
I have made a Movie and so can you

BusterKBusterK Negativity is Boring Cynicism is Cowardice Registered User regular
edited April 2010 in Social Entropy++
I was looking at a video Tube sent me when I was intrigued by the website it came from
Turns text into movies
You have options to enhance but mostly it's just two people talking

I made a movie about a bad janitor

And then another movie about android revolution (First line courtesy of Flight of the Conchords)


I figured with all the artistic types here
It would be interesting to see what you guys could come up with
I think you can link video directly from the site if you don't have a youtube account

Incidentally, here is the video CardboardTube showed me
(Which I did NOT write)

Visit http://www.cruzflores.com for all your Cruz Flores needs. Also listen to the podcast I do with Penguin Incarnate http://wgsgshow.podomatic.com
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BusterK on


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