So I took a bit of a tumble about a week ago... I was out of state so didn't have the ability to get it checked and didn't really think much of it.
It hurts to move it in certain directions, and its range is severely limited.
I opened a fairly heavy door earlier with out thinking and this sent shocks of pain.
It has been bruised below the wrist where it hurts for a day or 2 at least now.
I know I know doctor, and I will as soon as I can, but is it broked or just sprained? Never had a sprained anything so I know little about it...
Soilered for what ever reason
The scab looking deal is where I landed, below is bruise...
Just go get an X-ray, and soon. If it's just a sprain, they'll wrap it up or maybe give you one of those plastic casts and send you on your way... but if it's fractured it could heal improperly and cause you to lose range of motion.
You should get to an ER in my opinion, as a guy who has both sprained and broken a wrist. A broken wrist can easily feel like a sprain, but either way, you need to be x-rayed in order to find out what is going on.
I thought I just had a sprain once, after going off my bike, and upon my trip to ER it was "hey you'll need to stay overnight until the orthopaedic surgeon comes in tomorrow to put some temporary pins in your wrist"
So, get to a clinic or ER to get this x-rayed.
Yeah, I'm just gonna hit the clinic up the road I usually go to, after work.
Stupid work medical coverage makes me go get x-rays at a different place but what ever, its free at least, and the clinic will surely be cheaper than an ER visit.
But yeah, something is wrong with your wrist, obviously.
It might not be broken though. Could be sprained or fractured. I just fractured my wrist a few months ago. So that sucked.
Anyways, they gave me an xray order and said if it doesn't show any improvement in a few days to get it zapped. Also recommended some ibuprofen. So I'll see what happens, and update as I know!
If you take too long stopping this from happenning can involve surgery. Get it x-ray'd and rest it.
So THAT'S how I got this STD.
When I fractured my wrist (also had a slight concussion for lack of helmet, which meant cat scan), I didn't have health insurance.
I didn't need surgery or anything too major but it still cost me $3,500.
Fucking hell. I think the cat scan was the most expensive portion of that.
I shudder to think what I would look like if there was no NHS. I think I am north of 15 broken bones in my life, and I sure as hell would not have been able to afford what the repairs cost.
Go free healthcare.