Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Pre M2 PA had a forum called The Pit Of Hate, where forumers could make fun of eachother and whatnot, the forum got deleted, people got pissed, and made their own forum.
All the elitist fuckheads went there, and PA was better off, then M2 came along and fucked that up.
Finally, a forum with a stupider origin than TTB.
phased3000 on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited November 2003
Spork admins there. It's the Piotyr connection that I'm missing
Pre M2 PA had a forum called The Pit Of Hate, where forumers could make fun of eachother and whatnot, the forum got deleted, people got pissed, and made their own forum.
All the elitist fuckheads went there, and PA was better off, then M2 came along and fucked that up.
Finally, a forum with a stupider origin than TTB.
You had so much to contribute too. We've really missed your presence. How else am I going to learn about the difficulties of being a stoner teen with the most godawful hair this side of a Final Fantasy game?
Ramius's Place gets more traffic than HA and LV combined now that its name is changed.
Paladin on
Marty: The future, it's where you're going? Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
Ramius's Place gets more traffic than HA and LV combined now that its name is changed.
LV? has someone been making hidden forums and not informing me?
If it was a hidden forum I doubt someone would mention it.
There's always someone dumb enough to let it slip.
Lets not get this off topic so it gets locked. Anatole has a long thread at ttb somewhere(I saw it linked here) and it explains where all these boards came from in relation to PA.
Grayman222 on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
Ramius's Place gets more traffic than HA and LV combined now that its name is changed.
LV? has someone been making hidden forums and not informing me?
If it was a hidden forum I doubt someone would mention it.
There's always someone dumb enough to let it slip.
Lets not get this off topic so it gets locked. Anatole has a long thread at ttb somewhere(I saw it linked here) and it explains where all these boards came from in relation to PA.
He also posted it in the PA communities thread in linksville
Lets not get this off topic so it gets locked. Anatole has a long thread at ttb somewhere(I saw it linked here) and it explains where all these boards came from in relation to PA.
He also posted it in the PA communities thread in linksville
And it has such a wonderful TTB slant on it.
MachineHead on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
Lets not get this off topic so it gets locked. Anatole has a long thread at ttb somewhere(I saw it linked here) and it explains where all these boards came from in relation to PA.
He also posted it in the PA communities thread in linksville
And it has such a wonderful TTB slant on it.
Not realy surprising. But it is still a good write up.
...What the?
All the elitist fuckheads went there, and PA was better off, then M2 came along and fucked that up.
Finally, a forum with a stupider origin than TTB.
If I remember right soon after CoT started up Piotyr was running around acting like the Lord of the CoT. I know it wasn't TTB.
That was Sir Robin... Just about everyone at the CoT had a go at him and he left for good...
Piotyr came for about 3 posts to tell us how stupid we were and then left, and since then there's been little to no trouble...
...Well, there is Kathy *shudder*...
There's even rumours of a Thorn Show 2... Well, by rumours I mean "I made it, and it's waiting on Robsoft to make some sound..."
Ohhhhh yeah. I always got those two confused. At least I said "If I remember right...". Well...they both annoyed me.
And they're both not at the CoT anymore...
Robin fucked off to TTB, anyway...
Wooo! Another reason to not bother. He used to send me totally random IM's like "OMG WTF Gorillas!!!111". I finally had to block him.
...He asked whether or not I was an enemy of Free China a couple of days ago...
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
LV? has someone been making hidden forums and not informing me?
If it was a hidden forum I doubt someone would mention it.
There's always someone dumb enough to let it slip.
Lets not get this off topic so it gets locked. Anatole has a long thread at ttb somewhere(I saw it linked here) and it explains where all these boards came from in relation to PA.
He also posted it in the PA communities thread in linksville
And it has such a wonderful TTB slant on it.
Not realy surprising. But it is still a good write up.
Deja vu!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
It's a glith in the matrix.
Run Bogey, I'll hold them back
CoT 4evah!
I've only been to linksville once so I wouldn't know that.
That's nothing to smile about, I abhor revisionist history.