The Generational Issue



  • BagginsesBagginses __BANNED USERS regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Thanatos wrote: »
    If the Millenials do nothing but suck up a bunch of shit while fixing things, and make the Boomers fucking burn, I'm putting that down as a win for our generation.

    You're a Gen X-er. You graduated high school before 2000.

    it's not a matter of dates. Gen-Xers are those unfortunate enough to have main-line baby boomers as parents (edit: and it's important that culturally they were baby boomers).

    I'm not sure about that. I was born in 1990 and my dad is a (late) boomer (turned 60 this sunday, actually).

  • Al_watAl_wat Registered User regular
    I was born in 85 and my parents are both boomers

    hell my dad was born in 1946 that is like the first year of the boomers

  • Pi-r8Pi-r8 Registered User regular
    Al_wat wrote: »
    I was born in 85 and my parents are both boomers

    hell my dad was born in 1946 that is like the first year of the boomers

    Well that's what's confusing about labeling generations. There's a 25 year difference between someone who had a kid at 20 vs. 45. That's a whole generation difference!

  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Honestly, I think it's far too late to kurb the boomers power or use the polls to disadvantage them. That ship has sailed. Even if we did succeed to politicizing the millennials (which we won't it's impossible) it would take decades to reverse all the boomer friendly legislation and societal norms out there. By that time they'll be in the ground anyway. At this point for us a win would be somehow managing to live comfortable lives in spite of all this, and maybe fixing things for our kids.

    Well, on average, all you have to do is sit, smile and wait if what you want is a feeling of retribution. I don't believe in Karma, but few things come without a trade-off, and the trade-off that comes with deciding to use your country as a luxury toilet is that the bugs don't care how wealthy you are.

    All the Medicaid & personal wealth in the world won't fix the heart condition or cancerous tumors or opportunistic infections or dementia onset that'll inevitably pay a visit - only fundamental research, benefiting everybody, can raise the ceiling on that front. The Boomers weren't interested in that whole 'science' bit, and so this is the fate they've sealed for themselves (for the most part): dying wealthy but too sick or insane to enjoy it.

    I don't think ending Medicaid is a good idea; you should be using this as a launchpad for universal health care, if anything. I mean, the Boomers will all be dead and dust in 20~ years. What then? You'd have ended a program in anger to strike at people who aren't even alive anymore.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtick Registered User regular
    Man this is a fairly depressing thread, and I just got out of a convo with my roomie wherein we both intimated just how nervous we are. We are both pretty disappointed with how things are looking, in part because we can see how things aren't going to work out like we were told/are being told but there is only so much wiggle room for us (particularly in terms of college yeah, it is too expensive for us both). My friends back home aren't feeling so hot either and are having quiet little freak-outs over all the same themes that keep popping up over and over again in this thread (if perhaps on a more personal extent).

    I'd go back and pick through the quotes I want to respond to but for now all I want to mention is Medicaid: seriously, we cant just get rid of it. It isn't as if every single Boomer is awful, and more importantly, ridding of it degrades the social contract we are otherwise extolling. We give up a little for our fellow compatriots. The state of California gets back less money then it gives in taxes (and we feel it) but if all the powerhouse states were to horde their money the smaller states would really suffer, and I've too much compassion to say that is okay. The money could be appropriated better proportionally sure. But it is hypocritical to be selfish when we say that selfishness is what lead us into this mess, and especially when we are wanting for people to be less selfish. And hey, maybe we'd fuck it up and get greedy and become new boomers all over again, "I didn't get nice things so now no one can have them".

    I agree with The Ender, we should be fighting for universal healthcare and not the destruction of Medicaid.

  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    No one who's not incurably bitter is advocating for the end of Medicaid. Don't worry. Same deal with Medicare. Most of us would just appreciate it if the Boomers weren't backing policy shifts that will effectively fuck us as a generation, being as, y'know, they're our goddamn parents.

  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Man this is a fairly depressing thread, and I just got out of a convo with my roomie wherein we both intimated just how nervous we are. We are both pretty disappointed with how things are looking, in part because we can see how things aren't going to work out like we were told/are being told but there is only so much wiggle room for us (particularly in terms of college yeah, it is too expensive for us both). My friends back home aren't feeling so hot either and are having quiet little freak-outs over all the same themes that keep popping up over and over again in this thread (if perhaps on a more personal extent).

