I was just wondering if any other podcasters were going to be at Pax. I personally will be setting up a studio about 1 Mile away from the Convention Center. My team and I will be running a few live casts and making a few episodes of TWGG and were hoping to run a live blog with collaboration between many different journalists and podcasters to help promote their sites.
If any other podcasters wanted to get together before the event starts on Friday to go over some ideas for the weekend let me know! Also I believe we will be running a 24/7 ustream channel for the event. I think this event is going to be a great way for all the podcasters in New England to meet each other and really promote themselves.
Myself and 2 other of my staff will be at PAX as well. There's also going to be a lot of podcasters/site writers at PAX that I know of. There's going to be at least 1 writer from PlatformNation.com, SFX-360.com will be there, 2old2play.com (forum member Waterborn), and probably a bunch more. Sadly you won't see a lot of them here on the forums.
I'm a newbie podcaster (we've only released 3 episodes, but do so regularly) but I will be at PAX solo, so I may only do some solo recap recordings when I get back to my room in the evening.
Hey AfterMath sorry I typed your name in wrong. Well if anyone wants to guest in some livecasts I will be posting our t shirt colors and try getting a head band or something to let you guys know who we are. Rdr one of my staff will be at the dinner on Sunday so he will see you there!
lol afromath...thats messed up he called you that.
But sucks you made a typo on your name. You should see if someone can change your nick for you.
Yea, no.
haha nice. Sucks afermath.
[ XBL: NemesisFuzz | PSN: Deefuzz ]
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