So, quick question which I think someone can solve easily.
Working with a spreadsheet of construction projects/costs, we're required to 're-program' (re-estimate) a project that received a bid that's +-25% from our original estimate.
Basically if we come up with a project estimate that's $100,000, and the bid comes in at $500,000, we need to re-estimate it.
What I want to do in excel is make a cell show "red" if it hits that 25% difference.
My thought so far is such:
If [origestimate]/[bidestimate] > .25 then cellcolor=red
Partnered with the opposite, of course [origestimate]/[bidestimate] > 1.25 then cellcolor=red
I'm having trouble translating this into excel speak, so I turn to you, the Excel Ninja's.
From there you can set when a Cell changes color and under what conditions
Edit: I think I got it
=[origestimate]/[bidestimate]<.75, color is red and
=[origestimate]/[bidestimate]>1.25 color is red
seems to be working.
-Conditional Formatting
I figured it out already though. Thanks.