
[League of Legends]: It's something to do when Diablo 3 is down.



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    unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    Bethryn wrote: »
    Hexdrinker (into Maw) is another good response to bursty characters for AD, as a lot of assassins are AP.

    ooh there's an idea

    i don't think i've seen anyone really give that one a shot on ranged AD yet

    but that is mostly because i haven't been playing much

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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    edited May 2012

    i think i am starting to get it!

    DasUberEdward on
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    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Anyone else having massive video lag since the spectator mode patch? It isn't affected by anything in game, just seems to slow way down at random points of a SR match (usually mid-late game).

    I did have this happen once the other night

    my FPS went down to like 20, I opened Task Manager and the client was using up like 1,400,000 K memory, it went back to normal after several minutes

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    eeSanG wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    eeSanG wrote: »
    I think I would prefer Cait over Corki for the lategame.

    A well played Corki is soooo much better than a Caitlyn late game. 10% extra true damage on every auto attack from his passive is ridiculous, and if you're good at aiming his ult it's ridiculous.

    A lategame AD's greatest source of damage is their autoattack. The problem with Corki is that most build Triforce for the midgame burst damage so not only does only his autoattacking do less damage, but he also needs to interrupt it with constant casting. A 10% steroid, even if it's true damage, is not a very impressive steroid. Caitlyn attacking from a bush probably ends up doing around 10% (50%/3= ~16.6%).

    Do people think Caitlyn's range becomes irrelevant once laning is over? She has great tower sieging/defending and her safety provides among the greatest damage uptimes among AD carries. She is only outranged by a Tristana and a Kog'Maw with an active W.

    If most AD carry needs 5 hits to kill someone and Caitlyn needs 6, it comes out even because Caitlyn gets her shot off first.

    So basically none of this is true except the tri-force comment, but nothing stops corki from building IE, people just get Triforce because its stronger in the mid game and can snowball an advantage so that you don't make it to the lategame

    Cait's range lets her be more safe in the lategame, but does not allow her to gets shots off first, because the carry is going to be at a point where they can engage when the fight starts. Range is a big advantage in laning, because it affords you that advantage. But after laning is over your tanks will be in front of you to intercept the other teams tanks/engage the other team and the carry will be behind them in a position where they can attack. Range is still an advantage, but its a saftey advantage more than a damage advantage.

    10% true damage is a much larger bonus than caits passive. Keep in mind that

    1) The true damage is based on the unreduced damage
    2) Caits damage does not scale with crits whereas Corki's does.

    Lets, for instance see what happens when shooting your average 100 armor target[which is below average really] if you have a last whisper on both characters. Lets assume even damage for simplicity[though Caits base stats are a bit higher because of better base AS and AS scaling]

    Cait hits for +50% base damage every 3 attacks[assume in the brush in every fight] and has the attack proc'd for the first attack of the fight. Lets assume a 55% crit rate[PD+IE]

    So, expected damage is 1.88 per attack before armor and 1.238 after. Cait's bonus damage is .5/armor which comes out to .331 damage every 3 attacks

    So Cait does 1.56 damage the first attack, then 1.348 damage/attack each 3 attacks afterwards

    Corki does +10% True damage. So he does 1.238 damage + .188 damage or 1.426 damage/attack.

    Break point in a fight, assuming that Cait has heatshot charged at the start and is attacking from the bush each attack is the second attack. Corki does more total damage to squishy targets after the second attack and Cait doesn't ever catch back up. The more armor the enemy has the worse it gets. Considering that an average/low armor for lategame should be around 150[AD carry with single low/mid armor defensive item gets to about 130-150. ] this is really going to start to hurt Caits damage ability.

    Corki's abilities are also no slouch in the lategame, affording him a LOT of poke and tower siege ability [even compared to Cait] as well as relocation/defense. He can simply continually bombard your position with rockets from relative safety until the fight is going to start.

    This isn't to say that Cait is a bad carry, she is a great lane bully and her headshot allows her to time harass in lane to be really strong. But it is to say that she isn't outdpsing anyone except Ashe in the lategame.

    Goumindong on
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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    So, if I'm feeling stupid and want to play Solo Queue, who should I be playing these days? Top Shen? Jungle Jax? Mid Ryze?

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    LunysgwenLunysgwen Registered User regular
    Wanted to share this one more time for good ol' times sake.

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    zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Cait's range lets her be more safe in the lategame, but does not allow her to gets shots off first, because the carry is going to be at a point where they can engage when the fight starts. Range is a big advantage in laning, because it affords you that advantage. But after laning is over your tanks will be in front of you to intercept the other teams tanks/engage the other team and the carry will be behind them in a position where they can attack. Range is still an advantage, but its a saftey advantage more than a damage advantage.

    Range is a absolutely an offensive stat in teamfights. I would take an AD carry with 2000 range and 1/4th the damage any day over a champion that has 500 range and 4x damage.

    Against a Galio/Amumu/etc, Corki cannot afford to be in range when the fight starts. Attempting to plink down the Galio means he is within ult range, period. He gets 1 shot on Galio, gets ulted, then the AP carry kills him. Caitlyn can attack outside of Galio's ult range. This gives her better uptime than Corki because he's got to wait until after the ult goes off, or he's got to hope that another target messes up and runs in front of the tank. Granted, Caitlyn isn't the best for this (Trist/Kogmaw are) but she's still way better than Corki and leagues better than someone like Sivir.

    You cannot look at carry DPS without looking at DPS uptime. Slightly higher DPS multiplied by zero uptime is still zero.

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    Hargaad of OmnarHargaad of Omnar New Badges? Fucking BOSS!Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    You can compare them in the late game, but there's just a lot more than just AD (plus support) vs AD (plus support). You've got Team A v Team B in the late game. There is no AD comparison (assuming you're giving equal items to both AD carries, and god knows what other roles were filled mid, top, jungle, and support).

    X is a better late game champion than Y in Z role does not mean that X's team will always win.

    It just means they're a better champion. If you cannot compare AD vs AD in the lategame then you can't ever compare abilities of any champion in any setting for any reason! Literally we are setting the carries up and saying "in general which one of these is better or worse in the lategame based on their strengths and weaknesses"

    And Good Christ, Cait is weaker in the lategame than other AD carries.

    Maybe we can put it another way.

    "In general, at 40-50 minutes, who would you rather have as your carry? Cait, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Ashe, Graves, Corki, Vayne, etc". Cait is low on that list. She gets comparatively weaker as the game goes on. She gets weaker as the game goes on because gold advantages mean less at 50 minutes than they do at 15. She gets weaker because if she doesn't have a gold advantage her abilities are not strong enough to make up for it.

    I still feel I'm miscommunicating. In the late game, I don't care who my AD carry is, so long as they understand their role in not dying, and picking off the closest weak-link on the other team while also not becoming too extended, and caught by the enemy cc. I feel Cait does this quite well, along with other long-range AD's. Vayne, to me, can get caught rather quickly if she isn't on the dot with her escape roll. Same with Caitlyn and her traps and netting. Yes, putting out the dps asap to kill the enemy is vital, and is essentially the name of the game, but without an order of execution, it doesn't matter how "good" or "bad" a champion is. They'll still all die, and the game is near lost.
    Bethryn wrote: »
    Goumindong, the problem here is that we're fighting against Gamer Tradition, where tier lists are evil hellish things made by nerdy numbers elitists and you should Play What You Want.

    Upon reading this, I developed the same face as your display pic. I do believe you, or the information somebody has told you, is a bit backwards.

    Star Wars (2 separate links)
    Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
    Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!

    I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    range is one of the reasons trist is the best late game carry. 700 range is huge

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    Hargaad of OmnarHargaad of Omnar New Badges? Fucking BOSS!Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    eeSanG wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    eeSanG wrote: »
    I think I would prefer Cait over Corki for the lategame.

    A well played Corki is soooo much better than a Caitlyn late game. 10% extra true damage on every auto attack from his passive is ridiculous, and if you're good at aiming his ult it's ridiculous.

    A lategame AD's greatest source of damage is their autoattack. The problem with Corki is that most build Triforce for the midgame burst damage so not only does only his autoattacking do less damage, but he also needs to interrupt it with constant casting. A 10% steroid, even if it's true damage, is not a very impressive steroid. Caitlyn attacking from a bush probably ends up doing around 10% (50%/3= ~16.6%).

