (like the Wii?) to buy in too? Is it a good blu-ray player? Can you get a remote for it like the one for the PS2? I am a PS3 newb. heh
Edit: How can I forget Fire Emblem??? We absolutely LOVE Fire Emblem.....LOVE...
1) You can get a remote for the PS3, but the PS2 one, obviously, will not work.
2) PS3s can be found for $300. These are not the BC ones. You seemed to suggest you still had PS2 games, so this might be worth considering.
We do still have some PS2 games...but our PS2 also works just fine. Although it's main use is a DVD player for the kids.
I didn't expect the same remote to work, but just wanted to know if there was a remote available for the PS3 like the PS2 one.
How is the game situation a complex issue?
Thanks so far.
It's more SRPG, but go play it. It's awesome. There's also folklore, eternal sonata, final fantasy 13 whenever that comes out, and hopefully they'll localise white knight chronicles and tales of vesperia one day.
For fighters, you have Blazblue and street fighter 4. King of fighters is good too if you don't mind poor online. there's also soul calibur 4, virtua fighter 5 and the upcoming tekken 6.
For platformers, there's rachet and clank and little big planet. Dunno about R&C, but little big planet is pretty fun.
Let me rephrase that--it's a question with a long answer. A short answer would have been "No, there are no good PS3 games" or "Yes, there's a good PS3 game, it's called Uncharted/Valkyrie Chronicles/Metal Gear Solid 4". Neither of these are true. That's what I meant.
But no, they won't be backward compatible. For the past year almost, it's seemed fairly obvious that Sony has no intentional of returning to BC of any form (for the PS2--PS1 games are still supported, but then again, you can play PS1 games on your PC too).
We are not worried too much about online play. Just not big online players. I have played some street fighter IV on the 360 with some friends. Good stuff. Never heard of blazblue though...
Yeah one of my friends recently did a run through using basicly only vyse. Not many A's but he still cleared it. Aikas not bad either but the challenge lover potential with a flamethrower is just sick.
Maybe for the games...I should ask for what people have considered to be good games for them. Specially for specific genres. RPG and SRPG are the biggest choice.
Blazblue is made by the same guys who made guilty gear. Dunno if you played that though.
If you look at the OP in the BB thread you'll find a good bit of info.
For SRPGs, there's also disgaea 3.
*takes out 10 tanks, 3 bunkers and 20 troops in one turn*
The DS is a better choice for RPGs. Hell, I would argue that the Xbox 360 is a better choice for RPGs (though not as good as the DS), since Tales of Vesperia on the PS3 isn't leaving Japan.
Oh, Sony, why must you be like this?
Valkyria chronicles justifies anything.
Thanks for the help guys...even if it is disheartening for me.
If you want a Blu Ray player AND some great RPG action... buy a cheap Blu Ray player, and a Nintendo DS ;-)
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Dokapon Kingdom. It's a Wii/PS2 RPG/Board Game.
Valkyria Chronicles, how to describe it? Well, if you remember the turn-based goodiness of X-Com : Enemy Unknown on the PC from long ago, where you had this turn based tactical wargame, where the opponents could fire during your own turn. Valkyria Chronicles has the core of that game. In an alternative World War 2 setting. With gorgeous anime graphics. And a very nice story. And loveable characters. And... well, if you like your JRPGs and you like your Fire Emblems/Advance Wars, you WILL love this game. Oh yes, Vyse and Aika from Skies of Arcadia are in it :winky:
If you haven't had an XBox 360, you can have such loveliness as Dead Space (not exactly a FPS, more a third person shooter/survival horror (play on hard!)) which is fantastic, simply for experiencing and listening to (the sound is terrific). Lose yourself in Fallout 3 (a nice post apocalyptic RPG). You can try out Oblivion too if you wish (but Fallout 3 was more impressive in my opinion).
