Our friends and neightbors, Torch the Bridge, are having server difficulties. So I've invited them over for a sleepover. Please stop by Rabble, Rabble, Rabble if you get a chance and show them our hospitality.
For Serious!
EDIT: By the way, try not to nest quotes in there. It scares them!
Our friends and neightbors, Torch the Bridge, are having server difficulties. So I've invited them over for a sleepover. Please stop by Rabble, Rabble, Rabble if you get a chance and show them our hospitality.
For Serious!
I've already posted twice there. I'm a whore.
Raijin Quickfoot on
DynagripBreak me a million heartsHoustonRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited January 2004
I made the first welcoming topic. Because I am fast like lightning that has been greased.
Dynagrip on
RamiusJoined: July 19, 2000Administrator, ClubPAadmin
Oh noes! It's happening!
You won't do it.
Shogun Streams Vidya
"Oh man. Is TTB down again?"
They scare me.
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
Honestly, what makes you think I won't?
Ya know, if it were anyone else, I'd probably immedietly go in there and nest quotes like hell.
But I know you'll fuck me into oblivion, Ram.
Even though they talk shit about this place all the time.
I think it means you can eat them.
Kick ass!