
Recommend me Halloween music for a bar!

Kristmas KthulhuKristmas Kthulhu Currently Kultist KthulhuRegistered User regular
So, as I'm sure a handful of you are aware, the month of October is nearly upon us. I'm looking for some good Halloween or spooky-themed music for my bar's karaoke nights for this coming month.

Recommendations don't have to be overtly related to the month, as even songs that don't have that Halloween sound can still work if their lyrics are about lycanthropy and such.

An example would be something like this:


I also particularly like the Shelleyan nature of mashups, so good ones are always welcome. Things like the following are great even if they don't have a tie to Halloween:


I've already got a halfway decent collection of songs, and I'll keep an ongoing list as more are introduced in the thread.

List below:
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - She Said
Kerli - Walking on Air
Eels - Fresh Blood
Nightmare Before Christmas - This is Halloween
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll
Gnarls Barkley - Necromancer
Gnarls Barkley - Boogie Monster
Jason Segel - Dracula's Lament
Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons

Call me a Hole - Nine Inch Nails vs. Carly Rae Jepsen
Ghostbusters/X Gon' Give it to Ya - Ray Parker Jr. vs. DMX
Galvanize the Empire - Chemical Brothers vs. John Williams
Party & Bullshit in the U.S.A. - Notorious B.I.G. vs. Miley Cyrus
Black Beatles - Beatles vs. Ludacris vs. a bunch of random crap

I have to catch a flight, and I'm not with my music collection at the moment, so that's all I can remember off hand. Let's get this suggestion train going!


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