Excuse my nubness.. but, lol, how do I make a token?
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Interesting... 2 strikers and 2 defenders
E: I just re-read the submissions from those accepted. This should be a fun group--I'm looking forward to playing with you all!
Same here Bhow,Arkan, NorthGaurd, Powerpuppies and Ill...
It would be interesting to see the adventures/shenanigans of a Genasi, 4 humans and a(n) Elf/ Halfling in KOTS...
What a sight: An eccentric and talkative wizard, a staunch (but young) defender of the wild, a blind spellsword of the arcane arts, a sly and womanising scoundrel, an explorer of tombs and adept of the mechanist arts and either a:1) monk that enjoys fighting, drinking and joking around or 2) a sorceror in search of new horizons and challenges...
Also TunnelRunner:
1) do we send the tokens to you via PM?
2) and what size do they have to be? 1 inch by 1 inch?
3) Will we keep all the OOC and IC stuff in 1 thread? Like keep all OOC stuff in spoiler tags?
Edit:Also I see no divine characters in there... guess someone (probably me) would have to get some religion trained in there...
2nd Edit: Nevermind.. I see Quentin has trained himself in Religion.
Excuse my nubness.. but, lol, how do I make a token?
3rd Edit: Also Ill... i see Fritz only has 4 trained skills, but Thievery and Stealth are already trained AND aren't considered part of the 5 skills you choose (4 because of class and 1 more because he's human); so you should have a total of 7 skills in total, not 4
1) do we send the tokens to you via PM?
2) and what size do they have to be? 1 inch by 1 inch?
3) Will we keep all the OOC and IC stuff in 1 thread? Like keep all OOC stuff in spoiler tags?
You can PM the token or just post it in the thread, 1" by 1" sounds fine, when I talk about tokens I just mean a jpg with your character portrait cropped how you want it and a border. We'll start a day or two after everyone has a token and a character sheet ready.
Critical Failures is enforcing a "one thread per PbP" limit, I believe, so this thread will be OOC/IC with the OOC in spoiler text. Feel free to start working out your character relationships and whatnot. Assembling the party, I imagined it to have been contracted as something like an archaeology expedition to explore and chart Shadowfall Keep, dispatched by the Royal Academy or some such institution.
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Dude I still want to know if you want me to pick a striker (I pick the monk!) or if you want to make a call (totally okay, I love the sorc too). Also CF is not enforcing that limit and may not be for some time, if at all.
Edit: thanks Arkan, I am apparently a moron. Token soon.
While "I wish I could take you all!" sounds like a platitude, I now know DMs are sincere when they say it.
Seriously, this is the worst.
Ultimately, I was able to convince myself that tweaking the encounters to be for six PCs wouldn't be that hard, and in case a player drops out, going from 6 PCs to 5 would be far less traumatic than going from 5 to 4.
and special guest star illgottengains
"Fritz the Rogue"
We'll start the game in a few days, probably continuing to use this thread. Make and post your token before then, I guess? Only Powerpuppies still needs to make a character sheet, if I'm not mistaken. PP, Either of your strikers are acceptable, so I'll go ahead and let you pick whichever one you prefer.
That's all for now.
edit: I think he edited in the bolded part later, so it's understandable that you missed it.
3rd Edit: Also Ill... i see Fritz only has 4 trained skills, but Thievery and Stealth are already trained AND aren't considered part of the 5 skills you choose (4 because of class and 1 more because he's human); so you should have a total of 7 skills in total, not 4
Hm.. ya I went and looked at the mythweaver and for somereason it doesn't like me having 7 trained skills. so I just manually added a +5 mod in there
There's the image, I'm somewhat baffled on how I take the .png file that token tools spits out and turn that into a .jpg.. so here's the image I want to use do with it what you will
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Yeah I'm also having trouble loading the .PNG from that Tokentool, so I posted my pic here instead. Change/Modify it to a token as you please...
Also here's my sheet again: here
Replaced my Off-hand implement wand with a rod; wand felt a little bit out of place for an adept of the mechanist arts.
Assembling the party, I imagined it to have been contracted as something like an archaeology expedition to explore and chart Shadowfall Keep, dispatched by the Royal Academy or some such institution.
Checking the DMG1 book (Chapter 11: Fallcrest), it seems the closest town to Winterhaven is Fallcrest (by a few days). Are we to assume we were hired by a representative of the Royal Acadamy during Quentin's (Bhow's) Wizard's Congress there; or are we going to get contracted by the representative at Winterhaven?
Bhow wrote:
Wizards Congress, the ancient assembly of scholars and arcane practitioners
Dude I still want to know if you want me to pick a striker (I pick the monk!) or if you want to make a call (totally okay, I love the sorc too). Also CF is not enforcing that limit and may not be for some time, if at all.
Edit: thanks Arkan, I am apparently a moron. Token soon.
Dude! Elven Monk FTW!8-)
TiamatZ on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited September 2009
I couldn't get the RPTools Token Tool to run, but I added a 1x1 .jpg to my submission post (on page two).
