Im begining a series of optimizations for the forum here. I just implemented the first one tonight, Let me know if you guys feel the difference or start seeing weird errors.
I, for one, would like to know what optimizations you're doing. Since quite a few of us run phpBB boards, maybe we could implement your ideas into our own and/or help you fine-tune yours.
Well, the change I made tonight was changing mySQL to use pconnect. This should have been active, I think it was just an oversight. As to the other stuff, as HomeLAN is mySQL only I will be removing the other database functionality (mssql, oracle, access, pgsql) from phpBB and using some of the specific mySQL commands (joins and such). I will be using the fast and furious mod from phpBB hacks as a good source of inspiration, and, I will probably end up either spliting guest sessions into their own heap table, or removing them all together.
I using pconnect really a wise thing? I mean, I can see the advantages, but I can also see the disadvantages. And, to me, it just seems that the bad outweighs the good.
I guess this is why you were 'promoted' and I was not.
Unknown User on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
I using pconnect really a wise thing? I mean, I can see the advantages, but I can also see the disadvantages. And, to me, it just seems that the bad outweighs the good.
I guess this is why you were 'promoted' and I was not.
Using pconnect is almost always good except in the situations where php can't take advantage of it (not using modPHP), in those situations it will cause a slowdown.
Connecting to the DB can take a decent fraction of the page loading time if you're not using pconnect.
In essence, the pros outweigh the cons.
Pro : Cuts down on load time (and server demand) by a significant ammount
Con : Possibility of weirdness if mySQL server crashes.
There are a couple of additional caveats to keep in mind when using persistent connections. One is that when using table locking on a persistent connection, if the script for whatever reason cannot release the lock, then subsequent scripts using the same connection will block indefinitely and may require that you either restart the httpd server or the database server. Another is that when using transactions, a transaction block will also carry over to the next script which uses that connection if script execution ends before the transaction block does. In either case, you can use register_shutdown_function() to register a simple cleanup function to unlock your tables or roll back your transactions. Better yet, avoid the problem entirely by not using persistent connections in scripts which use table locks or transactions (you can still use them elsewhere).
In essence, the pros outweigh the cons.
Pro : Cuts down on load time (and server demand) by a significant ammount
Con : Possibility of weirdness if mySQL server crashes.
It just seems to me that, of late, I've come into a LOT more "Cannot connect to the database" errors than I've ever seen. With the size of the active memberbase and the limited number of connections MySQL is set to handle, it just seems like it would cause more harm than good.
But, once again, you know far more about this than I, and I'm just throwin' shit out there.
Unknown User on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited 2004 11
They seem to be going rather slow at the moment...
I got a phpBB error earlier...
And now it's going sluggish.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Well, the change I made tonight was changing mySQL to use pconnect. This should have been active, I think it was just an oversight. As to the other stuff, as HomeLAN is mySQL only I will be removing the other database functionality (mssql, oracle, access, pgsql) from phpBB and using some of the specific mySQL commands (joins and such). I will be using the fast and furious mod from phpBB hacks as a good source of inspiration, and, I will probably end up either spliting guest sessions into their own heap table, or removing them all together.
Ecoterrorism is actually the single largest terrorist threat at the moment. They don't usually kill people, but they blow up or set on fire very expensive things.
I am getting this about every other time I click a link in the forums right now:
phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database
Edit: I got about 25 of them trying to post and edit this message.
I, too, am getting insane numbers of these messages while just navigating the forums.
That is my fault. It was not an oversight on Ramius' part, but instead not using pconnect was a wise choice. The cluster is setup in a way that this would not be safe in high traffic times. Im still getting aquinted with the cluster and Im sure it will be a while before I figure out all of the peculirarities of it.
I went into this knowing the potential gain and loss were high, this is a black and white issue, it works, or it doesnt, simple as that- I knew that going in. It doesnt work here. I didnt know that going in.
Man, I wanted to post the quote from when the first british motorway was opened and the guy was talking about how extreme speeds could wqarp peoples perceptions of reality and stuff but I couldn't find it.
There are more, but this is just preliminary.
I guess this is why you were 'promoted' and I was not.
Using pconnect is almost always good except in the situations where php can't take advantage of it (not using modPHP), in those situations it will cause a slowdown.
Connecting to the DB can take a decent fraction of the page loading time if you're not using pconnect.
It's the new Rasputin, whispering advice to secretly control the masses from a position of unofficial power.
Rah! Rah! Rasputin!
Lover of the phpeen!
Pro : Cuts down on load time (and server demand) by a significant ammount
Con : Possibility of weirdness if mySQL server crashes.
Persistent Database Connections Page
Since we do not use transactional querries or locks we dont have to worry about the major warning
It just seems to me that, of late, I've come into a LOT more "Cannot connect to the database" errors than I've ever seen. With the size of the active memberbase and the limited number of connections MySQL is set to handle, it just seems like it would cause more harm than good.
But, once again, you know far more about this than I, and I'm just throwin' shit out there.
I got a phpBB error earlier...
And now it's going sluggish.
Edit: I got about 25 of them trying to post and edit this message.
Podcast 0207: Sinking to new depths
Preview: Is Uncharted: Golden Abyss the Vita’s killer launch title?
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3: Macro-wreckonomics
Can't say I like that idea.
I, too, am getting insane numbers of these messages while just navigating the forums.
I went into this knowing the potential gain and loss were high, this is a black and white issue, it works, or it doesnt, simple as that- I knew that going in. It doesnt work here. I didnt know that going in.
...turn off the waiting between post times
Janson: Listen bitches, just shut up and get back to licking my floor clean.
I'm not dealing with your kind of crap today.
So I'll just post this instead.
Tsk, how low brow of me :roll: