
Tam is a Silly [Chat]



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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Aren't exit interviews just like when you sign a paper, say "It was cool, brahs, good times were had," put on your sunglasses and walk into the sunset?

    Iruka on
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Iruka wrote: »
    Aren't exit interviews just like when you sign a paper, say "It was cool, brahs, good times were had," put on your sunglasses and walk into the sunset?

    Yeah, basically. Coupled with "why are you leaving?" and "what could have made you stay?"

    Metalbourne on
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    GrennGrenn Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Freelancing does not mean you have to take spec work.

    Freelancing does mean that you have to have top-notch client management skills in order to avoid being shit on though.

    If a potential client asks for something daft then you politely explain that it's not really how it works. In my experience, clients are usually fine with that.

    The ones that aren't, aren't worth doing work for.

    Edit: Good luck Bombs!

    Grenn on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Grenn you could probably write a book on freelance. Or at least design a pamphlet.

    I'm starting to construct goals for myself when I get out of school, and some of it is become more confident in client management/ attept to land interviews, and the others have to do with making a concept art oriented portfolio. Shit I shoulda done in school, maybe, but goddamn im stubborn.

    Iruka on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Iruka wrote: »
    Yeah, I mean, my problem really isn't the act of drawing tons to figure out what some one wants, I just want to do that on paid time. I've seen alot of freelance jobs these days where the set rate is like, 100 bucks for "sketch untill we know what we want, and then produce something that's finished when we pick" and the math just isn't right.

    Well, if you're looking for freelance jobs off of internet listings, yeah, you're going to get people that don't know what they want and don't know how these things are supposed to work. If you do freelance for an established company like EA or whatever (yes, big companies do hire freelancers, believe it or not), you get to deal with actual art directors and payment folks that know how this stuff is supposed to work, at least if they don't want the people they need to get the work done dying of starvation at an inconvenient time. Companies that successfully use freelance talent will have their process down, generally; though to be fair, you'll get paid what you're owed, but you might not get paid all that quickly, owing to whatever internal set process they follow.

    Thing is though, the freelance work you can get usually isn't going to be advertised, because more often it's a "fuck, we have to get this shit done and we don't have the time/money to go through the whole job listing/resume reading/interviewing process right now, who can we bring in that we know that can just jump on quick?" kind of situation, which usually either means a) being a former employee of the company and thus a known quantity or b) having good connections within the company, and therefore can be vouched for.

    Also my exit interviews have been pretty brief- one was basically, 'sucks we can't afford to pay you anymore dude, hope you liked working here though', and the other was, 'welp, your contract's done, here's your last paycheck, sign this, leave your keycard at the front desk on your way out, have a nice day.'

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    desperaterobotsdesperaterobots perth, ausRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    My next exhibition is in 10 days. Yaaaaaaaaargh!

    I got an interview in the local street press though, and the cover of their arts section! Woooooo.

    desperaterobots on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    So shingles sucks.

    On the other hand... everything is getting packed up on thursday and we are moving 600 miles to Albany.

    Good news/bad news I guess!

    Wassermelone on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Is the bad news 'moving to Albany'?

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Is the bad news 'moving to Albany'?

    No! Thats for a new job. So thats great.

    Wassermelone on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Is it a job at a video game company? If yes, I probably interviewed there once, since I don't know of any other game companies there.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    PROXPROX Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Gogo bombadier!

    PROX on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Is it a job at a video game company? If yes, I probably interviewed there once, since I don't know of any other game companies there.



    Wassermelone on
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    FlayFlay Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hooray for potential employment!

    Boo that it doesn't apply to me!

    Flay on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Hey, I was right!

    When I interviewed there I was pretty out of it owing to somebody at my hotel tripping the fire alarm at like 3am, which stayed on for like a full hour, and then I wasn't able to get back to sleep, so I ended up watching some Japanese horror movie from the 60's on the international channel, it had like vampires and people holed up in a crashed airliner and UFOs and I don't know what.

    So I'm glad your interview went better than mine did, I guess is what I'm saying.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hey, I was right!

    When I interviewed there I was pretty out of it owing to somebody at my hotel tripping the fire alarm at like 3am, which stayed on for like a full hour, and then I wasn't able to get back to sleep, so I ended up watching some Japanese horror movie from the 60's on the international channel, it had like vampires and people holed up in a crashed airliner and UFOs and I don't know what.

    So I'm glad your interview went better than mine did, I guess is what I'm saying.


    I'm sorry your interview didn't go better! I know how that goes though - I had an interview a week earlier than the one at VV on no sleep and doped out of my mind on Sudafed. Suffice to say I didn't get any further there! :lol:

    Oh, best of luck for tomorrow Bacon! Just stay away from those late night Japanese horror movies.

    Wassermelone on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Fugitive wrote: »
    Something bad happened to me

    Something bad did not actually happen to me

    Signed DirtyDirtyVagrant

    Also did you have the dogfucker sex slave friend? How'd that turn out?

    Revisiting this, it's bad because I'm sort of not on the lease, and seeing as I'm a suspect, it's not all that far fetched that I could end up in a pickle because of it. I'm just kind of stupid that way. I don't mean to come off all broken wing on you guys all the time, really. I guess I'll just have to watch it.

    Yeah, that was me with the...dogfucking friend. Er, I guess the dog is supposed to fuck him, but why make the distinction? I'm just gonna go ahead and not get involved. It's probably better that way.

