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PAXers! I require your photographs for help with a school project!

Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeerMarylandRegistered User regular
edited October 2011 in PAX Archive
Hallo PAXers!

So, I'm a graduate student in Creative Writing: Nonfiction, and this semester I'm doing a magazine design project. This project is NOT COMMERCIAL and will never be published. It may, however, be used as a portfolio piece that I can shove at people and be like HEY LOOK I DESIGNED THIS.

One of the main feature articles is about PAX! I'm not quite sure which article I'll use -- I've written one which is a general overview and history of the con, and another which is specifically in praise of Enforcers. The former is more detailed, but the latter is shorter, and so it might be the one that ends up in this.


I'd like permission to use your pictures (yes! yours!) While I could easily wander over to Flickr's open-source pile, I find that I get more interesting (and often better) pictures by asking specific people.

FOR THE BIG ARTICLE, I need pictures of general camaraderie, stuff like people standing in line playing MTG or on the DS with each other, and some rec's for good pictures of Gabe and Tycho being awesome that I'd actually be allowed to use. Stuff related to Child's Play and the Omegathon are also essential.

Everything about Enforcers. Ever. I want your awesomest shots of Enforcers BEING AWESOME.

"Hey but you could just trawl the photo threads right?" No, no I can't, because I want to have people's permission to use these pictures first. It's bad journalism to just go about taking people's photos off the interwebs, I don't necessarily have the rights to those! I want to make certain it's OK to use your pix first.

NOTE: I would really prefer high resolution (300 dpi or better) photos, and photos without massive .jpg artification. If you have some massive 1gig panoramic of the show floor where you can zoom in to see the pimples on that high schooler playing Pokemon over at the Nintendo booth *THAT IS EXCELLENT*

A final note: Please only share photographs here that either BELONG TO YOU (You took them, with your camera) OR which you know for a fact are Creative Commons or otherwise okay to use for non-commercial ventures.


*edit* also, it doesn't matter if these are East or Prime photos; both are acceptable.

Lucid_Seraph on


  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Gah, only pictures I took was with my iPod! Was my first pax. I'll be bringing a better camera this year.

    Theres a picture of an enforcer at a stage being generally badass. Amazing quality. If anyone can find the picture and photographer, you'd seriously benefit from asking if you could use that.

    Trandescent on

    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Gah, only pictures I took was with my iPod! Was my first pax. I'll be bringing a better camera this year.

    Theres a picture of an enforcer at a stage being generally badass. Amazing quality. If anyone can find the picture and photographer, you'd seriously benefit from asking if you could use that.

    Yeah, I've seen that one floating around. Sadly if I recall it's really poor quality (.jpg artifacts! EVERYWHAR!) but I really want to use it... anybody know who took it?



    This one. Anybody know the original sauce, and if the photographer is ok with me running off and using this?

    Lucid_Seraph on
  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Gah, only pictures I took was with my iPod! Was my first pax. I'll be bringing a better camera this year.

    Theres a picture of an enforcer at a stage being generally badass. Amazing quality. If anyone can find the picture and photographer, you'd seriously benefit from asking if you could use that.

    Yeah, I've seen that one floating around. Sadly if I recall it's really poor quality (.jpg artifacts! EVERYWHAR!) but I really want to use it... anybody know who took it?



    This one. Anybody know the original sauce, and if the photographer is ok with me running off and using this?
    I spent forever looking for the sauce and then you edit this! It was taken by another enforcer and was originally posted to twitter. I'll do another search for the original source. Will edit this post

    Trandescent on

    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    There are plenty of pictures posted in this thread. Please use that thread.


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