Also, (for clarification of my original thoughts, feel free to do as you will with it, TR), the Wizards Congress doesn't exist. QTF has come across scattered passages in his studies indicating that, in the mists of time past, senior mages would gather when necessity called for their pooled skills and knowledge, as well as regular meetings to adjudicate wizardly matters and establish arcane protocols to serve and protect society. QTF is pursuing these leads to learn more about this congress to improve his personal skills and perhaps eventually re-organize an arcane collective. He is also awed by the incredible power that must have surged through the ether during these meetings.
Fragmented passages indicate that such a meeting may have occurred in the area of this adventure (Fallcrest? Winterhaven?).
Bhow on
Iron WeaselDillon!You son of a bitch!Registered Userregular
edited September 2009
Some great submissions in this thread - congrats to those who made the cut. Have fun!
Iron Weasel on
Currently Playing:
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
Some great submissions in this thread - congrats to those who made the cut. Have fun!
Thanks Iron, definitely looking forward to working with this group (and to play in my 1st PbP game)...
Also TR, can you change the heading of this thread now, seeing as recruitment is done?
Edit: Thanks TR.
Edit 2: Also North, where's your pic? Or are you just gonna post the token to TR?
TiamatZ on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Sorry for doubleposting....
But Yuriel is !Ready for adventure...
Also, when we do our 1st RP session, can we post our 1st impressions of the other PCs (considering that we only met them a few days ago, and therefore don't know each other's background) as part of our viewpoint of the world?
Fritz was definitely eavesdropping as the old guy in the professor get up gathered and briefed the group of adventurers. He pretended not to be spying of course, sitting at the bar, half drunk with a full goblet of wine. He'd been sitting there brooding for as long as anyone had been there and hadn't said a word except to call for more wine.
As the archeologist was about to conclude the contract Fritz twisted out of the stool and walked quietly up to the table. He surprised those who had their backs to him as he set his glass on the table, but not before taking a nip of it. With his hood ever over his head the obvious scoundrel grinned in a way that looked quite menacing but felt to him more like glee.
"I have heard all the details, sirs, and I will have you know that I'll be coming along for the ride." He nodded. "Note that none among you is prepared to enter into locked doors? Had you thought of that? Hm? Going to bash it down I suppose? I can assure I'm quite adept at opening locks, and other things as well.."
The tip of his hood pointed over towards the archeologist.
"Do not worry over my fee, you wouldn't be able to afford to hire me I'm afraid. I'll go out of the goodness in my heart," He snickers before addressing the group. "And worry not about your coin purses, I'm no petty thief. You can call me Fritz."
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
I'm going to assume we start in a pub/tavern in Fallcrest, since we aren't on the road yet...
Also these are merely my IC impressions of the party members (since we just met), so don't feel offended or anything...
"Well met, Fritz", the Genasi said as he viewed the short, cloaked man that emerged from behind the group. “My name’s Yuriel Firestarter.” Yuriel offers his hand in greeting to the human. “I may not be the leader or spokesperson of the group, though I may be in charge of inspecting all relics and antiques that we would find in the Keep. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Keep near Winterhaven?”
Yuriel was glad to have received this task. Many of his expeditions in the empty tombs and temples have been fruitless, leaving Yuriel with few gold coins and left him with a financial crisis on the horizon. How fortuitous that he bumped in an archeologist on his way out of Fallcrest, and a representative of the Royal Acadamy no less! Yuriel gladly accepted the job, seeing as he would get paid and continue with his lifelong ambition.
1st impressions
Keldan: Yuriel eyed the young, but tall warden sitting in the corner of the group. At first, Yuriel thought he was a Goliath, until he saw that the man was in fact a human. Yuriel has had little experience dealing with the many savage and uncultured tribes around Nentir Vale, but he had heard many rumors of the Black Elk tribe, and was glad that they were one of the few tribes that tolerated outsiders, most notably the Dwarves of Hammerfast. Still he eyed the warrior with uncertainty; he’ll only judge him once battle has started to view just how strong Keldan and his kind were…
Quentin:Light! If Quentin’s power with the arcane was as dominant as his speeches, he would be unstoppable! The wizard was the first to be recruited by the archeologist, and has since never stopped talking about the mission. But, Yuriel admitted, he was growing a soft spot for the Genasi. Finally, an intellectual equal to discuss the advance arcane theories of magic together. Since Yuriel’s departure from the White Lotus Academy, there was no other arcane user for Yuriel to discuss plans, ideas and theories with. No doubt during their free time they can discuss some of Mordenkainen’s advance theories of conjurations…
Thom: The red headed man was something of an enigma to Yuriel. Thom always wore a blindfold over his eyes, yet could see as any man can in daylight. It took Yuriel only a while to realize that Thom was blind, and that his sight was a magical enchantment placed on his eyes. But Yuriel wasn’t disgusted by that. On the contrary, that made Thom a unique individual, something that Yuriel respected. Now the only thing that Yuriel wants to find out is how effective Thom’s vision would be in battle…
Thaladh: Yuriel has never met a more rowdy man than this elf. Yuriel’s impression of monks was of men that were disciplined, quiet and reserved. Though Thaladh had the discipline part, he lacked the remaining traits, and was loud, boisterous and was always looking for a challenge. Already, Thaladh had defeated his 5th opponent at arm wrestling (in a row) and was declaring for a 6th challenger. He was the wildcard of this group. Yet Yuriel didn’t mind. In fact he enjoyed Thaladh’s company, since it means they won’t get bored along the trip…
And finally Fritz: There was something odd about this short, cloaked figure. Yuriel just couldn’t place his finger at it. Must be the ale, Yuriel concluded. But if Fritz’s claims at being an expert of lockpicking were accurate, then he was glad to have such an asset to the team. Just don't leave him behind your back though…
His left hand lifting his goblet for another swig while he gripped Yuriel's hand. "A pleasure to meet you. Yes, yes, by all means you may identify the treasure that lie awaiting inside booby trapped chests! Ha! I cannot wait. We should set off as soon as possible!"
He hooked the leg of a nearby chair by his foot and dragged it closer to the table before sitting down. Fritz takes another pull from the goblet. With the back of his hand he wipes a bit of red wine of his chin.
"I know not of this keep except what our fine employer as said. As a side note, for future endeavors you might fine discussing matters in a more private location has it's advantages.. like not having drunken rogues listening in on you! Ha! HAHA!
Fritz goes to have another sip but finds his goblet empty, he's splashed the last of it while gloating. He whistles toward a waitress and raises the empty vessel.
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Drunken rogues indeed, pondered Yuriel.
“But I was under the impression that Fallcrest was perhaps the only ‘safest’ town in all of Nentir Vale.”, Yuriel utters as more of a boast than as an offense.
Safe. Since the fall of the human Empire of Nerath hundreds of years ago, no land has been safe. It was considered a traveler’s fortune to travel from one town to another in one road and not get ambush or killed on the way. Very few towns had were safe from bandits, barbarians and goblinoids, and even fewer had a means to protect themselves with. Though Fallcrest had a lousy Militia, it was still a militia nonetheless. Even bars tend to go overboard and people might lose their lives in a barfight. Best to make more allies than enemies…
“Tell you what Fritz. Let me get you a drink. I’ll even pay for it.”
Afterwards Yuriel returns to his companions and sits in one of the many chairs the archeologist gratiously offered for the group.
-5 silver for a drink
TiamatZ on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited September 2009
“Thank you, Dr.”, nodding to the archeologist as he stands. Now facing the rest of the group around the table, “Our esteemed colleague of the collecting arts has presented the information we need to begin our investigation, sparse as that information may be. No matter! Great trees have grown from the tiniest of seeds. And the welcome of grey Fritz, invitation not withstanding, should his skills equal his boast, will fill an important role that had earlier been glaringly gaping. But, good doctor,” again turning to the archeologist who had sent their invitations, “In good conscience I could not yet commend my compatriots, soon to be heroes of wide reknown, to this endeavor without importuning one more time as to what, to be specific, awaits us. What bestiary inhabitants lurk along the path, what arcane horro—that is to say, “opportunities” may we expect?”
Professor Fighum retakes his seat, as the assembled adventurers turn their faces back to the man none of them had met before today, yet were all soon to trust with their very lives.
Fighum’s journal Fallcrest
I’ve met the others who will make up our expedition. They are not…what I expected. Though I hope each will prove adept in his craft, I must confess that we weave a harlequin quilt of many backgrounds.
Yuriel is a genasi, and the elemental’s touch is clear in his appearance and demeanor. He will clearly be the most provoking conversationalist, and I look forward to comparing notes on summoning elemental forces. I expect we may have a most enjoyable study in the evening camps.
Young Thom should also prove a very interesting study. Blind from birth, yet the arcane forces swirling around him are nearly palpable, and indeed he suffers not from his lack of visual sight due to the influence of these magical effects. A nice young gentleman, too--Where his eyes fail to see, his heart will lead the way. I do admit, seeing a “blind” man swinging a gleaming scimitar does cause one to take several steps backward.
Keldan is an enormous wild man from the Barbary lands, who seems clearly uncomfortable among our civilized accoutrements, which must surely seem fanciful and wondrous to his savage eyes. The monk, Thalad, is nearly as wild though much more comfortable. His boisterous manner recalls me to my youthful days as a student, when the apprentices would sneak into the Gilded Gelding to raise the tankard and play prestidigitation poker.
Our benefactor was rather more taciturn than I would have liked, essentially whetting our appetite with gilded bait, then pointing in the general direction of “the keep.” I expect he intended to tell us more, but a ruffian of apparent disrepute invited himself into our conference, and the Dr. didn’t object. Maybe he had expected him to be part of group all along? I’ll have to consider that… Anyway, depending on what awaits us, his fine motor skills may prove to be quite beneficial.
Bhow on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Thaladh dispatches finds a sixth challenger at arm wrestling, and begins the contest with a raucous shout: "Sound the horn, toss the dice! A warrior's contest!"
After a long struggle, the elf is at last bested by a burly dwarf. Ruefully ripping off a mocking salute, Thaladh spends the winnings from his previous bouts buying drinks for his various opponents.
The waitress is loathe to offer more alcohol to the loudest patron of the bar, but he scoffs at her suggestion that he's had enough, and proceeds to do an intricate jig to demonstrate his rather dubious sobriety. Receiving yet another pint of ale, he bids adieu to his newfound friends and seeks to rejoin his companions. Sprawling across his chair, he listens to the professor's speech with amusement.
