Seeking a Volunteer who is attending PAX on Friday and Sunday to go by the Guild Wars 2 booth #842 on Friday and pick up a free hardcover Guild Wars 2 Concept Art book....then give it to me for my autisitic daughter on Sunday!! I could only get tickets for Sunday and all the books will be gone by then. I would be happy to pay you for your time! This would mean the world to my daughter and somehow I would pay it forward!
You can reach me by email then I can give you my phone number so we can find each other Sunday!
A huge THANKS to any good samaritans out there!
dear Maam, apparently they are well prepared to give those away, so I don't think you should be alarmed, you should be able to get one with no problem tomorrow. And Saturday passes was open for sale again last Friday night, wish you able to attend today.