[PRIME] Anyone riding the greyhound to pax?

DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
edited August 2009 in PAX Archive
Hi there I will be takeing the greyhound bus from spokane WA to seattle just wondering who else is going mabe we could sit next to each other and talk about the coolest weekend of the year...(mabe second in my case: I might be a daddy YAY)

"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."

"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
Dragondevon on


  • Spokane_SnowManSpokane_SnowMan Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Going from Spokane, but not riding the bus. Sorry.

    Spokane_SnowMan on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    thats ok man. its cool that im not the only one from spokane going.

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
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