    Just be glad you're alive now, and will be enjoying(?) the prime of your life before 2050.

    Anyone born after 2030~ is fucked. If the current state of things is bad, our 4+ degree future will be considerably worse.

    Also, if you were born in 1992, you're now 20. Huh. I'm 27, then.

    Years really do wheel by.

    With Love and Courage
  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    The Ender wrote: »
    Years really do wheel by.

    Don't remind me. :(

  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtick Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Well yeah, it is one person but it is a really terrible idea.

    I am terribly excited to finally be able to vote. Can I also again mention how stupid voter registration processes in this country are? I've been old enough to vote since 18 but my registration kept getting fucked up so I am 19 now and haven't been able to vote thus far because my registration kept getting fucked up. And now I am moving soon and will have to re-register all over again.

    Muse Among Men on
  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    And you're a student. Good luck voting, depending on where you end up; Republicans do not want students to vote.
    Especially the non-white ones.

  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtick Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    I am not even in a backwater. I think this is a case of the process being so byzantine and poorly managed that this was an honest fuck up. But a fuck up nonetheless.

    Has anyone heard of such difficulties happening in LA county?

    Either way LA registration (which never actually went through, I was never able to successfully register till I got to college somewhere else) is laughable. The DMV will lose your things (twice) and trying to register differently requires additional paperwork and weird postage. I didn't really feel comfortable willy-nillying things with my relevant info after my stuff had been lost.

    Muse Among Men on
  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    In the spirit of this thread I thought I would throw out my March success: 60 applications (this is low because I was out of town one week) lead to 1 phone interview and 2 internship interviews. I've followed up with all of them and if any of them call back I will take it. How do you guys think I'm doing? The only thing I'm not applying for are unpaid internships and stuff where they wont even look at me (7-10 years experience).

    Pfft. You're not trying hard enough! Go to college and get a degree. that will GUARANTEE you a good job. If that fails, go in the store and shake the managers hand, then he'll have to give you a job.

  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    I'm just amused by the fact that at the rate they are pushing back retirement/ssi/medicare, it will literally be over the average life expectancy within twenty or so years.

    Oh well, maybe if we hold on long enough that whole technological singularity thing will come to pass. That'd be keen.

  • DoodmannDoodmann Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    In the spirit of this thread I thought I would throw out my March success: 60 applications (this is low because I was out of town one week) lead to 1 phone interview and 2 internship interviews. I've followed up with all of them and if any of them call back I will take it. How do you guys think I'm doing? The only thing I'm not applying for are unpaid internships and stuff where they wont even look at me (7-10 years experience).

    Pfft. You're not trying hard enough! Go to college and get a degree. that will GUARANTEE you a good job. If that fails, go in the store and shake the managers hand, then he'll have to give you a job.

    I see what you did there...

    Whippy wrote: »
    nope nope nope nope abort abort talk about anime
    I like to ART
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    In the spirit of this thread I thought I would throw out my March success: 60 applications (this is low because I was out of town one week) lead to 1 phone interview and 2 internship interviews. I've followed up with all of them and if any of them call back I will take it. How do you guys think I'm doing? The only thing I'm not applying for are unpaid internships and stuff where they wont even look at me (7-10 years experience).

    Pfft. You're not trying hard enough! Go to college and get a degree. that will GUARANTEE you a good job. If that fails, go in a titty bar and shake the managers hand, then he'll have to give you a job.

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • turtleantturtleant Gunpla Dad is the best.Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Cantido wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    In the spirit of this thread I thought I would throw out my March success: 60 applications (this is low because I was out of town one week) lead to 1 phone interview and 2 internship interviews. I've followed up with all of them and if any of them call back I will take it. How do you guys think I'm doing? The only thing I'm not applying for are unpaid internships and stuff where they wont even look at me (7-10 years experience).

    Pfft. You're not trying hard enough! Go to college and get a degree. that will GUARANTEE you a good job. If that fails, go in a titty bar and shake the managers hand, then he'll have to give you a job.

    Hell, I would work at a strip club, hell a job as a bouncer is almost in my field.

    turtleant on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    On another forum awhile back somebody wrote this which I find to be true:
    Axman wrote:
    And there was an entire generation between X and M, it just didn't have a catchy name.

