Hello everyone. Not trying to spam the board, promise, but I was lucky enough to get a media badge to attend the inaugural PAX East in Boston and cover it. One of the privileges it offered was the chance to attend the Penny Arcade Media Q&A session, which last roughly 45 minutes. Cameras were allowed and we got a chance to tape it all the way through. We posted it over on our site today, and figured it would be something the PA community would be very interested in. Hope you enjoy it!
Also figured this would be a good place to start a thread for coverage from PAX East. There's been a lot, and I know for certain we plan to post a lot more yet. So this would be a good place for media to post their coverage to the community, as well as for the community to post stories they've read about the event and like. Either way, enjoy the video. Hope to see you there again next year.
theamazingy2 on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited April 2010
I really wanted to go to this, but ended up getting a bit sick on Sunday so I passed it up. Thank you for filming it though!
And now I have to ask, because my team was unable to cover it, if you would be so kind as to submit your video for use on the Unofficial PAX Community DVD. You can see details about our project in our thread here and on our website, but we would greatly appreciate being able to use your video. We won't edit it and you will get credit for it of course.
Now I'm going to go watch it. That is, if Vimeo stops being so damn slow...
Thanks to everyone who's checking it out. As per the Community DVD, we'd love to contribute to it. We're actually going to be posting more content, including interviews, so I don't know how much of a rush you're in, but we'll have some more to look at if you're in need or interested. Some of it will be spliced with game footage and such though, so I don't know if that's all fair game with you, or if you'd like unedited videos or what. Let me know.
We are generally pretty open to whatever you like to submit, but we have a "no promotion" policy for commercial entities. So long as the videos are concerned with the PAX experience and not the guys covering it, we're cool with it. Rest assured that we will give you proper credit regardless, such as "Generously provided by PadsandPanels.com".
Additionally, if you would like to provide whatever footage you have in higher quality than what Vimeo provides, you may PM me for information on uploading to our FTP server, for instance.
As for the content submission cut-off dates, we're not in a big hurry right now. It will be quite a while until we get all the concerts edited together, so our cut-off date will be quite a while from now. Take your time in uploading whatever content you wish to contribute!
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
And now I have to ask, because my team was unable to cover it, if you would be so kind as to submit your video for use on the Unofficial PAX Community DVD. You can see details about our project in our thread here and on our website, but we would greatly appreciate being able to use your video. We won't edit it and you will get credit for it of course.
Now I'm going to go watch it. That is, if Vimeo stops being so damn slow...
We are generally pretty open to whatever you like to submit, but we have a "no promotion" policy for commercial entities. So long as the videos are concerned with the PAX experience and not the guys covering it, we're cool with it. Rest assured that we will give you proper credit regardless, such as "Generously provided by PadsandPanels.com".
Additionally, if you would like to provide whatever footage you have in higher quality than what Vimeo provides, you may PM me for information on uploading to our FTP server, for instance.
As for the content submission cut-off dates, we're not in a big hurry right now. It will be quite a while until we get all the concerts edited together, so our cut-off date will be quite a while from now. Take your time in uploading whatever content you wish to contribute!
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun