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The PAX East reasons to stay project

Axelsgurl4lifeAxelsgurl4life Potsdam,NYRegistered User regular
edited March 2013 in PAX East
Alright so this being my 1st PAX I decided I wanted to do something exciting to remember it by. The idea that came to me was a project called "The reasons to stay".

Basically what this would consist of would be very simple. I will be walking around with a silver backpack and about two decks of of colored flashcards. I would also have a few markers. To tie this all together I would have my camera. I will be asking people if they would like to be part of this project. If they say yes then they would write down one of the reasons why a person should stay in this world. I would then take a photo of them with the card and take all the pictures I got would be put into a video of the reasons why you should stay PAX East edition. It would then be posted on youtube for the world to see.

Let me know here if you are interested and I will arrange a place and time for everyone to meet up! Spread the word! Lets get more then 100 reasons to stay!

zerzhul on


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