    This. These were the people who played Super Mario (the original, not the sequels) not as teenagers, but as children. These are the ones that got shat on by the universe and thus built their own world online, with the assistance of some of the nerdier X'ers. The arcades of Gen X's youth had become disgusting dens of sloth already, but they had not yet died. It has left school and entered the workforce (or attempted to do so, but was shut out by a series of financial disasters), but if it has settled down and started a family, that family hasn't existed for very long.

    I'd explain it best as those who had their own computer in their dorm room, but did not have MySpace, the ones that got their first cell phones with their first cars--not before, and certainly not after.

    This is my generation. We're basically GenX with text messaging and Facebook. And yeah, the Millenials piss us off, too.

    I relate to that except for the very last line as I get along very well with Millenials. The Nintendo generation ... There's definitely some very noticeable differences between older gen Xers and younger ones which is why I have always felt I relate to Millenials so well.

    Bamelin on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Bamelin on
  • Ragnar DragonfyreRagnar Dragonfyre Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    Ya, I'm also trying to do graphic design so my history gets me squat and the 2 years under my belt (plus 7 years of part time coaching) make me underqualified for most full time positions. I know I could do it, the few interviews I've had agree, but either HR axes me or they hire someones friend or cousin. It's frustrating.

    This! It's getting so bad that I almost wish the government would table a law to monitor hiring a person when there is a conflict of interest in certain scenarios.

    When hiring a family member the company should be obligated to prove to a un-biased third party that the candidate is indeed the most qualified for the job.

    I'd say something similar should be done for friends, but it's logistically much harder to trace friendships than it is family members.

  • MulysaSemproniusMulysaSempronius but also susie nyRegistered User regular
    Bagginses wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Thanatos wrote: »
    If the Millenials do nothing but suck up a bunch of shit while fixing things, and make the Boomers fucking burn, I'm putting that down as a win for our generation.

    You're a Gen X-er. You graduated high school before 2000.

    it's not a matter of dates. Gen-Xers are those unfortunate enough to have main-line baby boomers as parents (edit: and it's important that culturally they were baby boomers).

    I'm not sure about that. I was born in 1990 and my dad is a (late) boomer (turned 60 this sunday, actually).
    I was born in81, and my parents are not boomers (dad might technically be just barely, but mom is def. too young.)
    I'm right on the cusp of X/millenial. I can hate the boomers without feeling negatively towards the rents.

    If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    Either people are way more into placing themselves into groups than I thought or these boards are full of cultural anthropology and sociology majors :p

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    Bamelin wrote: »

    Indeed, I'm not an X, and I'm definately not a millenial. The whole, 'you remember when you first got the internet as a kid, but there was nothing to do on it' thing is the key.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Bamelin wrote: »

    Indeed, I'm not an X, and I'm definately not a millenial. The whole, 'you remember when you first got the internet as a kid, but there was nothing to do on it' thing is the key.

    Man, what. The original AOL's game Out of Order is the greatest thing ever.

    Man if that game came out on mobile devices, Draw Something would die. Dead.

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    Cantido wrote: »
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Bamelin wrote: »

    Indeed, I'm not an X, and I'm definately not a millenial. The whole, 'you remember when you first got the internet as a kid, but there was nothing to do on it' thing is the key.

    Man, what. The original AOL's game Out of Order is the greatest thing ever.

    Man if that game came out on mobile devices, Draw Something would die. Dead.

    I didn't say there was nothing to do on computers, my contemporaries aren't that old, that's X but there was nothing to do on the internet. Search engines barely existed, websites were fragmented shells which were impossible to navigate, there was barely any actual content and what little there was took so long to download as to be absurd. We saw it all change, as people figured out what the internet was good for.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Cantido wrote: »
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Bamelin wrote: »

    Indeed, I'm not an X, and I'm definately not a millenial. The whole, 'you remember when you first got the internet as a kid, but there was nothing to do on it' thing is the key.

    Man, what. The original AOL's game Out of Order is the greatest thing ever.

    Man if that game came out on mobile devices, Draw Something would die. Dead.

    I didn't say there was nothing to do on computers, my contemporaries aren't that old, that's X but there was nothing to do on the internet. Search engines barely existed, websites were fragmented shells which were impossible to navigate, there was barely any actual content and what little there was took so long to download as to be absurd. We saw it all change, as people figured out what the internet was good for.

