And now I wait with baited breath for the next few weeks.
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Tar3820The One and OnlySunnyvale, CARegistered Userregular
I know, right? Been waiting for months for apps to drop.. So nervous!
PRIME 2012: 3-day Pass [X] Hotel [X] Plane Tickets [X] Buttons [X] VacationTime [X]
!Ravenclaw Deatheaters, represent!
jondeaux79Elite GamerSeattleRegistered Usernew member
Aww snap son! Finally I can register and fill that thing out. Yeah that thumbnail is MY personally built custom gaming BEAST. All that just for some WoW and D3
Aww snap son! Finally I can register and fill that thing out. Yeah that thumbnail is MY personally built custom gaming BEAST. All that just for some WoW and D3
I am so glad to see this! I only have a twitter account for Pax purposes, and every time my twitter update would go off I would get a happy bubble hoping it was Enforcer sign ups! Now it is!
Pax is beyond words to describe for me. The best I can do is to say that at Pax is the only place and time I can really feel at home and be myself, my true self that no one else gets. and to be an Enforcer? That would just be beyond amazing.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Aww snap son! Finally I can register and fill that thing out. Yeah that thumbnail is MY personally built custom gaming BEAST. All that just for some WoW and D3
After the awesome weekend this year and how wonderful every Enforcer I talked to was, I'm rather inclined toward joining next year, myself. As I'd not seriously considered it until this year, this does seem the appropriate place to ask how difficult it is to pass the application process. Do most who apply make it in?
Your chances will be increased significantly if you have a current [E] in good standing as a character reference for your application, as well as if you have applicable or special skills. For example, knowing how to set up sound/video equipment for a large room is a plus, as there's usually a shortage of people with those skills.
Your chances will be increased significantly if you have a current [E] in good standing as a character reference for your application, as well as if you have applicable or special skills. For example, knowing how to set up sound/video equipment for a large room is a plus, as there's usually a shortage of people with those skills.
How many are accepted depends on how many they need and how many apply. Some years those numbers are close, and many are accepted, this year I heard Kristin has 3 times as many apply as she needed, so lots were turned away.
Character references help, but the most important thing would be to treat the application seriously like an actual job application, but that is really what it is. I know several people who I vouched for this year, who did not take is seriously, and did not get in.
Agh... most of my 'special skills' that might be useful are of the encyclopedic form rather than the 'useful technological things' sort ('Like this? You might like that' retro/tabletop recommendations good! Setting up A/V... not so much), and I'm two degrees away from actually knowing any [E] outside of the con itself, I fear... that does seem to slow things a little. But I've got seven or eight months to fix the references issue, right? And an application is something I can certainly treat seriously. Multiple years of unwanted unemployment will do that to a person.
I would say customer service skills are far more useful in most enforcer roles then technical skills. And those can be learned in even the most menial retail job. Almost all enforcers deal with the attendees, and need to do it well. Only a handful of us deal with AV equipment or anything technical.
nvm, I just want to thank Enforcers this year. I CB it up for child's play and they're always understanding. Line entertainment was at it's best this year.
I would say customer service skills are far more useful in most enforcer roles then technical skills.
Aha... now *that* I can do. Spending six months working as assistant manager of a small video game store (most of my time in store spent with no other staff present) definitely has its long-term benefits, it seems... as much as it may have been like herding cats some nights when we had Rock Band set up.
!Ravenclaw Deatheaters, represent!
e-peen contest?
I am so glad to see this! I only have a twitter account for Pax purposes, and every time my twitter update would go off I would get a happy bubble hoping it was Enforcer sign ups! Now it is!
Pax is beyond words to describe for me. The best I can do is to say that at Pax is the only place and time I can really feel at home and be myself, my true self that no one else gets. and to be an Enforcer? That would just be beyond amazing.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Maybe next time.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
How many are accepted depends on how many they need and how many apply. Some years those numbers are close, and many are accepted, this year I heard Kristin has 3 times as many apply as she needed, so lots were turned away.
Character references help, but the most important thing would be to treat the application seriously like an actual job application, but that is really what it is. I know several people who I vouched for this year, who did not take is seriously, and did not get in.
Aha... now *that* I can do. Spending six months working as assistant manager of a small video game store (most of my time in store spent with no other staff present) definitely has its long-term benefits, it seems... as much as it may have been like herding cats some nights when we had Rock Band set up.