Podcasts cut short

MammalMammal Registered User regular
I'm having an odd issue with downloading the PA podcast series.
For example, one of the latest episodes "Whence Wii" is shown to be about 12.2mb but the download completes after only 2.3mb.
I've tried the download in IE7, Firefox, Opera and iTunes with the same outcome.
Is this an issue anyone else has come across?

Mammal on


  • kitFrogkitFrog Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Just for the record, I seem to have this issue but only when I download the newest podcast in iTunes: the total length is 7min 38secs and it seems to be truncated. However, downloading the MP3 directly from the website gives me a 9min 18sec file. It still sounds like it's truncated though...

    Edit: Hmm... seems to be happening for the other episodes as well :(

    kitFrog on
    Gamertag (xbox/xfire): kitfrog
    Currently playing: the internets
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Thanks for the reply, good to know I'm not the only one.

    Mammal on
  • IcarusIcarus Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I can't even see the link for it on the website and the download cuts short very early on in iTunes.

    Icarus on
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    There's no link given in the latest front page post, I've been getting the podcast links from the RSS feed.


    Mammal on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I've been looking into this for a bit. I will have a resolution soon!

    Älphämönkëy on
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Thanks Alpha, is it an issue with the webserver?

    Mammal on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    I've been having real trouble getting the "The Same As It Ever Was" mp3 down, my Podcast retriever tool fails about every 3.5mb and downloading it directly also fails. Any hints on how to get hold of it would be greatly appreciated. :wink:

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    I've been having real trouble getting the "The Same As It Ever Was" mp3 down, my Podcast retriever tool fails about every 3.5mb and downloading it directly also fails. Any hints on how to get hold of it would be greatly appreciated. :wink:

    Same problem here. Tried first from iTunes, then downloaded it straight from the xml feed both to no avail. Does anyone have a full complete copy? Anyone? Thanks for looking at this AlphaMonkey.

    Unknown User on
  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2006
    we should start torrenting these things.

    Rankenphile on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    Agreed. There is definitely enough of a user base that a torrent would do well. And it would alleviate these problems temporarily. I think a large percentage of users by now know what a torrent is.

    *edit* I broke down and used a download accelerator to get the latest one. With permission here I'll re-host it for those reading this thread. PM me for link.

    Unknown User on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Bandwidth isn't the issue. This is a software bug in our loadbalancer. In the interim, try this link.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    Bittorrent solves much more than just bandwidth issues. For instance if http requests keep dying (which is the case here), by avoiding the protocol altogther problem is solved! (Except for the tracker itself that is. :)) But those requests are tiny and you could still have load balancing problems and it wouldn't matter.

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    i just started having this problem since "same as it ever was" came out (thanks for the direct link btw, alpha) and the weird thing is, every time i download it off of itunes, it'll cut off the download at a seemingly random point. i tried downloading it maybe 20 times or so just to see if i'd get lucky and it would come close to getting it all, but the best i did was about 17 and a half minutes.

    Unknown User on
  • ScottieBoyScottieBoy Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    What was the name of the podcast before "Same as it ever was"? I subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, but it never seems to update.

    ScottieBoy on
  • BlutnerdBlutnerd Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    ScottieBoy wrote:
    What was the name of the podcast before "Same as it ever was"? I subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, but it never seems to update.
    There hasn't been one since april. Last one was Whence Wii.

    Blutnerd on
  • Tomas78Tomas78 Registered User new member
    edited June 2006
    I vote for a BT link too!

    Maybe we could put up a vote on the forums asking for how many want it on BT? What do you think?

    Tomas78 on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited June 2006
    I just got completely confused about what thread I was in.

    Tube on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    I started seeing this problem at "Whence Wii", and have since cleared and re-subscribed via iTunes, but all podcasts are having the same problem (if you already have the old ones archived, they wil work [of course]). I eagerly anticipate the solution, as all my archived podcasts have been axed as well.

    Unknown User on
  • slugabedslugabed Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I was having this issue since the last podcast was released. As of today I think I was able to download the full version from the feed. It was ~8 megs, 24:47 minutes long. Thats slightly shorter than the ones in the past.