"Ah! Thank you... Yuriel, is it? I'm so terrible with names sometimes." Fritz glanced up at the professor as he went on and on. So many words.. "Well, cheers to you, sir! I'll tell you what awaits us. Adventure! We'll be slaying dragons one moment and dashing away from huge rolling boulders the next! Obviously you've never been on an adventure before! Oh, ho!"
Fritz jumps up out of his chair, whipping out his short sword in the same motion. Wine glass in his left hand and blade in the right he shadow-fences unknown enemies. "We'll be surrounded, no doubt, by hordes of undead! Hemmed in on all sides." He slashes frantically, before and after pausing to sip his wine. "It will be quite perilous! Some of us may not make it back alive!"
Thom sighed. Not for the first time he'd been questioning his decision to join with a group of fellow adventurers rather than setting out of his own - half of this 'merry band' seemed thoroughly mad. Oh, Keldan seemed decent enough - if... backwards, and Yuriel seemed alright, but the damned wizard never shut up, the monk was the most boisterous person he'd ever met, and this rogue that had just shown up seemed completely untrustworthy.
He smiled. Ah, well, I'm sure they all have their redeeming qualities!... somewhere...
He turned back to the rest of the group. "Right. Remind me what's so important about this keep?"
"Right. Remind me what's so important about this keep?"
Yuriel & Fighum, this is your call. The Adventure states that the keep is 100 years old and from the Nerath empire, but you can change that to shape it into a hook for an ongoing adventure, for instance. As academics, I think a campaign focused on an ancient civilization would make for good motivation.
And the treasures of that civilization would interest the other members of the party. As we go on and we get for information on the other members of the party, we can develop more hooks for them and for the party as a whole.
Also, those of you who have not provided your token yet, can you give me a rough estimate of when that'll happen?
Fritz chuckles with amusement. Then, with a little sigh he sheathes his short sword and settles back into his chair.
"Why should anyone go delving into the depths of dangerous dungeons, rife with evil demons and black dragon's lurking in the darkness!? For the treasure, of course! And also the glory!" Fritz lifts his goblet in salute, splashing some wine over the table. "TO GLORY!"
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Yuriel gave a nod at the rogue's direction, then moved to the middle of the group, puts his hands in the air and says, “Quiet everyone, Quiet. I know we aren’t exactly from common ground and come from different stations of society, what with some of us being users of the arcane and others (looking around the room) being masters of other talents. So I’ll give you the gist of what’s going on. Afterwards, if you have any questions, just ask me or Professor Fighum. But I expect everyone to be ready to leave Fallcrest in two days, for the trip to Winterhaven would take at most three days. And with the winter fast approaching, it would be wise to get to Winterhaven before the first fall of snow.”
"Well, as far as I've heard from our archeologist friend, the Keep is over a hundred years old. Apparently the ancient empire of Nerath (an age old human empire) built a keep there, though Vecna knows why. After the empire’s collapse and the decades of ‘supposed’ peace that followed, the village of Winterhaven arose within the region of the keep. Eventually, the great stronghold fell into ruins and its exact purpose is forgotten by many, even to this day. Apparently the Royal Academy sent expeditions to the keep, but they mysteriously vanished. So instead of wasting their more experienced personnel to attacks and whatnot, they've decided to rather 'waste' their gold on an adventuring party, that adventuring party being all of us (waves his hand in an arch, pointing to all of the PCs)”
“Think about it Thom.” Yuriel points directly to Thom. “An empty keep, with ancient, rare and perhaps even powerful artifacts just waiting to be discovered. And don’t forget the treasure! Who knows how much jewels, gold and riches lie beneath it. This could be the discovery of the century, perhaps even in generations.”
“But there’s a catch though. No one knows exactly where the keep’s true location is, since the empire usually built many ‘dummy’ keeps to confuse their enemies. My theory is that maybe the citizens of Winterhaven know its exact whereabouts, since they were the descendants of the original keep’s personnel.”
Yuriel looks to the group, and speaks, “What says the rest of you?”
So far these are the hooks I’ve got:
1) Find the keep
2) Find what happened to the other expiditions and their members
3) Travel to Winterhaven
4) Fame and Riches Galore!
Also, I'm not really the leader of the group, so if anyone wants to be the leader, just say so, I'll have no problems with it.
Also TR, did the representative say anything about payment and anything specific he/she/it wants from the Keep?
Fritz would love to be group leader, although some may not see him as the best suited. He does have some experience with dungeons, combat, and adventuring, but he isn't very sociable so he wont make a good face.
Fritz took a moment to choke down his enthusiasm. He thought about possible courses of action.
"I agree that there most be someone among the townspeople of Winterhaven who knows where the keep lies. Or they will tell us what they think to be the keep but is actually a dummy keep, as you say. In either case the only thing to do seems to be to get as close to it's suspected location as we can, Winterhaven to be precise, and start asking questions.."
He shrugged. "Unfortunately the more people was ask about it the more will know we're up to something, it could attract some unwanted attention. Perhaps even those who now hold the keep have spies among the villagers, any prudent leader would.. We must be careful not to draw to much notice. Hm. I begin to wonder if the previous expedition even made it to the keep.."