    Do people think Caitlyn's range becomes irrelevant once laning is over? She has great tower sieging/defending and her safety provides among the greatest damage uptimes among AD carries. She is only outranged by a Tristana and a Kog'Maw with an active W.

    If most AD carry needs 5 hits to kill someone and Caitlyn needs 6, it comes out even because Caitlyn gets her shot off first.

    So basically none of this is true except the tri-force comment, but nothing stops corki from building IE, people just get Triforce because its stronger in the mid game and can snowball an advantage so that you don't make it to the lategame

    Cait's range lets her be more safe in the lategame, but does not allow her to gets shots off first, because the carry is going to be at a point where they can engage when the fight starts. Range is a big advantage in laning, because it affords you that advantage. But after laning is over your tanks will be in front of you to intercept the other teams tanks/engage the other team and the carry will be behind them in a position where they can attack. Range is still an advantage, but its a saftey advantage more than a damage advantage.

    10% true damage is a much larger bonus than caits passive. Keep in mind that

    1) The true damage is based on the unreduced damage
    2) Caits damage does not scale with crits whereas Corki's does.

    Lets, for instance see what happens when shooting your average 100 armor target[which is below average really] if you have a last whisper on both characters. Lets assume even damage for simplicity[though Caits base stats are a bit higher because of better base AS and AS scaling]

    Cait hits for +50% base damage every 3 attacks[assume in the brush in every fight] and has the attack proc'd for the first attack of the fight. Lets assume a 55% crit rate[PD+IE]

    So, expected damage is 1.88 per attack before armor and 1.238 after. Cait's bonus damage is .5/armor which comes out to .331 damage every 3 attacks

    So Cait does 1.56 damage the first attack, then 1.348 damage/attack each 3 attacks afterwards

    Corki does +10% True damage. So he does 1.238 damage + .188 damage or 1.426 damage/attack.

    Break point in a fight, assuming that Cait has heatshot charged at the start and is attacking from the bush each attack is the second attack. Corki does more total damage to squishy targets after the second attack and Cait doesn't ever catch back up. The more armor the enemy has the worse it gets. Considering that an average/low armor for lategame should be around 150[AD carry with single low/mid armor defensive item gets to about 130-150. ] this is really going to start to hurt Caits damage ability.

    Corki's abilities are also no slouch in the lategame, affording him a LOT of poke and tower siege ability [even compared to Cait] as well as relocation/defense. He can simply continually bombard your position with rockets from relative safety until the fight is going to start.

    This isn't to say that Cait is a bad carry, she is a great lane bully and her headshot allows her to time harass in lane to be really strong. But it is to say that she isn't outdpsing anyone except Ashe in the lategame.

    Yet you still neglect to mention how much faster Cait attacks. Cap the AS! Doing 1.4 dmg for 4 attacks in under two seconds is far better than 1.426 dmg in three seconds.

    Star Wars (2 separate links)
    Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
    Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!

    I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Yet you still neglect to mention how much faster Cait attacks. Cap the AS! Doing 1.4 dmg for 4 attacks in under two seconds is far better than 1.426 dmg in three seconds.

    She has better scaling, but not that much better. I also calculated perfect brushiness for her, so it kinda evens out.
    Jars wrote: »
    range is one of the reasons trist is the best late game carry. 700 range is huge

    One of, but not the only. Her 90% AS steroid and 925 range relocate [which comes refershes when people die] is a big big part of it.
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Range is a absolutely an offensive stat in teamfights. I would take an AD carry with 2000 range and 1/4th the damage any day over a champion that has 500 range and 4x damage.

    But the difference between 2000 and 550 is not the difference between 650 and 550. There is a point where that range becomes that much stronger but its not here. It is true that Cait can shoot an ulting galio without being in the ult. But its also true that if cait can shoot galio, galio can move 50 and then ult. Caits range makes it harder to engage on her, but it does not put her outside the range of enemy initiation

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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    graves has all that and AD scaling but tristana is unquestionably the best late game carry because having 175 more range is a big deal

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    zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Range is a absolutely an offensive stat in teamfights. I would take an AD carry with 2000 range and 1/4th the damage any day over a champion that has 500 range and 4x damage.

