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[PRIME] 1337 = Unofficial PAX Pre-Party (WED 9pm-2am)

Shades747Shades747 Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
The private club I manage hosts a geek night (called "1337") every first Wed of the month and this month is no exception, especially with PAX happening this weekend. Tomorrow we have an audio/video set featuring themes from Sci-Fi movies and television shows and a special "Robot" set in addition to our normal "geek" DJs. This is a bar, so you must be 21+ w ID. We are also a private club, however PAX attendees and Enforcers will be allowed entry. Cover is half price for PAX attendees ($2 gets you in). If you're looking for stuff to do Wed eve, come up and have a drink and listen to some truely geeky music. We're just a few blocks up the hill from the convention center, and just around the corner from IHOP (making responsible drinking easier than ever!).

Mercury @ Machinewerks
1009 E Union (lower)
Seattle, WA

Shades747 on


  • AccalonAccalon Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I might have to rally the MMT troops for this event. What time does it really get going?

    Accalon on
    PAX 2007 Omegathon Champeen

    *Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
  • DarcDarc Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Huh. Well, looks like I'll be there. See you kids tonight.

    A question, however: Will the usual dress code be strictly enforced?

    Darc on
    There are 10 kinds of people; Those who read Binary, and Those who don't.

  • Shades747Shades747 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    On weekdays the club is usually busiest between 10 and 12.

    Dress code will not be enforced for this event.

    And I forgot to mention, we are down in the alley. If you show up at the address posted, you'll need to look for the red "OPEN" light between the two buildings.

    Shades747 on
  • ElektroDragonElektroDragon Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    What is the usual dress code, dare I ask?

    ElektroDragon on
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