"It's no matter. I think however that we should set off as soon as possible. Why wait for two days? How long could it possibly take to put together your traveling packs?"
illgottengains on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited September 2009
Prof. Fighum sees himself as the natural "face." Being bookish, he has no real desire to be the leader, but when the alternative choices are blind, drunk, blind drunk, a wild-man or a pyromaniacal genasi, well, he feels he would be the least off-putting to the general man in the street. Of course, his perception may not equal reality.
"I would add to Yuriel's depiction," added the professor, "only that something..." He paused but a moment to draw the appropriate words together, "magically significant has occurred in the keep's past."
"And Fritz has the right of it," nodding towards the figure in the wine-stained cloak. "We've collected what information Fallcrest offers. I suggest we move toward our goal before Yuriel's snow storms overtake us."
Bhow on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
"Quite right! Onward to battle and so forth," says the monk, finishing his drink. "Dicing and wrestling with other folk in the taproom can entertain for only so long."
Powerpuppies on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
I'll post my next IC post once I hear from NorthGaurd and Arkan.
Arkan and Powerpuppies: do you mind if I use these as your tokens until you create your own?
TiamatZ: Your benefactor, who will be revealed later (when I come up with something good), has recently obtained information that Shadowfell Keep, which was believed to have been fully explored and mapped, has additional subterranean chambers whose entrance was deliberately hidden. Armed with this knowledge, your party has been dispatched to the remote Winterhaven region to discover whether this information is correct, what items of interest are within the hidden chambers of the Keep, etc. The unusual content of the exploratory party was a precaution, as the region has become increasingly lawless and its roads unsafe for travelers.
If don't hear from NorthGuard by Friday, then we will get started on the journey without him, and he can jump whenever.
Thom shrugs. "Well, gold I'm not particularly interested in... Perhaps because I can't be distracted by how shiny it is..." he said, musing quietly to himself.
He stood, checking his pack by touch to make sure he had all his belongings. "Well, I have no other pressing engagements; if the rest of you are prepared, then we may as well set out."
Let's go ahead and kill time by running the first encounter, since it's pretty inconsequential and takes place before we even get to Winterhaven. Then you can get to exploring the town and its residents.
The rooftops of Winterhaven are just appearing over the horizon when a reptilian screech stops our party dead in their tracks. Small, scaled humanoids creep and scrabble out from behind a patch of roadside boulders. Dressed in cloths and hides dyed a deep blue, their claws clutching crude weaponry, the sharp toothed bandits advance on the travelers standing before them, their slitted eyes gleaming malevolently. The largest of the gang leaps atop a boulder and levels his blade at our heroes. He commands in harsh, hissing Common, "Pitiful travelersssss! Pay tribute to your Kobold sssssuperiorssss, or tastes the bite of our bladesss!"
Excuse my nubness.. but, lol, how do I make a token?
Same here Bhow,Arkan, NorthGaurd, Powerpuppies and Ill...
It would be interesting to see the adventures/shenanigans of a Genasi, 4 humans and a(n) Elf/ Halfling in KOTS...
What a sight: An eccentric and talkative wizard, a staunch (but young) defender of the wild, a blind spellsword of the arcane arts, a sly and womanising scoundrel, an explorer of tombs and adept of the mechanist arts and either a:1) monk that enjoys fighting, drinking and joking around or 2) a sorceror in search of new horizons and challenges...
Also TunnelRunner:
1) do we send the tokens to you via PM?
2) and what size do they have to be? 1 inch by 1 inch?
3) Will we keep all the OOC and IC stuff in 1 thread? Like keep all OOC stuff in spoiler tags?
Edit:Also I see no divine characters in there... guess someone (probably me) would have to get some religion trained in there...
2nd Edit: Nevermind.. I see Quentin has trained himself in Religion.
FOund a site that makes Tokens: Found here
3rd Edit: Also Ill... i see Fritz only has 4 trained skills, but Thievery and Stealth are already trained AND aren't considered part of the 5 skills you choose (4 because of class and 1 more because he's human); so you should have a total of 7 skills in total, not 4
I'm also curious about how to make a token... looking forward to playing with everyone.
EDIT: Okay, saw the website there. Thanks TiamatZ.
EDIT 2: I already had a CB up, but here's a link to my Orokos sheet: http://4e.orokos.com/sheets/1121
No Prob North, found it by accident...
Deadonthestreet - let me know if you are interested in running it, we'd have enough if you'd be willing.
You can PM the token or just post it in the thread, 1" by 1" sounds fine, when I talk about tokens I just mean a jpg with your character portrait cropped how you want it and a border. We'll start a day or two after everyone has a token and a character sheet ready.
Critical Failures is enforcing a "one thread per PbP" limit, I believe, so this thread will be OOC/IC with the OOC in spoiler text. Feel free to start working out your character relationships and whatnot. Assembling the party, I imagined it to have been contracted as something like an archaeology expedition to explore and chart Shadowfall Keep, dispatched by the Royal Academy or some such institution.
