Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series that aired from October 7, 1996 until June 8, 2004 on Nickelodeon. The show stars 4th-grader Arnold, who lives with his grandparents Phil and Gertrude, proprietors of the Sunset Arms boarding house. In each episode, Arnold often helps a schoolmate solve a personal problem, or encounters a predicament of his own.
Who else remembers this show? This show was fantastic. Lately, I've been seeing discussion about it pop up in certain places, so I figured we could talk about it here. I really enjoyed
Hey Arnold! when it was on, when I was 12, 13, 14, and I'd imagine many others did as well.
This is
Arnold, the show's titular character. He really doesn't have a known last name. His parents were explorers and bushwhackers in the jungle, and when they never returned from their last adventure baby Arnold was left in the care of his grandparents, who run a boarding house, where Arnold lives. Specifically, he lives in the attic, in a wicked cool bachelor pad. Arnold is very wise and worldly for a fourth grade kid, and throughout the series he helps many people, young and old, from all walks of life.
This is Arnold's best friend,
Gerald Johanssen. Gerald is often by Arnold's side, serving as his confidante and wingman. Gerald's a pretty hep cat, sometimes acting as the voice of reason for Arnold when he strays too far from the beaten path. At other times, Gerald's the out-there one. Gerald is known among the children of the neighborhood as the keeper of "urban lore," and indeed is very knowledgable about the myths and legends that swirl through the cityscape.
This is
Helga Pataki, the toughest girl at P.S. 118, who serves as the sometime bully and antagonist to Arnold. I say 'sometime,' because the rest of the time she's nursing a secret crush on Arnold. She has a shrine to Arnold in her closet made up of discarded items of Arnold's, including pieces of gum he's chewed. Yet whenever she encounters Arnold she doesn't hesitate to bully and deride him. The shifts between crush-Helga and bully-Helga can induce whiplash. Have you ever heard of a 'tsundere'? Helga is the perfect incarnation of a tsundere. And if you don't know what a tsundere is, Helga can serve as your definition.
There's tons of other great characters, like the
people at the boarding house, or
the other kids of the neighborhood.
There are some episodes up on YouTube, and you can buy the whole show by season on Amazon, or on iTunes, or I think you can rent it on Netflix. I may do just that; checking out a few of the episodes has reminded me how enjoyable this show was.
I don't wanna kill anybody. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.
i can't believe we called our go-cart the Mauve Avenger
Is afraid to leave his stoop.
what did you say?
you keep da money
People downtown sure are friendly!
Stoop kid's gonna leave his stoop!
people did this
I loved Hey, Arnold
Going to watch this on the netflix so hard now
goddamn nostalgia
it sucks that Nickolodeon has not done that yet
Aaah!! Real Monsters is on Instant Watch? I have not seen that show in maybe a decade.
welp gotta get netflix this instant
norb, they're after you!
He was so young
good point Stump!