The most amazing thing, but most particularly, the most amazing game, is Pair-up. For anyone wondering, Pair-up is a matching game that I play on my cell phone. Langly gifted me this G1 android phone months ago as a pledge of love. Little did he know it would change our lives forever. I was never a champion at anything. Well, I won the science fair in 8th grade but that was a lifetime ago. In any case, all that has changed.
I am proud to say that I am now the world champion of Pair-up, which has an internet scoring system. The app is available for the G1 and iphone, according to the maker's website. The game starts out as a simple matching game, but becomes more complex as you play. The boards become larger, while you are awarded more points for making matches that involve pieces farther apart from each other, all while under a five minute time limit.
The board looks something like this:
The pieces are all different clothed penguins, except for some puppies, and they are intensely cute. The difficulties rank up from kindergarten to post-grad school. The two actual online scoring game modes are the SAT and GRE.
I realize that Pair-up players make up a somewhat limited crowd. Therefore, feel free to confess the phone games you play again and again. However, I would love it if you did play Pair-up because then I could make a gamer friend and we could vent or make a guild and stuff.
If you have no phone, answer me this: what are the questions that keep you up at night? Things I wonder about: How does Monica Lewinsky date again? Does it blow anyone else's mind that the movie, Moonstruck, was made (Nicholas Cage and Cher are love interests)? Why am I not good at anything I could get paid for? Why don't I have a puppy?