The Party
TiamatZ: Yuriel Firestarter, Genasi Artificer (leader)
Bhow: Quentin Thoratious Fighum, Human Wizard (controller)
Arkan: Thom Valeheim, Human Swordmage (defender)
NorthGuard: Keldan Stoneweaver, Human Warden (defender)
Powerpuppies: undecided (striker)
illgottengains: Fritz the Rogue
Edit: thanks Arkan, I am apparently a moron. Token soon.
edit: I think he edited in the bolded part later, so it's understandable that you missed it.
Hm.. ya I went and looked at the mythweaver and for somereason it doesn't like me having 7 trained skills. so I just manually added a +5 mod in there
There's the image, I'm somewhat baffled on how I take the .png file that token tools spits out and turn that into a .jpg.. so here's the image I want to use do with it what you will
Yeah I'm also having trouble loading the .PNG from that Tokentool, so I posted my pic here instead. Change/Modify it to a token as you please...
Also here's my sheet again: here
Replaced my Off-hand implement wand with a rod; wand felt a little bit out of place for an adept of the mechanist arts.
Checking the DMG1 book (Chapter 11: Fallcrest), it seems the closest town to Winterhaven is Fallcrest (by a few days). Are we to assume we were hired by a representative of the Royal Acadamy during Quentin's (Bhow's) Wizard's Congress there; or are we going to get contracted by the representative at Winterhaven?
Bhow wrote:
Dude! Elven Monk FTW!8-)
Also, (for clarification of my original thoughts, feel free to do as you will with it, TR), the Wizards Congress doesn't exist. QTF has come across scattered passages in his studies indicating that, in the mists of time past, senior mages would gather when necessity called for their pooled skills and knowledge, as well as regular meetings to adjudicate wizardly matters and establish arcane protocols to serve and protect society. QTF is pursuing these leads to learn more about this congress to improve his personal skills and perhaps eventually re-organize an arcane collective. He is also awed by the incredible power that must have surged through the ether during these meetings.
Fragmented passages indicate that such a meeting may have occurred in the area of this adventure (Fallcrest? Winterhaven?).
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Thanks Iron, definitely looking forward to working with this group (and to play in my 1st PbP game)...
Also TR, can you change the heading of this thread now, seeing as recruitment is done?
Edit: Thanks TR.
Edit 2: Also North, where's your pic? Or are you just gonna post the token to TR?
But Yuriel is !Ready for adventure...
Also, when we do our 1st RP session, can we post our 1st impressions of the other PCs (considering that we only met them a few days ago, and therefore don't know each other's background) as part of our viewpoint of the world?
Fritz was definitely eavesdropping as the old guy in the professor get up gathered and briefed the group of adventurers. He pretended not to be spying of course, sitting at the bar, half drunk with a full goblet of wine. He'd been sitting there brooding for as long as anyone had been there and hadn't said a word except to call for more wine.
As the archeologist was about to conclude the contract Fritz twisted out of the stool and walked quietly up to the table. He surprised those who had their backs to him as he set his glass on the table, but not before taking a nip of it. With his hood ever over his head the obvious scoundrel grinned in a way that looked quite menacing but felt to him more like glee.
"I have heard all the details, sirs, and I will have you know that I'll be coming along for the ride." He nodded. "Note that none among you is prepared to enter into locked doors? Had you thought of that? Hm? Going to bash it down I suppose? I can assure I'm quite adept at opening locks, and other things as well.."
The tip of his hood pointed over towards the archeologist.
"Do not worry over my fee, you wouldn't be able to afford to hire me I'm afraid. I'll go out of the goodness in my heart," He snickers before addressing the group. "And worry not about your coin purses, I'm no petty thief. You can call me Fritz."
Also these are merely my IC impressions of the party members (since we just met), so don't feel offended or anything...
"Well met, Fritz", the Genasi said as he viewed the short, cloaked man that emerged from behind the group. “My name’s Yuriel Firestarter.” Yuriel offers his hand in greeting to the human. “I may not be the leader or spokesperson of the group, though I may be in charge of inspecting all relics and antiques that we would find in the Keep. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Keep near Winterhaven?”
Yuriel was glad to have received this task. Many of his expeditions in the empty tombs and temples have been fruitless, leaving Yuriel with few gold coins and left him with a financial crisis on the horizon. How fortuitous that he bumped in an archeologist on his way out of Fallcrest, and a representative of the Royal Acadamy no less! Yuriel gladly accepted the job, seeing as he would get paid and continue with his lifelong ambition.
