
Flash The Fastest Man Alive

DMACDMAC Come at me, bro!Moderator Mod Emeritus
edited October 2007 in Graphic Violence
Has there been any discussion of the new Flash #1 yet? I was pretty underwhelmed but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for a couple of issues. (#2 is on today's shipping list.)

I found the first issue to be a pretty weak reintroduction of the character. Bart just seems incredibly bland now that he's "all grown up". Part of what made Impulse fun was the hyperactivity and lack of attention span. Even as Kid Flash he was a lot more interresting (lots of knowledge, not a lot of wisdom). His "ladies man" roommate is so cliched too... :roll:

Bart actually seems like he'd be a good bet to follow in Barry's footsteps as a police scientist. It's a much more interresting setting for the character than an automotive factory.

He just doesn't seem like he's going to be much fun as a character. It'd be cool to see a little more of the animated Wally's personality in Bart, actually enjoying his powers. At this point it's not even clear what's going on with his speed, but all he did in the first issue was mope and complain.



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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Issue 1 was not very good, at all.

    I'm holding out some hope though. Flash is one of the few DC heros that I actually care about.

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    LuxLux Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    If their plan to is to have Bart lighten up later, it doesn't seem like it will happen for several issues.

    Lux on
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    MunchMunch Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I tried the first issue and just couldn't get into it. The art was really muddy and hard to follow, all the background characters were pretty cliche, and Bart seems to have had everything interesting about him finally stripped out entirely. After following Bart through Young Justice, Teen Titans, and a few issues of Impulse here and there, reading that first issue was jut painful. I didn't bother to pick up the second one today.

    Munch on
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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    This thread is actually on the second page, with the same title, but yeah, we discussed issue #1 and pretty much trashed it.

    Issue #2 is a bit better.

    Bad Karma on
    Xbox Live: Ornery Rooster
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    To atone, DMAC should draw Jay Garrick Flash.

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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    To atone, DMAC should draw Jay Garrick Flash.

    Why stop there? I think he should draw the whole damn Justice Society, past and present. That should teach him.

    I prefer Sandman to be in his original costume, not the yellow and purple one.

    Bad Karma on
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    haha. Any DMAC drawing is great.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited July 2006
    Yeah, Issue #2 is better. It's at least explaining Bart's personality change (every Speed Force-user he's known is gone), and they acknowledged his time with Max Mercury and Young Justice.

    Garlic Bread on
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    DtotheGDtotheG Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I've got a review of it on my site, xnctoon.co.nr. The first little bit:

    Let's get one thing straight: I am in no way, shape or form, a comic book guy. The closest I come are Webcomics and PvP Trade Paperbacks. To me Civil War was when the Union fought the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865, and Identity Crisis was when...um... someone wanted to change costumes. And Perez is a guy named after the place in City Of Heroes.

    With this experience, I came out above even. All I knew about the Flash was that he ran really fast, and was a cocky sonofabitch on the cartoon (the new one). However, all this crap about the Speed Force and, like, three different Flashes went a bit over my head. So, I went on Wikipedia, and I think I can give a brief summary:

    OK, so it starts with these Government guys driving some explosives, but then another guy crashes into him. At first read, I could tell he was bad, because he wore a ski mask. Now, the guys driving the car are in danger, but the Flash, in a viking-esque costume, saves the day and mentions something about the speed force. Then it cus to this guy named Bart Allen, who lives with this really horny guy and works with him at Keystone Motors, which recently fucked over a lot of people in the layoffs. And this lady is looking for Bart inquiring about the Speed Force. I have no idea what I just typed...until now...

    DtotheG on
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    That's not a review. that is a summary.

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    Bloods EndBloods End Blade of Tyshalle Punch dimensionRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    That's not a review. that is a space station..

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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    DtotheG wrote:
    but the Flash, in a viking-esque costume

    Wha? There were no vikings in the Justice Society.

    Bad Karma on
    Xbox Live: Ornery Rooster
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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited July 2006
    Bad Karma wrote:
    DtotheG wrote:
    but the Flash, in a viking-esque costume

    Wha? There were no vikings in the Justice Society.

    Apparently Hermes was a viking.

    Garlic Bread on
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    DtotheGDtotheG Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I said the first bit, the second half is on my site. However since I am fairly new, here is the 2nd half:

    OK, now for the SPOILERS and explaining what the hell this all means:
    A. Speed Force: This is like the Star Wars Force, which gives people like the Flash powers like stealing Kinetic motion of objects to make them run faster, and so on.
    B. Bart Allen: For some reason, he has the enitre San Francisco Library memorized, and aged 4 years. This is probably because he's a super-speeder superhero. He was also called "Kid Flash", and was with the Teen Titans. I didn't see THAT on the show.
    C. Other Flashes: Jay Garrick is the Flash now (apparently) and Wally West died. Sucks to be them. Bart's dad was the Flash too...

