Is it possible to set this up so the link that shows your posts shows them in the form of posts instead of topics? It kind of defeats the purpose of it if you have to find your own post in the topic.
I know you can do this in search by searching for your own posts but it isn't as quick as if you'd be able to just click a link and see it.
Yeah, I know that's possible, but when you open up to the forum index there is a link that says "View your posts" at the top of it. When you click it, it brings up the topics you've posted in as opposed to the posts themselves, like on the link you just provided with there.
What I'm saying is, it would be nice to have the link that says "View your posts" open up in the link you just posted, as opposed to a page with the topics you have posted in.
There is a link in your profile
What I'm saying is, it would be nice to have the link that says "View your posts" open up in the link you just posted, as opposed to a page with the topics you have posted in.
Maybe if the link was "View your topics / posts" with a respective link to each.
alpha was satisfied with the way thigns are as the post search is in your profile
personally ive just been "who's online > profile > find my posts" for years now
there are a # of minor requests like this I can think of for when alpha is ready to accept them
(like a "Find threads started by mysef" lookup)