    What's up dudes. I got Final Fantasy 13, and it is pretty damn good as final fantasy games go.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    No, see, it's not the circumstances around it that bug us so much as you using your own misfortune as a device to get attention on the forums.

    Metalbourne on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    It probably seems that way, but I'm just talking. Like I said. I'm just kind of dumb that way.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    And stop it with the self-deprecation thing. It's the same tactic in a different skin. Here's how you start a conversation where people don't roll their eyes and ignore you:
    What's up dudes. I got Final Fantasy 13, and it is pretty damn good as final fantasy games go.

    Oh yeah? The girl on the box looks like she has scissor swords. What's up with that?

    Metalbourne on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I've never played a single final fantasy game in my life, considering they've made 13 of them and the trend seems inclined to continue I get the feeling I may have been missing out. The question: is it too late to jump on the bandwagon now? Do I really need to wade my way through the previous 12 titles with their lack of graphical dump mapping and quaterpixels?

    Mustang on
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Mustang wrote: »
    I've never played a single final fantasy game in my life, considering they've made 13 of them and the trend seems inclined to continue I get the feeling I may have been missing out. The question: is it too late to jump on the bandwagon now? Do I really need to wade my way through the previous 12 titles with their lack of graphical dump mapping and quaterpixels?

    With only a couple exceptions, they're all stand-alone games.

    Metalbourne on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    And stop it with the self-deprecation thing. It's the same tactic in a different skin. Here's how you start a conversation where people don't roll their eyes and ignore you:
    What's up dudes. I got Final Fantasy 13, and it is pretty damn good as final fantasy games go.

    Oh yeah? The girl on the box looks like she has scissor swords. What's up with that?


    Yeah her weapon is like a machinegun that converts into a sword at melee range. Remarkably practical.

    Also it's basically the first final fantasy game I've played that requires more than a pulse to get through. So points for that too.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited March 2010

    Yeah her weapon is like a machinegun that converts into a sword at melee range. Remarkably practical.

    Pfft, it's already been done before.

    Mustang on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    All I know about FF13 is that there's some emo kid with swords floating around him and motorcycle made out of a pair of lesbian robots.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Kinda. That's basically what it amounts to. It can only be one or the other at any given time though.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    All I know about FF13 is that there's some emo kid with swords floating around him and motorcycle made out of a pair of lesbian robots.

    The character's weapons are a convertible sword/machinegun, a pair of pistols, a boomerang, a spear, some kind of staff thing that casts out chains or hooks or something, and gloves.

    I'm on chapter ten and I haven't seen any emo kids so far. Although I will say that Hope's (the child's) dialogue is...pretty off sometimes. But then, they all are. Gotta make the dubbing match the animation and all that, you know.

    And yes, lesbian robots. There aren't really very many organic enemies in the game. You run into these giant beasts and then you notice they have headlights and shit.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    Kinda. That's basically what it amounts to. It can only be one or the other at any given time though.

    Well I guess if you're forcing me to choose, I'll do without the emo kid and take the lesbian couple robot motorcycle all the time then.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I really can't stand the story/world in FF13.

    The combat system is fun though.

    Wassermelone on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    The world gets a lot more interesting when you play far enough to actually see it all. Which is, I'm sorry to say, like the 11th of 13 chapters.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    The world gets a lot more interesting when you play far enough to actually see it all. Which is, I'm sorry to say, like the 11th of 13 chapters.

    No it doesn't. It stays pretty terrible.

    Wassermelone on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Well I thought it was pretty interesting.

    Oh hey. I suddenly have a shitload of money in my bank account.

    That's...pretty unusual.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    So will this be the final fantasy or what?

    somebody is having a lot of fantasies.

    NightDragon on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    So, Ricky Martin is gay... now all my co-workers can take down his pictures from their cubicles. I wonder who will replace him at the office.

    MagicToaster on
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    tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2010
    Least surprising turn of events ever.

    tynic on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    So will this be the final fantasy or what?

    somebody is having a lot of fantasies.

    I think that the title implies that once the story is over, the world in which the story takes place is peaceful forever after.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2010
    So, Ricky Martin is gay... now all my co-workers can take down his pictures from their cubicles. I wonder who will replace him at the office.

    Did this post hit 88 miles per hour? Because we're back in 1999

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Your signature says to imagine that all your posts are spoken by Alec Baldwin.

    But every time I read one I hear Aston Kutcher.

    Also, it's pretty sad that people will tear down his posters after realizing he's gay. Your coworkers are assholes dude.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    So, Ricky Martin is gay... now all my co-workers can take down his pictures from their cubicles. I wonder who will replace him at the office.

    My thoughts
    1) Ricky Martin still exists as an entity?
    2) People still had Ricky Martin pictures up - unironically, in public- in the year 2010?
    3) People that, in 2010, were still diehard enough about Ricky Martin's terrible music to put pictures of him in their cubicles, were put off because he likes some manbutt?
    4) Really??

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    It really is a damn tragedy considering the world class poon-tang he could've been inserting his pecker into had he not been gay. That's right, I said poon-tang, and I'm not ashamed. Well maybe a little ashamed, but defiantly ashamed.

    Mustang on
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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I know, right?

    Well, it's time to go revive my bike thread. Unless one of you guys knows stuff about bikes.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
This discussion has been closed.