See to it that you can connect to the Internet, so that you can buy from the Playstation Store the wonderful Flower (which is a must-have gaming experience), the fun Shatter, the most excellent Super Stardust HD. Buy a second controller and then play Little Big Planet on the same machine with two players, and marvel at its cuteness. If you have 4 controllers, well, you will have good clean family fun. Enjoy yourself with Burn Zombie Burn with a gaming buddy. Give your eyes a treat with WipeOut HD and its expansion pack.
If you wish you can even get nostalgic with Final Fantasy VII, which when bought, can be played on your PS3 and you can even put it on a PSP!
There are some mighty fine "full price games", but a lot of gems can be found in the Online Playstation Store too.
I bought the machine simply to play one game. I was very happy that this allowed me to try out other marvelous gems like Dead Space, Fallout 3, WipeoutHD and Flower. I am sure you will find plenty of stuff to your liking too :P
This. I don't particularly care for Vesperia tbh anyway. I'd much rather have Yakuza 3.
Never heard of it....thanks. I will look in to it.
Are all of the good RPG's on the 360? Really? I am very leary about buying a 360...always have been. I mean...for several years it has been well known that roughly 30% of them fail...YIKES!!!
Nice...that sounds alright....that valkryia sounds great...not sure on the setting though. But we DO love fire emblem and advance wars and it has vyse and aika? bitchin...
What is super stardust HD? Anything to do with the movie stardust? ehehehe wife adores that movie.
Not really. The good RPGs are on DS and PSP along with Valkyria Chronicles on PS3. This has been a lousy gen for J-RPGs.'re not going to get either.
Unless you can read Japanese and happen to own a Japanese PS3.
Personally, I didn't think Valkryie Chronicles was that great, despite a few weeks borrowing the game. But I didn't buy my PS3 for it (nor did I buy the game itself), so I regret nothing. But it's got a very firm following here, so that means something.
It's much lower in newer models.
PS3 basically only has Disgaea 3 and Demon Souls for recommenable JRPGs.
360 has Tales of Vesperia (multiplayer like all recent tales games)
oh, and while I wouldn't absolutely vouch for them, not really liking either one myself, 360 also has Blue Dragon (a crappy mashup of FF5 and Dragon Quest) and Lost Odyssey (Good beginning, horrible rest of game) plus it's also getting FF XIII.
Still, I bet there are plenty of Wii games you may or may not be aware of that can satisfy an RPG lust.
For one thing, there are a metric load of great RPGs on the Wii's virtual console. Secret of Mana is a good one for a crowd too.
For another, (and you probably already know this) but Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn is on the Wii and is completely fantastic. Much better than VC if truth be told.
Other decent RPGS? Opoona and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
PS3 is region free, I got Ryu ga gotoku Kenzan recently. It's not ideal but playing these games with an FAQ works too in the absence of a localisation and Kiryu/Musashi still speaks the international language of face stomping. I really wish Sega would give Yakuza 3 a chance but I understand why they probably won't.
All of the good RPGs are still on the PS2 and on the DS.
If it helps, I'm said too, and still have the Yakuza 3 demo. That being said, I'm still not going to pay $60US, and the handling costs, to import the game in a language I can't understand. Here's hoping for a Chinese release from Sega (yeah, right).
Did not know about the region issue, however. My PS3 can't play DVDs from the United Kingdom, for some reason, so I assumed it was part of the region settings (though--and this is weird--my 360 can). It doesn't really help since I bought the PS3 for more dialogue-heavy games, but it's nice to know.
Shatter is a very 2009 style of Arkanoid/Breakout game, with extra gaming mechanics that take it to the next level.
Wipeout HD is a futuristic racer with lovely graphics, and the Zone games look very Tron-esque.
Flower is, well, I can only describe it as a wonderful experience.
Eternal Sonata does also exist on the PS3 if I'm not mistaken.
If you like hack'n-slash type RPGS, like Diablo, then Sacred 2 isn't too bad (but it isn't Diablo 2).