    Now that everyone is up to speed (no pun intended), I can start the review proper:
    Needless to say, I didn't like the story, because I had NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON. Like I said, all that stuff I looked up on Wikipedia. The author should have done a bit of catchup work to reintroduce the hero again. Hell, Manga does it, and costs almost 3 times as much as comics. Even PvP is the equivalent of Homestar Runner. Pick any random issue, and you can pretty much get a feel for all the characters. They stick with you, and you'll keep reading. There aren't any 5th Narutos or 3rd Skulls, they stay the same, and evolve as characters, not change when they get boring.

    Despite my lack of knowledge of how the comics biz works (serously, I think Annarchy should be the next Gabe, and Post-Crisis Tycho should have 3 arms), the actual dialouge was decent. Griffin pissed me off, and there was part:
    Bart Allen: "Are they gay?"
    Griffin: "Were you born yesterday? They're trying to turn us on!"
    Which was funny, but they didn't show the girls kissing. Ah well,

    Moving right along, every other word seemed to be emphasized:
    "The new HARDWARE went online and a lotta guys lost their PENSIONS"

    See how dumb that sounds? It's like he's making a pun, but it's not a good one, like in James BOnd movies or Shakespeare, more like the kind you find in Kid's magazines. But the motives do make sense. A busted employee blows up the place, and in this moment the Flash comes along and Bart might be the new Flash.

    As for the art, it's either very good (especially the cover) or OMGSPLOZUN!!one1thefirstdigit. Usually it falls into the very good. But the cover OH MY GOD is it cool!

    So, using my ratings system (Green- OMG GET NOW!, Blue- Not reccomend for haters, Yellow- Fans only, Red- Sucks), the
    Final Verdict: Code BLUE. If you want to look up all the stuff on Wikipedia or see my summarization, get it if only to see where it goes from here. I hope they continue it, so my #1 will be worth more, and just to see the Scarlet (?) Speedster make a come back.

    DtotheG on
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    ZavianZavian universal peace sounds better than forever war Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    that review confuses and scares me

    Zavian on
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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Zavian wrote:
    that review confuses and scares me

    Save yourself the read. Flash #1 sucked. Period. Read it in the comic book store, but only buy it if you are a completist or have a 1st issue fetish..

    Issue #2, getting better.

    Bad Karma on
    Xbox Live: Ornery Rooster
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    DtotheGDtotheG Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I'm new to the whole "comic" thing, I picked it up because it was a #1. It was either than or Ultimate Iron Man #4

    I was incredibly tempted to give it a YELLOW (2/4), but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt.

    DtotheG on
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Why on earth would someone new to comics read a title this dependent on continuity? Are you out of your mind? Buy the first Invincible hardcover or something.

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    MunchMunch Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Why on earth would someone new to comics read a title this dependent on continuity? Are you out of your mind? Buy the first Invincible hardcover or something.

    I dunno, I think with the first issue of a series there's at least some expectation of it being decipherable to new readers.

    Munch on
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    DtotheGDtotheG Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Munch wrote:

    I dunno, I think with the first issue of a series there's at least some expectation of it being decipherable to new readers.

    Yeah, and plus, it's a #1. So naturally, I went "ka-ching"

    First: Thank GOD for Wikipedia. How many articles did I have to read?

    Second: I saw #1 of Invincible, and all I have to say is WHY WASN'T I INFORMED OF THIS EARLIER?!?!?!? It's so good! I'm defintely picking it next time I go.

    DtotheG on
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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Dude, there is an Invincible thread on this very page. Also, I have never seen you post here in GV before.

    DouglasDanger on
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    LuxLux Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    DtotheG wrote:
    Munch wrote:

    I dunno, I think with the first issue of a series there's at least some expectation of it being decipherable to new readers.

    Yeah, and plus, it's a #1. So naturally, I went "ka-ching"

    First: Thank GOD for Wikipedia. How many articles did I have to read?

    Just read this instead. It's got plenty of pictures, too.[/url]

    Lux on
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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    DtotheG wrote:
    Yeah, and plus, it's a #1. So naturally, I went "ka-ching"

    I hope you don't plan on making money off of comics.

    Bad Karma on
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    Mai-KeroMai-Kero Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Bad Karma wrote:
    DtotheG wrote:
    Yeah, and plus, it's a #1. So naturally, I went "ka-ching"

    I hope you don't plan on making money off of comics.

