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Strange error

Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
edited February 2004 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Parse error: parse error in /data/users/penny-arcade/www/forums/viewtopic.php on line 981


Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Munkus Beaver on


  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    You see nothing. I swear I remebered the semicolon.....

    Älphämönkëy on
  • CainCain Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    I just had that as well, but when it finally worked again, the PM button was gone and replaced with large font that said "Send a Private Message".

    It seems to be fixed now, too.

    Cain on
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    i am not getting that error now either.

    what happened alpha? (hey, this topic was locked a second ago)

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Yes it was locked, but I decided I would let people inquire. I am going through and familiarizing myself with some of Ramius' mods, this one happened to be the mod that gave Mr E his special PM logo.... I rewrote it, and forgot a ; at the end of the line. Simple as that....

    Älphämönkëy on
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    ......this proves it.

    colons, in all forms and functions, are evil

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • OrthancOrthanc Death Lite, Only 1 Calorie Off the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    For future refernce to the non programmers, parse error means the PHP interpreter can't understand the code, in this case caused by a missing semi colon.

    Destructive as the look, parse errors are usually one of the nicest errors since they're easy to fix

    Orthanc on
  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    I received the parse error too, but that was just about the time that someone spammed the forums.

    Paladin on
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Paladin wrote:
    I received the parse error too, but that was just about the time that someone spammed the forums.
    ... Are you sure it was a parse error. That only occurs if Im activly working on the code...

    Älphämönkëy on
  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Paladin wrote:
    I received the parse error too, but that was just about the time that someone spammed the forums.
    ... Are you sure it was a parse error. That only occurs if Im activly working on the code...
    I tried to access a thread and it said parse error. Immediately after that the forums slowed down big time.

    Paladin on
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • OrthancOrthanc Death Lite, Only 1 Calorie Off the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: log_an_error() in /mnt/nfs-w1/users/penny-arcade/www/forums/common.php on line 128

    You realy gotta start testing on an offline copy :P

    Orthanc on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Orthanc wrote:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: log_an_error() in /mnt/nfs-w1/users/penny-arcade/www/forums/common.php on line 128

    You realy gotta start testing on an offline copy :P
    There are some things that have to be done live. I saw the error, it was fast.

    In essence I am trying to quickly figure out if I need to down the forums again as yet another server is out of sync, see Who is Online....

    Älphämönkëy on
  • OrthancOrthanc Death Lite, Only 1 Calorie Off the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    Jesus christ, homelan realy needs to get to the bottom of this

    Orthanc on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    K, I have no idea about those sessions.... Whatever, they are going to be purged anyway.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Done. I had to finish them off, though I feel bad about doing it with no warning. Even though 90% of the people think Im being mean, I actually helped the affected rows.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • waynewayne Registered User regular
    edited February 2004
    Poor alpha. He gets control of the forums, and as soon as that happens, thing beyond his control fuck up left and right.

    wayne on
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2004
    i feel bad reporting so much stuff to alpha.

    i feel like i keep shooting the penguin like ole' yeller every time i report a bug.

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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