    So it was fixed and did I get the whole thing?

    slugabed on
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    This is still happening for all podcast episodes :(

    Can anyone recommend a download manager that will resuscitate the download after it dies suddenly?
    Any outlook on a fix for this server glitch?

    Mammal on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Mammal wrote:
    This is still happening for all podcast episodes :(

    Can anyone recommend a download manager that will resuscitate the download after it dies suddenly?
    Any outlook on a fix for this server glitch?
    Server patch goes in today!

    Älphämönkëy on
  • DrakkelDrakkel Registered User new member
    edited June 2006
    Yeah I've been having the same problem with the latest podcast as well. When I go through iTunes, the only place I'e found it so far, it'll download for a while then suddenly stops at like, 2 minutes and acts like its done. It'll download Gaming Steve's full length hour long podcasts with no trouble but has problems with a 20 minute PA podcast? Heh.

    Also, first post for me, I believe, despite joining like 2 years ago.

    Drakkel on
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Server patch goes in today!
    Cheers Alpha, we'll see how it goes.

    Mammal on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    It's still buggy today. I back the torrent idea if easier things don't work.

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    i signed up just to say this so

    Not to bug you alphamonkey, but it would be most helpful if you could post those working links if you get the time.

    it seems like there would be more people whining about this
    like us whiney
    ... i dont know if i can swear here
    dont wanna get banned for first post

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006
    Hi all, any news on this? I'm still experiencing problems. I've got Same as it ever was (from the "podcasts" folder), but all the rest (in the "docs" folder) still break after a meg or two.

    Same as Drakkel, first post despite signing up ages ago (I think...)

    Unknown User on
  • MammalMammal Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Yes, this is still an issue for me.

    Mammal on
  • SketchTheArtistSketchTheArtist Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I concur with this being still present.

    SketchTheArtist on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited June 2006

    Unknown User on
  • Crimson KingCrimson King Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I'm going to add my voice to the no-podcast crowd.

    Crimson King on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited July 2006
    I also am having the podcasts cut off when I try to download them. Any other links directly to the files (or torrents to them) would also be appreciated.

    Unknown User on
  • SketchTheArtistSketchTheArtist Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Wow. Is it me or no one is trying to look into the matter?

    If you don't give a shit, tell us! Don't leave us in the dark like that! :?

    SketchTheArtist on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited July 2006
    He'll get to it when he gets to it. Stop whining.

    Tube on
  • SketchTheArtistSketchTheArtist Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Wow. Is it me or no one is trying to look into the matter?

    If you don't give a shit, tell us! Don't leave us in the dark like that! :?

    Yeah! Shut the hell up, you spoiled brat! You've got those for free, they owe you nothing! He'll get to it when he gets to it! Stop you're whining!

    Actually, the last 'update' was a month ago. A little, 'still working on it' or 'I'm busy, so it'll have to wait', would've been nice. You're rudeness adds nothing to the solution, friend.

    SketchTheArtist on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited July 2006
    Grow up.

    Tube on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I ordered the hardware a month or so ago. It just arrived a few days ago. I should be installing tommorow night, no promises though :wink:

    Älphämönkëy on
  • SketchTheArtistSketchTheArtist Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I ordered the hardware a month or so ago. It just arrived a few days ago. I should be installing tommorow night, no promises though :wink:

    Thank you for the update! Greatly appreciated! :P

    SketchTheArtist on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited July 2006
    ok so after a week of the ''new hardware'' the flaw is still there
    acturally in my case it seems to have escalated to were i only get around 10 seconds of the file
    what could have cause this unsolvable problem?

    Unknown User on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I haven't installed the new hardware. I made a post in another thread. This is not unsolvable. It is also an ISP specific thing. Some ISPs have the problem, some don't.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • VaqueroVaquero Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I just recently got the podcasts off iTunes (i feel so, so very dirty), and noticed this, but I assumed it was intentional, since they end pretty much as they have cemented the strip...

    I shall await any "fix", so I might laugh longer...

    "You're kinda stupid, aren't you?"

    Best line out of all of them...

    Vaquero on
    'Never be afraid to be the first to resort to Violence' - Howard Taylor, author of www.schlockmercenary.com
    "Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, "I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!"?" - Bill Watterson
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