Adventurer's Weekly Dispatch
Approved by Duke Courbal
Tired of the peasant life? Day to day drudgery in the northern kingdoms getting you down? Want some of THIS?
Perhaps the life of an Adventurer is for you. Living success stories Grogg Meatneck, Elden Deathrainer XI and Onagi the Priest have sacked the Tomb of the Ape King Ukahaha, sending his mummified corpse back to Ape Hell.
But their journey has just begun. Nestled between the Dwarflands, the Hellish Wasteland and a day's travel from the civilisation of the Northern Kingdoms, the Southern Dukedom is one glittering jewel after another, just waiting for the brave to seize them.
Important Note: Map is outdated and missing several important and deadly locations.
Of course there is a small tax on treasure gained by adventurers, but the generous Duke Courbal reassures you his drive to attract adventurers to the area is to protect his beloved populace.
And let us not forget the fallen:
RIP - Mike Moustaches II - Killed by a Cursed Ruby
RIP - Yurk the Fighter - Killed by Apes
RIP - Ernest D Candlewick - Eaten by Venus Flytraps.
RIP - Braak Meatneck - Killed by Blade Ape
RIP - Aidan the Elf - Killed by Blade Ape
Who will take their place?
I've been running one of my homebrew games, The Adventurer's Tale, in IRC recently with a few players. These irregular pick up sessions have been great fun, so I'm looking to draw in a few more players, perhaps forming a second group of adventurers to roam the sandbox I've prepared.
To get an idea of the rules the
One-Sheet Quickstart is available. The full rules are no more complex and can be found
Games will be low commitment pickup affairs, where we do a bit of adventuring when a few players are online and feel the itch. If you feel obliged to make a character in advance we're using the Non-Random chargen option (the default method) and I'm allowing the following rules from the Optional Rules section:
- Dual-Classing and Multiclassing
- Extra Class Perks
- Familiars
Assume any other Optional Rules aren't being used.
Show your interest in this thread or by popping into #CriticalFailures on
Edit: Linked to the wrong game for the full document... link fixed.
Look, if you aren't in on this, you aren't in on fun. You're a commie.
Make a character (don't use the quickstart, the regular rules are not much more complex and way more fun) and come on already.
You like kill with axe? Grogg like kill with axe. You and Grogg kill with axe. Make apes dead. Take treasure. Buy whores. Drink ale. Buy more killey axe. No more gold. Must make more dead things.
You make character, sign up, play game, Grogg like.
(Fer real, the system is very simple but fairly robust, and Suga runs a great game. This has been a lot of fun. You should be playing already. Why aren't you playing already? Why do you hate fun?)
Kembar Duegsten
Melee 5
Body 6
Wisdom 3
Grace 4
Shooting 2
Craft 0
Athletic +2 to Grace(I'm unsure if this is allowed as it says divide 2 between grace and body)
Trained +2 to Shooting(Same as above)
Weapons totaling 5 dmg
Sword 3 damage
Shortbow 2 damage ranged
Light Armor
Torch, Fishing Rob, Flint and Steel
Kembar is a wandering mercenary of sorts, a competent fighter always looking for treasure or women or both.
Does that work?
EDIT: And is there any sort of standard time to get on irc, or do we just get on whenever we can?
Concerning times, the recent games have been around 2-5pm GMT and lasted an hour or two each, mostly, with some longer. I'm quite flexible with time at the moment, though.
Cheeseliker: Your character looks fine but I think you're missing your bonus points, did you read this bit in character creation?
So you're owed 2 points in Body, I think. And yes, you can spend your two points from those perks between the two stats however you like.
SoogaGames Blog
Also, Grogg will be unavailable until a week from today, since I leave for PAX bright and early tomorrow.
SoogaGames Blog
We had to call a halt for the day in the mines. We found the exit on the other side, but we hadn't explored the entire extent of the mine shafts, so we went back in and found more glorious treasure. We are well on our way to setting a new record as the only TAT characters ever to level twice. (Current record of leveling 1 time held by us, set when we leveled earlier.)
Then we had to stop because Suga is a big pussy and apparently has to "eat" or some shit. :?
More fame and fortune awaits!
Well. hurry next week. Grogg is away.