    But the difference between 2000 and 550 is not the difference between 650 and 550. There is a point where that range becomes that much stronger but its not here. It is true that Cait can shoot an ulting galio without being in the ult. But its also true that if cait can shoot galio, galio can move 50 and then ult. Caits range makes it harder to engage on her, but it does not put her outside the range of enemy initiation

    Every inch of range is important. Sivir got either nerfed or sidegraded in every way during her remake, except she got a 75 range increase. That alone was enough to bump her vastly higher in the tier list. Cait is not perfectly outside of initiation range, but that extra 100 range she has on Corki lets her get a vastly improved uptime.

    How much would you pay for an item that gave +100 range? I guarantee if such an item came out it would have to be Infinity Edge price tier, because every AD carry would end up buying it.

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    Hargaad of OmnarHargaad of Omnar New Badges? Fucking BOSS!Registered User regular
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Range is a absolutely an offensive stat in teamfights. I would take an AD carry with 2000 range and 1/4th the damage any day over a champion that has 500 range and 4x damage.

    But the difference between 2000 and 550 is not the difference between 650 and 550. There is a point where that range becomes that much stronger but its not here. It is true that Cait can shoot an ulting galio without being in the ult. But its also true that if cait can shoot galio, galio can move 50 and then ult. Caits range makes it harder to engage on her, but it does not put her outside the range of enemy initiation

    Every inch of range is important. Sivir got either nerfed or sidegraded in every way during her remake, except she got a 75 range increase. That alone was enough to bump her vastly higher in the tier list. Cait is not perfectly outside of initiation range, but that extra 100 range she has on Corki lets her get a vastly improved uptime.

    How much would you pay for an item that gave +100 range? I guarantee if such an item came out it would have to be Infinity Edge price tier, because every AD carry would end up buying it.

    Unique? Because if not, I guarantee it's going to get stacked.

    Star Wars (2 separate links)
    Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
    Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!

    I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
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    zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Range is a absolutely an offensive stat in teamfights. I would take an AD carry with 2000 range and 1/4th the damage any day over a champion that has 500 range and 4x damage.

    But the difference between 2000 and 550 is not the difference between 650 and 550. There is a point where that range becomes that much stronger but its not here. It is true that Cait can shoot an ulting galio without being in the ult. But its also true that if cait can shoot galio, galio can move 50 and then ult. Caits range makes it harder to engage on her, but it does not put her outside the range of enemy initiation

    Every inch of range is important. Sivir got either nerfed or sidegraded in every way during her remake, except she got a 75 range increase. That alone was enough to bump her vastly higher in the tier list. Cait is not perfectly outside of initiation range, but that extra 100 range she has on Corki lets her get a vastly improved uptime.

    How much would you pay for an item that gave +100 range? I guarantee if such an item came out it would have to be Infinity Edge price tier, because every AD carry would end up buying it.

    Unique? Because if not, I guarantee it's going to get stacked.

    Well, yeah I assume it'd have to be unique. I mean, my point is something granting +100 range to AD carries would be absolutely absurd and literally every AD carry would buy it. They would pass up other offensive stats just to get that +100 range for it's power in teamfights.

    And some AD carries (eg Cait) get that item for free.

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    DraygoDraygo Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    graves has all that and AD scaling but tristana is unquestionably the best late game carry because having 175 more range is a big deal

    Graves while strong I think ends up being one of the weaker ad carries going into late game.

    Ashe, trist, vayne, kog would be my order if things hit super late. Free stuns when regular auto's are doing more or equal to ability dps, and you're attacking twice a second is why ashe is #1. No ad carry is going to come out of getting stunned and hit 3 times and win. Trists range and mixed damage make her really strong and really hard to kill. Vayne just does huge damage and can stun. Kog has really good range and can just facemurder bruiser/tank types and just turn the teamfight on its head.

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    RamiRami Registered User regular
    So they're nerfing Varus soon right?

    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX NNID: W-S-D-X 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Well, yeah I assume it'd have to be unique. I mean, my point is something granting +100 range to AD carries would be absolutely absurd and literally every AD carry would buy it. They would pass up other offensive stats just to get that +100 range for it's power in teamfights.

    And some AD carries (eg Cait) get that item for free.

    I am not sure they would, once things got hashed out, pay 3800 gold for 100 range. I mean there are offensive stats that people will pass up for 100 range, but 3800 gold is a lot of give up.

