It's the Blitzkrieg Bop. - Fear Itself



  • FuruFuru Registered User regular
    is it just me or does something feel wrong about Thor using the phrase "pain in the ass"

    I think that's the point

    He's just so fucking sick of the Hulk he can't be bothered to flower up his language

    It's not like Fraction had a stroke and forgot how to write Thor for a panel

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Yeah, I like that Thor is no longer an eighth grader's version of Shakespearean English

    when the dude has time he can be formal but he is fighting, probably, the hardest battle of his life

    dude's gotta keep the trash talk simple

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Also goddamn do I love Fraction's angry Thor

    he is the king of all badasses

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I am not the hugest fan of Fraction's Thor

    but when he is angry, you really can tell

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular

    that shot of him with the bloodied up mjolnir is awesome

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    The bit where he roars and puts the Hulk through a skyscraper is best

    Lightning and glass flying everywhere while Thor let's him have everything he's got

    Pretty damn cool

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Fear Itself has had its issues but I am enjoying it

    if that issue looks as great as the preview sells it, I will like it even more soon

  • wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    I just like that Fear Itself has been able to constantly raise the stakes each issue. True they could do a better job in the main book showing all the fear thats happening in the world (remember I'm not reading the tie-ins) but I'm really looking forward to the Serpent/Odin showdown at the end.

  • HadjiQuestHadjiQuest Registered User regular
    I haven't liked Fear Itself as much as Flashpoint, and it's had some giant WTF moments and massive gaping problems with pacing and consistency (the big death came out of nowhere, but took an entire issue). Still, I do enjoy its moments as a giant, knock-down, drag-out fight.

    So I look forward to issue 5 next week.

  • TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I believe it was Crimsondude who mentioned this at a convention he went to, but Fear Itself #5 spoilers
    Spider-Man quits the fight to go be with his family, that is incredibly out of character

    and then
    Caps shield is broken by the Serpent, which is the third time it's been broken (4th if you want to count the time Thor bent the hell out of it in that Standoff crossover)

    TexiKen on
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    TexiKen wrote:
    I believe it was Crimsondude who mentioned this at a convention he went to, but Fear Itself #5 spoilers
    Spider-Man quits the fight to go be with his family, that is incredibly out of character

    and then
    Caps shield is broken by the Serpent, which is the third time it's been broken (4th if you want to count the time Thor bent the hell out of it in that Standoff crossover)

    A) Spider-Man could be doing that because of the fear aura

    B) It's been a while since it last happened though

  • wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Solar wrote:
    TexiKen wrote:
    I believe it was Crimsondude who mentioned this at a convention he went to, but Fear Itself #5 spoilers
    Spider-Man quits the fight to go be with his family, that is incredibly out of character

    and then
    Caps shield is broken by the Serpent, which is the third time it's been broken (4th if you want to count the time Thor bent the hell out of it in that Standoff crossover)

    A) Spider-Man could be doing that because of the fear aura

    B) It's been a while since it last happened though

    Regarding the Spider-man thing, remember that he's in the list of the "Mighty".

  • TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    Spider-Man is a guy who didn't stop fighting against the Juggernaut, someone waaaay outside his class, I expected that same mentality to carry over here.

    Another thing that was in the issue that didn't really sync up
    Franklin uses his powers to de-worthy Thing, which makes Johnny dying seem worse than it did. At the very least Franklin could have repowered Ben during that time to Thing status to help Johnny out.

  • WildcatWildcat Registered User regular
    TexiKen wrote:
    Spider-Man is a guy who didn't stop fighting against the Juggernaut, someone waaaay outside his class, I expected that same mentality to carry over here.

    Another thing that was in the issue that didn't really sync up
    Franklin uses his powers to de-worthy Thing, which makes Johnny dying seem worse than it did. At the very least Franklin could have repowered Ben during that time to Thing status to help Johnny out.
    Isn't that pretty much why Franklin has been shown to be cut up about Johnny dying, as he felt that looking back he could probably have stopped it? On another note isn't it generally thought that Franklin, like an Infinity Gem, can only affect the universe he's currently in?

  • HadjiQuestHadjiQuest Registered User regular
    Yeah, that was another issue of Fear Itself that I'm torn up on.

    I'm coming around to the crossover a little more each issue, but it still feels really choppy and weird and overly-simplistic sometimes. Still, nowhere near the mess the first few issues were.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Wildcat wrote:
    TexiKen wrote:
    Spider-Man is a guy who didn't stop fighting against the Juggernaut, someone waaaay outside his class, I expected that same mentality to carry over here.

    Another thing that was in the issue that didn't really sync up
    Franklin uses his powers to de-worthy Thing, which makes Johnny dying seem worse than it did. At the very least Franklin could have repowered Ben during that time to Thing status to help Johnny out.
    Isn't that pretty much why Franklin has been shown to be cut up about Johnny dying, as he felt that looking back he could probably have stopped it? On another note isn't it generally thought that Franklin, like an Infinity Gem, can only affect the universe he's currently in?

    Yeah, and it led to that very touching conversation between Spider-Man and Franklin about the whole thing in the last F4 issue

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    I really liked this issue. It is one of the few events that actually feels like a world threatening crisis. I can definitely buy the heroes having a sort of PTSD after this.

    As for Spidey,
    there is a big difference between him fighting to stop Juggernaut from destroying a building and him fighting a guy who just killed Bucky, broke Cap's shield and effectively stomped all of the Avengers while also waging what is effectively a global manslaughter. Dude just wanted to go be with his family as the world ends around him.

  • GankGank Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Blankzilla wrote:
    I really liked this issue. It is one of the few events that actually feels like a world threatening crisis. I can definitely buy the heroes having a sort of PTSD after this.

    As for Spidey,
    there is a big difference between him fighting to stop Juggernaut from destroying a building and him fighting a guy who just killed Bucky, broke Cap's shield and effectively stomped all of the Avengers while also waging what is effectively a global manslaughter. Dude just wanted to go be with his family as the world ends around him.
    And he didn't even really quit the whole fight, he just said he wanted to check on his family during the god damn apocalypse. Yes, slightly out of character, but no more so than Caps "Well fuck it, we're gonna lose anyways" comment.

    Other than some overly simplistic characterisation, I enjoyed #5 too. Watching Thor unleash is always fun and I will never get bored of how Immonen draws energy and movement. Tonys scene with Odin was cool as well, I loved the "Fuck your mercy, I want your workshop" speech.

    Gank on
  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    I wouldn't say what Cap said was out of character
    He just had his best friend killed in front of him. Again. His unbreakable shield shattered. Thor and Tony, his best hopes, are unconscious and out of contact respectively.

    This isn't really a good moment for Steve.

  • GankGank Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote:
    I wouldn't say what Cap said was out of character
    He just had his best friend killed in front of him. Again. His unbreakable shield shattered. Thor and Tony, his best hopes, are unconscious and out of contact respectively.

    This isn't really a good moment for Steve.
    Oh, it certainly is raining shit on Steve Rogers. It's just this is the guy people look to when shit gets real, that paragon of hope, that guiding light for all heroes the follow, he bridges generations and saves the world. He does not however, admit loss halfway through a battle. I mean, he is literally just got back into his flag-duds and first thing he does is give up? I know he'll muster the courage and rally the troops by page 5 of the next issue, still weird to see cap say that shit.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote:
    I wouldn't say what Cap said was out of character
    He just had his best friend killed in front of him. Again. His unbreakable shield shattered. Thor and Tony, his best hopes, are unconscious and out of contact respectively.

    This isn't really a good moment for Steve.

    Yeah he is a great hero and all but he is a human being. If he wasn't affected by that, he's not really very human at all.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    10 bucks says it is Victor Girschler's(or however you spell it) inevitable Vampire Team book.

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    looks like a motorcycle samurai

    i can deal with this

  • AutomaticzenAutomaticzen Registered User regular
    The other three Forgiven teasers.
    I write about video games and stuff. It is fun. Sometimes.
  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Basically it is a 50/50 on Vampires/Mortal Gods

    I would read either as long as Victor Girshclehelcler doesn't write it

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    I like the armored dudes, myself. The chick(s? thought i saw another), less so.

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    That isn't even Dracula Centipede calm down

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular

  • Macro9Macro9 Registered User regular
    As a long time lover of Marvel Dracula I was sad to see him come back the way he did.

    But I will say that the Death of Dracula one shot wasn't completely terrible, I liked Throne of Blood, and Merc With a Mouth was pretty good. Hulk vs Dracula looks interesting and I will be buying that.

    So, I'll definitely give a Marvel Vampires book a shot.

  • CrimsondudeCrimsondude Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote:
    I like the armored dudes, myself. The chick(s? thought i saw another), less so.

    Automaticzen posted the teaser for the second woman in the Avengers thread.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    While the art itself is pretty great the photoshop and design work on those teasers is terrible.

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote:
    While the art itself is pretty great the photoshop and design work on those teasers is terrible.

    yup yup

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote:
    Blankzilla wrote:
    While the art itself is pretty great the photoshop and design work on those teasers is terrible.

    yup yup

    Yeah that is pretty bad

  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    I can't believe they're still doing the generic pose accompanied by banal quote promos.

  • ManetherenWolfManetherenWolf Registered User regular
    Well the first one is that Samurai Vampire guy from Throne of Blood right?

  • GankGank Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Asked in another thread, but that Vampire is Janus from Prelude to Schism, no?

    And the logical one kinda looks Chambery, what's that kid up to nowadays?

    The big guy is wearing a fluffy, white version of Hercs new duds too.

    Gank on
  • Macro9Macro9 Registered User regular
    Yeah, it looks like him. He was in that one shot and an issue of X-Men. Raizo Kodo is his name.

  • GankGank Registered User regular

    That's what it is!

    Janus was Xarius' brother from the X-men vampire thingy....

    My bad.

  • Macro9Macro9 Registered User regular
    I think the battle scars promo with him probably had people set on it being Janus. I know I thought it was him. JRJR just didn't make him look very Japanese.

    I hope Janus is kicking around somewhere in this. I like him.

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