    Ah, I barely, barely remember that part.

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    Webcrawlers were my barely existing search engines! I had to keep a little directory of internet addresses to be able to go to sites.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    tbloxham wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    Webcrawlers were my barely existing search engines! I had to keep a little directory of internet addresses to be able to go to sites.

    Also, webrings were a thing.

  • SeptusSeptus Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Bamelin wrote: »

    Indeed, I'm not an X, and I'm definately not a millenial. The whole, 'you remember when you first got the internet as a kid, but there was nothing to do on it' thing is the key.

    Prodigy for schoolwork. BBSes for socializing because you're a geek at school. Legend of the Red Dragon for sad, saaaad game playing on said BBSes...GameFAQs for your next step of online community.

    Also, I so often think about how damn fortunate I am. Like, not only did my boomer parents cover all of my needs in college, and to some extent for a period of starting low-wage work afterwords, leaving me with zero debt. But beyond that, I also know that I can rely on their wealth and general assistance should something really bad happen to me. I worry about a lot of things, but they all seem less terrible under that lens, and I have no concept of what this feels like for the people with tons of debt.

    I see the decisions my girlfriend made, an expensive debt-funded private college degree, a period of poverty generating high credit card debt, an untimely car wreck followed by a potentially unwise purchase of a newer car, and it just seems so hard.

    Septus on
    PSN: Kurahoshi1
  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    Cantido wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    In the spirit of this thread I thought I would throw out my March success: 60 applications (this is low because I was out of town one week) lead to 1 phone interview and 2 internship interviews. I've followed up with all of them and if any of them call back I will take it. How do you guys think I'm doing? The only thing I'm not applying for are unpaid internships and stuff where they wont even look at me (7-10 years experience).

    Pfft. You're not trying hard enough! Go to college and get a degree. that will GUARANTEE you a good job. If that fails, go in a titty bar and shake the managers hand, then he'll have to give you a job.

    I rarely see myself paraphrased to such great effect. :^:

  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    I can't read "Pillowman" without thinking of McDonagh's fantastically dark play.

  • SticksSticks I'd rather be in bed.Registered User regular
    I remember being one of those little shits that got my hands on "hacker" tools that exploited all of the glaring problems with AOL. Booting people out of chat rooms like some spoiled little dictator.

  • Pi-r8Pi-r8 Registered User regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    You had text? In my day we had to tap out the signal in morse code...

  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    tbloxham wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    Webcrawlers were my barely existing search engines! I had to keep a little directory of internet addresses to be able to go to sites.

    Also, webrings were a thing.

    Oh yeah! I remember those, you'd always be excited if you found a link to a new list of sites which had stuff you were interested in but then they would all be the same ones you already had.

    Remember 'Web Channels', that was later on but still hilariously crap.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • DoodmannDoodmann Registered User regular
    So I got an offer today on one of the paid internships. I told her I'd confirm tomorrow and immediately set out to figure out what was happening with the permanent position I interviewed for. I'm excited but obviously I would prefer the longterm position.

    Whippy wrote: »
    nope nope nope nope abort abort talk about anime
    I like to ART
  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    If my mom was born in 54 and I was born in 84, what does that make me? Besides worthless, apparently.

  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    Magus` wrote: »
    If my mom was born in 54 and I was born in 84, what does that make me? Besides worthless, apparently.

    Mother was a boomer, you're a millenial.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • BagginsesBagginses __BANNED USERS regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    tbloxham wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    Webcrawlers were my barely existing search engines! I had to keep a little directory of internet addresses to be able to go to sites.

    Also, webrings were a thing.


    My parents went to college when you had to fill out giant scantrons to enter programs into a computer.

  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    Bagginses wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    tbloxham wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    I remember using webcrawler and text-only browsers. Now get off my damn lawn!

    Webcrawlers were my barely existing search engines! I had to keep a little directory of internet addresses to be able to go to sites.

    Also, webrings were a thing.


    My parents went to college when you had to fill out giant scantrons to enter programs into a computer.

    That picture is spectacular. But no, webrings were supposedly groups of websites that had similar content, and they had a little webring thing at the bottom that let you cycle through the websites or go to a random one. It was pretty silly.

  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    Oh god angelfire webrings why

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
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