Burnout Paradise is quite a good free-form racer-in-traffic.
But Valkyria Chronicles will make you warm and fuzzy inside. You have a huge group of people to pick your squad from, each with their own quirks. In the end, you will feel bad if someone gets shot down (and if the medic doesn't reach them in time, they are gone forever!) :winky:
hhmm...maybe that's what we should do. I keep forgetting about the Tales game on the Wii...was it as good as the others? Wasn't it a sequel to the GC Tales?
We have Radiant Dawn for the Wii...beat it twice on normal and once on hard. ehehe. I kind of forget about the virtual console though...but then again, a lot of those games are either on the DS (and we own) or we have played them too many times that we can't sit through another run through.
But...when we get our Wii back (sent it in for repairs...original day one unit and we were getting DRE's...had to drop $85.00 to send it in...) I think I will go back in and look at the virtual console listings. Been a while since I have gone through them all.
Any good RPG stuff on wii-ware or anything like that?
I has good news for you then, the RGG games got Asian releases. I picked up Kenzan for £20 inc P&P from an ebay seller (ID is offerhouse) and whilst RGG 3 is a bit more expensive, it will go down in price too. Nice thing about the Asian releases is they look identical to the Japanese releases except for a logo and a box out with the language details on the back but they'll never have the skanky Playstation the best budget rebranding if you want to be thrifty!
PS3 is region free for PS3 games, everything else is region locked.
And yeah the Yakuza 3 demo is soooo good! HEAT nunchucks ftw.
Wiiware only really has one really good RPG offering, and that is the fanastic sequel to Final Fantasy IV. It's called FF4: The After Years. Really good.
If you like SIM games then there is always My Life as a King (Sim City but Final Fantasy Themed, with you upgrading your town so that adventurers can go out and loot the shit out of other places. Really well done little gem.
If you like that sort of game I can also recommend Little King's Story, a fantastic retail game that is basically My Life as a King mixed with Pikmin and Animal Crossing!
Back to Wiiware for a second, Swords and Soldiers is a neat little Wiiware RTS. I can also say that I've had fun with My Life as a Darklord (A Tower Defense themed sequel to My Life as a King)
Then tell me one thing: is Yakuza 3 available in Mandarin Chinese? Because then, good sir, you might have changed my mind.
Also, Sony, why the fuck is your PS3 region free for your games but not for DVDs? Or PS2 games for that matter? (Then again, Sakura Taisen 5 is coming out in North America, so it might not matter anyway....) HMMMM? Trying to confuse me?
PS2 BC is like that because that's how the PS2 was set up.
That makes sense, though it doesn't explain why the Xbox 360 slipped through. Maybe the US and UK regions are similar or something. No idea.
But this is about the PS3, so back to that.
"Oh god, are 10 year old girls really being sold to brothels? Yes, yes they are. "
No Sunflower Orphanage it seems in 17th century Japan.
Assuming that the PS3 Vesperia hit's China or Korea then it may be importable even without being fluent in Japanese.
On the bright side, 17th Century Japan apparently bathed regularly. Or so I've heard. Yes, I am lost.
But yeah, especially since a lot of the game relies on spoken dialogue, I don't think I can squeak through Yakuza 3 based on my first language of Mandarin. That, and I know a grant total of about 14 hiragana and about twice that many katakana. Having a translated manual isn't quite enough, but if the prices are low, I may have to give it some thought (or someone posts huge translations on Gamefaqs, i.e. Sakura Taisen).
Ha, a fellow ST FAQ veteran. Sadly the FAQ for Kenzan and RGG 3 is not nearly as good as that (I remember the 500 A4 sheets print outs) but it does give a brief synopsis of every cut-scene and pointers as where to go next (not that you need those, same pink dot on the map as always). It's not ideal but it means you can enjoy the games and in absence of a localisation this is as good as it gets sadly.