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    MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Well, yeah I assume it'd have to be unique. I mean, my point is something granting +100 range to AD carries would be absolutely absurd and literally every AD carry would buy it. They would pass up other offensive stats just to get that +100 range for it's power in teamfights.

    And some AD carries (eg Cait) get that item for free.

    I am not sure they would, once things got hashed out, pay 3800 gold for 100 range. I mean there are offensive stats that people will pass up for 100 range, but 3800 gold is a lot of give up.

    Now imagine Vayne with that item.

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    CaenemCaenem Sarasota, FLRegistered User regular
    After taking a huuge break from this game I've started watching streams and using spectator mode again..and feeling the urge to play. So I take a quick look through my profile to make sure my runes and masteries are in order and ZOMG! Apparently Masteries were moved from the local machine to their server. I don't remember any of the mastery crap! I know I had one set for Lee Sin, another for quasi jungle characters, and 2 for tank characters. Figuring this out all over again is going to be painful on the already large headache of shaking the rust off my gameplay.

    But you, pig, are a lucky one. Tell us what we wish to know, and you may yet keep your bacon.
    Nemlock for online gaming
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    NeadenNeaden Registered User regular
    Caenem wrote: »
    After taking a huuge break from this game I've started watching streams and using spectator mode again..and feeling the urge to play. So I take a quick look through my profile to make sure my runes and masteries are in order and ZOMG! Apparently Masteries were moved from the local machine to their server. I don't remember any of the mastery crap! I know I had one set for Lee Sin, another for quasi jungle characters, and 2 for tank characters. Figuring this out all over again is going to be painful on the already large headache of shaking the rust off my gameplay.
    Kids today! Back in my day we only had one mastery page period! We had to make a new one every time we went to a different character! While walking up hill! In the snow! And we liked it!

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    RamiRami Registered User regular
    support/carry, what's the difference


    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX NNID: W-S-D-X 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    MrGrimoire wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    zerg rush wrote: »
    Well, yeah I assume it'd have to be unique. I mean, my point is something granting +100 range to AD carries would be absolutely absurd and literally every AD carry would buy it. They would pass up other offensive stats just to get that +100 range for it's power in teamfights.

    And some AD carries (eg Cait) get that item for free.

    I am not sure they would, once things got hashed out, pay 3800 gold for 100 range. I mean there are offensive stats that people will pass up for 100 range, but 3800 gold is a lot of give up.

    Now imagine Vayne with that item.
    Vayne with 80 less AD, 25% less crit, and crits that do 4/5th the damage? Not actually that scared of it.

    Vayne with 70-110 less AD, 12-20% less lifesteal, 235 less life, 22% less attack speed and 8% less critical strike? Not actually that scared of it.

    Vayne with 15% less move speed, 55% less attack speed, 30% less crit...

    These are pretty amazingly huge concessions for 100 range. Its one of the reasons that Graves is not considered a worse lategame carry than Cait when he has -125 range because in order to get that 125 range cait has to give up an 80% attack speed boost and 30 armor/mr. 3800 Gold is much more than an 80% attack speed boost. 3800 Gold will buy you phantom dancer and zeal for 75% attack speed 40% critical strike and 23% movement speed.

    Lategame, Vayne is going to kill you regardless of whether or not she has 550 or 650 range. [450 range on her stun so she is probably going to be closing to use it anyway] She is already one of the strongest lategame AD carries and has the lowest effective combined AA/Ability range of any of them. That is, every other carry has abilities that stretch the 1000 range barrier [or more]. Many of them have very very potent low cooldown abilities that do that[Ashe with her 1200 range, 1.0 AD scaling Slow. Corki with his 1200 range, 1.2 second cooldown rockets, Sivir with her 1000 range possible 430 base damage 1.96 AD scaling boomerang, etc]

    Yet Vayne is still a top tier lategame carry despite having the absolute worst effective AA/Ability range of all of them. I am not even sure that [lategame] she is made all that much better by another +100 range. Early game she is because it would allow her a bit more leeway in lane. But lategame? Would it stop her from getting blown up? Not really. If she can't get out of it with her ultimate and tumble 100 more distance isn't going to make much of a difference. Would it allow her to chase better? Not really. Is she going to be setting up Condemns despite the range increase? Yea probably.

    Goumindong on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Someone make a new thread.

This discussion has been closed.