    The reason why first issues were worth money is because they didn't print that many. Now, they print very, very many issues, so it's pretty much worth less than the price you paid for it. Forever.

    Mai-Kero on
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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    Mai-Kero wrote:
    Bad Karma wrote:
    DtotheG wrote:
    Yeah, and plus, it's a #1. So naturally, I went "ka-ching"

    I hope you don't plan on making money off of comics.

    The reason why first issues were worth money is because they didn't print that many. Now, they print very, very many issues, so it's pretty much worth less than the price you paid for it. Forever.
    Maybe not with this one.

    I can envision many a Flash or Impulse fanboy destroying their copy in disgust.

    deadonthestreet on
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    Conditional_AxeConditional_Axe Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    the more i think about it, the more wally's send off just pisses me right the fuck off.

    that cavalieri arc? fuck-all terrible. fuck. all. terrible. the only good scene in the entire thing was the bit with Wally and Dick. The book should have fucking ended with Johns' last issue, great as it was.

    Of course, Johns goes on to give Wally short shrift in IC, and a confusing shrift at that. I still don't know what the fuck happened to Wally, and why Bart was with him one minute, and then with the other Flashes the next when they were supposedly not all in the same place.

    That doesn't even mention Bart. As someone who's always loved Bart, even in Teen Titans, wow, has he been messed up. I mean, I get why he's acting the way he is, but wasn't there some other fucking option? maybe one that was a bit more resonant, and not so goddamn dumb and completely and diametrically opposed to everything that I expect when I open a Flash comic?

    Conditional_Axe on
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    HarrierHarrier The Star Spangled Man Registered User regular
    edited July 2006
    I am holding out hope for Wally to return in a blaze of glory.

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    I don't wanna kill anybody. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.
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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    It looks like the art is going to get a lot better in issue #3:



    DMAC on
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    JordynJordyn Really, Commander? Probing Uranus. Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Is that eyeliner?

    Is he crawling in his...speed force costume?

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    JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
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    SASA Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Oh crap they're going to make Flash into an emo, making his costume all black, putting leather belts on his pants hangin' all over the place. D:

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    saint2esaint2e Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    those speed wounds, they will not heal.

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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    Making the lines around his eyes pure black does look a little strange with that colored line art style.

    They did a good job with him otherwise I think. He looks a little younger than Wally which is good and the speed effects are cool.

    DMAC on
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    MunchMunch Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Yeah, I'm actually thinking about picking up issue three soley for the art. It's just so damn pretty. Unfortunately, I think that guy's only filling in for one issue, so I'd likely just drop it right after

    Munch on
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    The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Keith wrote:
    Bad Karma wrote:
    DtotheG wrote:
    but the Flash, in a viking-esque costume

    Wha? There were no vikings in the Justice Society.

    Apparently Hermes was a viking.

    Great Frying pan of Tameran!

    The Muffin Man on
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    GrifterGrifter BermudaModerator mod
    edited August 2006
    Munch wrote:
    Yeah, I'm actually thinking about picking up issue three soley for the art. It's just so damn pretty. Unfortunately, I think that guy's only filling in for one issue, so I'd likely just drop it right after

    Yeah, he's only filling in on issue number 3 then it's back to Ken Lashley.

    Grifter on
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    CharmyCharmy Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Other than the read eye thing, that's pretty damn good art. And if they have a big enough bounce in sales from a different artists, DC might catch on. Consider it bought.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited August 2006
    Has any character ever questioned why Bart's eyes are yellow? I mean, it always sticks out to me.

    Garlic Bread on
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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Keith wrote:
    Has any character ever questioned why Bart's eyes are yellow? I mean, it always sticks out to me.

    Well, he is from the future.

    Bad Karma on
    Xbox Live: Ornery Rooster
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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited August 2006
    Bad Karma wrote:
    Keith wrote:
    Has any character ever questioned why Bart's eyes are yellow? I mean, it always sticks out to me.

    Well, he is from the future.

    Yeah, I know. But "civilians" don't know that.

    I mean, in the beginning of the Impulse series, everyone questioned his hair, but not his yellow eyes.

    Garlic Bread on
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    Bad KarmaBad Karma Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Keith wrote:
    Bad Karma wrote:
    Keith wrote:
    Has any character ever questioned why Bart's eyes are yellow? I mean, it always sticks out to me.

    Well, he is from the future.

    Yeah, I know. But "civilians" don't know that.

    I mean, in the beginning of the Impulse series, everyone questioned his hair, but not his yellow eyes.

    Scut Farkus had yellow eyes.

    He had yellow eyes!

    Reference = 3 bazillion points.

    Bad Karma on
    Xbox Live: Ornery Rooster
    PSN: OrneryRooster
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