1st impressions
Keldan: Yuriel eyed the young, but tall warden sitting in the corner of the group. At first, Yuriel thought he was a Goliath, until he saw that the man was in fact a human. Yuriel has had little experience dealing with the many savage and uncultured tribes around Nentir Vale, but he had heard many rumors of the Black Elk tribe, and was glad that they were one of the few tribes that tolerated outsiders, most notably the Dwarves of Hammerfast. Still he eyed the warrior with uncertainty; he’ll only judge him once battle has started to view just how strong Keldan and his kind were…
Quentin: Light! If Quentin’s power with the arcane was as dominant as his speeches, he would be unstoppable! The wizard was the first to be recruited by the archeologist, and has since never stopped talking about the mission. But, Yuriel admitted, he was growing a soft spot for the Genasi. Finally, an intellectual equal to discuss the advance arcane theories of magic together. Since Yuriel’s departure from the White Lotus Academy, there was no other arcane user for Yuriel to discuss plans, ideas and theories with. No doubt during their free time they can discuss some of Mordenkainen’s advance theories of conjurations…
Thom: The red headed man was something of an enigma to Yuriel. Thom always wore a blindfold over his eyes, yet could see as any man can in daylight. It took Yuriel only a while to realize that Thom was blind, and that his sight was a magical enchantment placed on his eyes. But Yuriel wasn’t disgusted by that. On the contrary, that made Thom a unique individual, something that Yuriel respected. Now the only thing that Yuriel wants to find out is how effective Thom’s vision would be in battle…
Thaladh: Yuriel has never met a more rowdy man than this elf. Yuriel’s impression of monks was of men that were disciplined, quiet and reserved. Though Thaladh had the discipline part, he lacked the remaining traits, and was loud, boisterous and was always looking for a challenge. Already, Thaladh had defeated his 5th opponent at arm wrestling (in a row) and was declaring for a 6th challenger. He was the wildcard of this group. Yet Yuriel didn’t mind. In fact he enjoyed Thaladh’s company, since it means they won’t get bored along the trip…
And finally Fritz: There was something odd about this short, cloaked figure. Yuriel just couldn’t place his finger at it. Must be the ale, Yuriel concluded. But if Fritz’s claims at being an expert of lockpicking were accurate, then he was glad to have such an asset to the team. Just don't leave him behind your back though…
He hooked the leg of a nearby chair by his foot and dragged it closer to the table before sitting down. Fritz takes another pull from the goblet. With the back of his hand he wipes a bit of red wine of his chin.
"I know not of this keep except what our fine employer as said. As a side note, for future endeavors you might fine discussing matters in a more private location has it's advantages.. like not having drunken rogues listening in on you! Ha! HAHA!
Fritz goes to have another sip but finds his goblet empty, he's splashed the last of it while gloating. He whistles toward a waitress and raises the empty vessel.
“But I was under the impression that Fallcrest was perhaps the only ‘safest’ town in all of Nentir Vale.”, Yuriel utters as more of a boast than as an offense.
Safe. Since the fall of the human Empire of Nerath hundreds of years ago, no land has been safe. It was considered a traveler’s fortune to travel from one town to another in one road and not get ambush or killed on the way. Very few towns had were safe from bandits, barbarians and goblinoids, and even fewer had a means to protect themselves with. Though Fallcrest had a lousy Militia, it was still a militia nonetheless. Even bars tend to go overboard and people might lose their lives in a barfight. Best to make more allies than enemies…
“Tell you what Fritz. Let me get you a drink. I’ll even pay for it.”
Afterwards Yuriel returns to his companions and sits in one of the many chairs the archeologist gratiously offered for the group.
Professor Fighum retakes his seat, as the assembled adventurers turn their faces back to the man none of them had met before today, yet were all soon to trust with their very lives.
Fighum’s journal
I’ve met the others who will make up our expedition. They are not…what I expected. Though I hope each will prove adept in his craft, I must confess that we weave a harlequin quilt of many backgrounds.
Yuriel is a genasi, and the elemental’s touch is clear in his appearance and demeanor. He will clearly be the most provoking conversationalist, and I look forward to comparing notes on summoning elemental forces. I expect we may have a most enjoyable study in the evening camps.
Young Thom should also prove a very interesting study. Blind from birth, yet the arcane forces swirling around him are nearly palpable, and indeed he suffers not from his lack of visual sight due to the influence of these magical effects. A nice young gentleman, too--Where his eyes fail to see, his heart will lead the way. I do admit, seeing a “blind” man swinging a gleaming scimitar does cause one to take several steps backward.
Keldan is an enormous wild man from the Barbary lands, who seems clearly uncomfortable among our civilized accoutrements, which must surely seem fanciful and wondrous to his savage eyes. The monk, Thalad, is nearly as wild though much more comfortable. His boisterous manner recalls me to my youthful days as a student, when the apprentices would sneak into the Gilded Gelding to raise the tankard and play prestidigitation poker.
Our benefactor was rather more taciturn than I would have liked, essentially whetting our appetite with gilded bait, then pointing in the general direction of “the keep.” I expect he intended to tell us more, but a ruffian of apparent disrepute invited himself into our conference, and the Dr. didn’t object. Maybe he had expected him to be part of group all along? I’ll have to consider that… Anyway, depending on what awaits us, his fine motor skills may prove to be quite beneficial.
After a long struggle, the elf is at last bested by a burly dwarf. Ruefully ripping off a mocking salute, Thaladh spends the winnings from his previous bouts buying drinks for his various opponents.
The waitress is loathe to offer more alcohol to the loudest patron of the bar, but he scoffs at her suggestion that he's had enough, and proceeds to do an intricate jig to demonstrate his rather dubious sobriety. Receiving yet another pint of ale, he bids adieu to his newfound friends and seeks to rejoin his companions. Sprawling across his chair, he listens to the professor's speech with amusement.
