So my girlfriend is having some minor surgery Wednesday, and actually said she was thinking of getting a new DS game to help her pass the time in bed. She's never been into games, but has lovingly embraced my interests and will hang around while I play stuff. Throughout this, she's become addicted to Dr. Mario.
This led to a "Zoo Keeper" addiction, after she bought me a DS and saw me playing it one day. In an effort to keep her interest in games going, I picked her up a DS of her own, and gave her my Zoo Keeper cart. She's loved it, and added Brian Age 2 to her collection specifically because she saw it had Suduku in it. Little did we know, it has Dr. Mario in it as well, and now I commonly find her playing Dr. Mario on her DS.
So now that you know the backstory, I need some recommendations, because she has weird tastes. She has expressed she doesn't have much interest in any sort of "game" game - no Mario Bros, Mario Kart, platforming stuff. No interest whatsoever in any sort of RPG. And as much as she insists she loves puzzles and mind-games, she still refers to Layton as "The game with the creepy kid." -- BUT will borrow my cart from time to time to just play the puzzles off of it, and loves that. She doesn't have too much desire to go through the story, she just loves the puzzles.
So jeez - what do I get this girl for her surgery? She looked at the Namco collection in the store today (she loves Pac Man), and went back and forth because she didn't recognize any of the other games on it. She DID start to say that she'd more than likely try out some, and who knows what she'd end up liking - so I think she's open to trying new types, but it has to hook her right off the bat, and be kind of easy to jump into.
If I could hunt down a GBA cart of "Chu Chu Rocket", I'd get it in a heartbeat. I want to get her something unique and cool, that's not your cookie cutter Brain Age clone, and a nice puzzler. I tried to show her Henry Hatsworth, but she wasn't really too interested. Any help would be appreciated!
Mr. Driller DS might also be appropriate if you can find it, although it borders on being more of a reflex-oriented game than a puzzle game at times.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
What about that mirror based game that Tycho splooged over? "Prism: Light the Way"?
What about DSiWare titles?
What about music games like Elite Beat Agents or Rhythm Heaven?
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
After looking into some stuff I'm way closer than I was an hour ago to being the hero tomorrow.
Mr. Driller looks awesome - how 'story heavy' is it? I YouTubed it, and from what I gather of the gameplay, that looks right up her alley. But then I saw a bunch of cut scene videos of it, so Im not sure...
I'm thinking I may, either way, try to get her something she likes AND Rythym Heaven...and if she doesn't like Rythym Heaven...I will!
Planet Puzzle League also looks good, but I cant seem to find it in stock anywhere, and Im going out to the mall with a Best Buy/Gamestop tomorrow to get some stuff, so we'll see.
Now looking into all Slash's reccomendations...
Back in the ki.....
I know, I know. Juvenile humor is abundant in all sorts of popular entertainment enjoyed by both sexes everywhere, but something about it (and perhaps the fact that it is in a video game) kinda makes it an awkward thing to recommend in my opinion. If that wouldn't creep her out, then she would likely enjoy it.
trauma center
seconded on Picross
At least she'd already be in the hospital for when she ruptures something from pure rage
Haha I was going to say something along those lines.
On the PSP side of the house she found a little enjoyment with Locoroco. Actually she said she didn't really like the game, but she probably sunk about 40 hours into it, so you be the judge. I also got her Patapon, but that wasn't a hit with her (it was with me!)
Finally what would be awesome is for you to get a few of her friends and bring rockband/guitarhero world tour to her hospital room for night. Rockband was my gateway into getting a real guitar, and I'm trying to convince my wife that playing the real drums is just a small step up from playing the expert rockband drums.
The rest are pretty good suggestions though. Maybe warioware touched and rhythm heaven too
- Mario and Luigi - Partners in Time (Puzzle/RPG, not platforming)
- Trauma Center
- Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- Meteos
Might try Animal Crossing too, as someone else suggested.
Yes, she will love it. It's one of the easiest games of all time, but has at least one whole level full of nothing but little doggies.
Seriously though, Rhythm Heaven, she should love it.
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Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Mr. Driller DS - It was cart only, but $4. I have no idea how to play, and neither does she, but I e-mailed her a link to a gamefaqs manual thing (thats why I was getting the games - she's getting the surgery in her hometown near her parents tomorrow, I'm an hour away and cant get there until Saturday. Bummer.), and hopefully she can figure it out. The little I played seemed like it will be up her alley once she can figure it out...
Prism: Light The Way - She read the box and went "Oh cool!", but I tried it and it hooked me almost instantly. I think this may end up being the sleeper hit!
And a nice DS case to hold the DS and her 4 games.
I also drove around for an HOUR trying to find ANYWHERE that had Picross, because that looks like exactly the type of thing she'd love. EXACTLY. So I ordered it off Amazon and will tuck it away for the next special event.
Thanks to everyone for the help!