dead wii?

bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
edited June 2011 in Help / Advice Forum
The other day my wii wouldn't turn on. It powered up and the remote connected but it just stayed at a blank screen. I noticed it was pretty warm even though it should be off. So I unplugged it and in a half hour or so it had cooled off and I plugged it back in it powered on fine. I went to play again today and again it wouldn't turn on. I let it cool again but still nothing. I left it off for a few hours, but still nothing. The blank screen has me hopeful it a bad video cable but the heat makes me worried its just dead. If it isn't just a cable what are the odds it is fixable?

Steam ID: Good Life
bloodatonement on


  • MushroomStickMushroomStick Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Is it still under warranty? If the video cable doesn't fix it and the warranty is already up, you can try a friend's power supply as sometimes they go bad suddenly and have various effects. Failing all that, it could be a bad bluetooth module - and if it comes down to that, I'd recommend selling it on ebay/craiglist, listed as broken and as is and getting maybe $50 or so to put towards a new Wii.

    MushroomStick on
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I bought it at 7am on launch so I'm pretty sure its well beyond warranty. Hadn't thought of the PS as an issue. I'll give that a try too

    bloodatonement on
    Steam ID: Good Life
  • DaenrisDaenris Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Well, with my launch Wii if the WiiConnect24 was on (so it doesn't fully power off to a red LED, just goes orange) it overheated because the cooling fan turned off. Though if that was the case I would have expected that you would have had problems quite awhile ago -- mine started having issues within about 6 months before I realized it and turned WiiConnect24 off. They may have fixed the issue in a firmware update though, not sure.

    Daenris on
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Well after being unplugged for a few more hours, I got it to turn on. I disabled WC24, and it went to red light powered off. Hopefully it is happier now.

    Thanks! Will be very happy to not have to get a new Wii.

    bloodatonement on
    Steam ID: Good Life
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