Fritz jumps up out of his chair, whipping out his short sword in the same motion. Wine glass in his left hand and blade in the right he shadow-fences unknown enemies. "We'll be surrounded, no doubt, by hordes of undead! Hemmed in on all sides." He slashes frantically, before and after pausing to sip his wine. "It will be quite perilous! Some of us may not make it back alive!"
He smiled. Ah, well, I'm sure they all have their redeeming qualities!... somewhere...
He turned back to the rest of the group. "Right. Remind me what's so important about this keep?"
And the treasures of that civilization would interest the other members of the party. As we go on and we get for information on the other members of the party, we can develop more hooks for them and for the party as a whole.
Also, those of you who have not provided your token yet, can you give me a rough estimate of when that'll happen?
Where do you people get all this awesome fantasy-related artwork, anyway?
"Why should anyone go delving into the depths of dangerous dungeons, rife with evil demons and black dragon's lurking in the darkness!? For the treasure, of course! And also the glory!" Fritz lifts his goblet in salute, splashing some wine over the table. "TO GLORY!"
"Well, as far as I've heard from our archeologist friend, the Keep is over a hundred years old. Apparently the ancient empire of Nerath (an age old human empire) built a keep there, though Vecna knows why. After the empire’s collapse and the decades of ‘supposed’ peace that followed, the village of Winterhaven arose within the region of the keep. Eventually, the great stronghold fell into ruins and its exact purpose is forgotten by many, even to this day. Apparently the Royal Academy sent expeditions to the keep, but they mysteriously vanished. So instead of wasting their more experienced personnel to attacks and whatnot, they've decided to rather 'waste' their gold on an adventuring party, that adventuring party being all of us (waves his hand in an arch, pointing to all of the PCs)”
“Think about it Thom.” Yuriel points directly to Thom. “An empty keep, with ancient, rare and perhaps even powerful artifacts just waiting to be discovered. And don’t forget the treasure! Who knows how much jewels, gold and riches lie beneath it. This could be the discovery of the century, perhaps even in generations.”
“But there’s a catch though. No one knows exactly where the keep’s true location is, since the empire usually built many ‘dummy’ keeps to confuse their enemies. My theory is that maybe the citizens of Winterhaven know its exact whereabouts, since they were the descendants of the original keep’s personnel.”
Yuriel looks to the group, and speaks, “What says the rest of you?”
1) Find the keep
2) Find what happened to the other expiditions and their members
3) Travel to Winterhaven
4) Fame and Riches Galore!
Also, I'm not really the leader of the group, so if anyone wants to be the leader, just say so, I'll have no problems with it.
Also TR, did the representative say anything about payment and anything specific he/she/it wants from the Keep?
Fritz took a moment to choke down his enthusiasm. He thought about possible courses of action.
"I agree that there most be someone among the townspeople of Winterhaven who knows where the keep lies. Or they will tell us what they think to be the keep but is actually a dummy keep, as you say. In either case the only thing to do seems to be to get as close to it's suspected location as we can, Winterhaven to be precise, and start asking questions.."
He shrugged. "Unfortunately the more people was ask about it the more will know we're up to something, it could attract some unwanted attention. Perhaps even those who now hold the keep have spies among the villagers, any prudent leader would.. We must be careful not to draw to much notice. Hm. I begin to wonder if the previous expedition even made it to the keep.."
"It's no matter. I think however that we should set off as soon as possible. Why wait for two days? How long could it possibly take to put together your traveling packs?"
"I would add to Yuriel's depiction," added the professor, "only that something..." He paused but a moment to draw the appropriate words together, "magically significant has occurred in the keep's past."
"And Fritz has the right of it," nodding towards the figure in the wine-stained cloak. "We've collected what information Fallcrest offers. I suggest we move toward our goal before Yuriel's snow storms overtake us."
Just want to hear if North's still playing...
TiamatZ: Your benefactor, who will be revealed later (when I come up with something good), has recently obtained information that Shadowfell Keep, which was believed to have been fully explored and mapped, has additional subterranean chambers whose entrance was deliberately hidden. Armed with this knowledge, your party has been dispatched to the remote Winterhaven region to discover whether this information is correct, what items of interest are within the hidden chambers of the Keep, etc. The unusual content of the exploratory party was a precaution, as the region has become increasingly lawless and its roads unsafe for travelers.
If don't hear from NorthGuard by Friday, then we will get started on the journey without him, and he can jump whenever.
Thom shrugs. "Well, gold I'm not particularly interested in... Perhaps because I can't be distracted by how shiny it is..." he said, musing quietly to himself.
He stood, checking his pack by touch to make sure he had all his belongings. "Well, I have no other pressing engagements; if the rest of you are prepared, then we may as well set out."
The rooftops of Winterhaven are just appearing over the horizon when a reptilian screech stops our party dead in their tracks. Small, scaled humanoids creep and scrabble out from behind a patch of roadside boulders. Dressed in cloths and hides dyed a deep blue, their claws clutching crude weaponry, the sharp toothed bandits advance on the travelers standing before them, their slitted eyes gleaming malevolently. The largest of the gang leaps atop a boulder and levels his blade at our heroes. He commands in harsh, hissing Common, "Pitiful travelersssss! Pay tribute to your Kobold sssssuperiorssss, or tastes the bite of our bladesss!"
That, or break out your wallets.