"Curwen the Stout, Dwarfish Explorer"
4 Body, 5 Craft, 6 Melee, 3 Wisdom
Training - Armour Expert
Heavy Armor, Shield, Axe, Dagger
20ft Rope, Flint and Steel, Rations, Grapple Hook, Spikes, Shovel
0 gp
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SoogaGames Blog
Urthas the Stained
Body: 4
Melee: 0
Shoot: 4
Grace: 3
Wisdom: 5
Craft: 0
Invisible Hand
Mind Stab
20' rope
rations x3
Urthas is pale, like a cave creature who has never seen the sun, and as thin and bony as a starving dog. His pale skin is splotched with wine-colored stains, birthmarks that separate him from the normal, yet still retched, masses of humanity. He wears drab gray robes and faded purple cloak. His once-black wide brimmed and floppy hat protects his pale skin from the sun. His black hair is run through with white streaks. He is an ugly son of a bitch, both in appearance and manners. Urthas delights in the arcane, and his dark ambitions and low moral character have led him to a life of looting and murder, i.e. adventuring.
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Who's interested?
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SoogaGames Blog
I'll keep this thread posted for any others that want to watch Talon die over and over.
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for future reference, sunday and mondays work good for me, GMT -8 ( or is it +8, i can never remember. West coast united states time. whatever.)
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SoogaGames Blog
Body 4, Shooting 7, Grace 6, Craft 4
Longbow (Damage 3), Rope, Rations, Backpack, Torch, Waterskin, 3g
Target: At the start of your turn choose one enemy. Add 2 to all combat rolls against this opponent until the start of your next turn.
Suga's Dwarfish fighter Erbun, renowned for his cowardice, has been sentenced to recover a lost treasure of his Dwarf's Clan--the silver hammer of Morradin the Maker, Father of the Dwarfs.
Joining him are Grand Master Wizard Itlersayaw , Jon Crandle the Ascetic Knight, and Tucker Exitwound, Graceful Bag Man.
They've been sent first to explore the lost dwarven stronghold of Dol Dolor, abandoned 500 years ago. If the Silver Hammer is anywhere, they're sure it'll be here. Currently Dol Dolor is occupied by an Orcish clan.
Can our heroes defeat the orcs? Can they survive the legendary Dwarfish traps? Can they rescue the Silver Hammer? Can they find mead so old it's become insanely delicious? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!
Jon Crandle
Body 6
Melee 5, Wisdom 3, Grace 2
Armor Expert
Familiar: The Falcon
Heavy Armor, Sword (Damage 3), Shield, Spear (Damage 2), Falcon (Body 1, Grace 3)
Jon Crandle is the young Baron Prince of Myrmidia. As a child, Jon always wanted to do right and become a true warrior but seemed doom to be a bumbling klutz who got himself into hapless situations time and time again. His father, the great Lord Baron and mightiest knight of the land, sent him to the Monks of the Golden Sun after Jon set a good chunk of the castle on fire accidentally. In the Golden Sun, Jon studied to be a Knight of the Order of the Griffon and was determined to be a success. Eager to achieve great things, please his father and become a mighty warrior worthy of ruling Myrmidia, Jon seeks adventure to prove himself. He acts daring, bold and tries to be very pious and holy. He is, however, incredibly afraid, hates the dark and very insecure. He covers this through his bravado and long-winded speeches. He tries to portray himself as an intelligent warrior scholar, a learned monk with skills in the martial arts.
SoogaGames Blog
Erbun the Dwarf has been sentenced to retrieve a hammer sacred to his dwarfish gods. He's been sent to DOL DOLOR, abandoned Dwarfish outpost, with a crew of heroes.
Upon entering, the party was surprised by a monkey family which inhabited the fortifications of the entrance way. Fleeing, they headed down the ramp into the Trader's Hall, where they slaughtered some of the orcs & goblins who call Dol Dolor home.
After defeating the orcs and goblins they were ambushed by the monkeys, who's tiny paws proved mostly ineffective against the well-armored heroes.
Having defeated the monkeys, they've investigated the fortifications & found treasure to reward them for their battles.
Games are in IRC, pretty much at random per availability: if you idle in IRC weekdays, you stand a good chance of playing!