[OOC] Urban Arcana One-Shot

JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
edited September 2007 in Critical Failures

The Urban Arcana Campaign Setting for d20 modern combines our modern world with a more fantastic one where magic and monsters are real and where adventurers still rule. Your big ugly neighbour with a penchant for fighting and drums might be an orc and that newscaster who you can't take your eyes off might be working with something more than his natural charm. In the world of Urban Arcana, very little is as it seems and once you pull back the veil, you can never go back.

One of my favorite PBP games took place in the Urban Arcana setting, and thusly I was hoping to whip up a low-level one shot (or two) for the boards here. Having never DMed before I was going to run one of the modules from the book for a first taste and then if it goes well, continue into my own little story. As I don't particularly like the idea of shadow creatures popping out of the ether from time to time and the poorly explained reasons why they fit in, this campaign will feature a world in which humans don't remember a time before the shadowkind were here and are both aware and used to them. Although this takes away from some of the themes of Urban Arcana, I think it should still lead to an interesting game with more options for the players.

The setting is in current times, in a small, quickly growing city where the adventurers live, or are passing through. Although the expansion is financially good for the city, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing exponentially as criminal organizations and megacorps make grabs for the city's future. The majority of the populace therefore lives in Old Town, where mob toughs from Downtown shake down business owners for protection, drug dealers walk the streets unbarred and dirty cops turn a blind eye. Downtown is much the same, but with bigger stakes and where the rich folk watch safely from penthouses and bulletproof limos. Again, since it is a one shot the story will probably be rather linear, although with the flexibility of PBP I might be able to accomodate some exploration.

For character creation I was hoping for level 1 characters of any race with LA < 3 using a 29 point buy or you can request to have me roll your stats with old 4d6 drop lowest method and let you assign them. I have quite a few d20 modern books, and as long as you can reference any feats, etc. that aren't in the core rules you can probably have them. Since this is a one shot (even though I enjoy RP) I don't expect a hugely detailed character background and if you want to apply, just give me an idea you have for a character and their reason for being in town and we can go from there.


Horseshoe: Brendan The Brick Doyle
jdarksun: The Bug
INeedNoSalt: Jainna

JacquesCousteau on


  • WindbitWindbit Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Are those drow on the cover?

    Windbit on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I'm interested.

    Could you roll me a pregenerated character?

    I'd play whatever you decided on, and I'm good at improvising RP from a provided backstory.

    (I like the challenge of pregens, and I don't mind being the "plot device" character).

    Horseshoe on
  • Mithrandir86Mithrandir86 Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I'm running a Shadow Chasers campaign right now, and I would definitely play - but I'm afraid that I've read too much of the source material for me to have fun with it anymore.

    I could give you pointers, however.

    Mithrandir86 on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Yes, those are drow on the cover Windbit. Heh, the art in Urban Arcana is kind of goofy actually. Anyway, it's good to see a few are interested, and I suppose I could whip you up a character Horsehoe if you give me an archetype that you'd prefer playing (Strong, Fast, Smart, Dedicated, Charismatic). If you want me to surprise you I could do that also.

    As far as getting some pointers, that would be awesome Mithrandir, as although I have a bit of a story arc in mind, I'm not quite sure about what NPC's to include or other little immersion tricks like that. If you want to play JD, it's pretty simple and you're definitely welcome. I figure the start will be whenever we get enough people or if only a few want to join then when they're all ready (more can be added later).

    JacquesCousteau on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    If you want me to surprise you I could do that also.

    Surprise me. :D

    Horseshoe on
  • hardxcore_conservativehardxcore_conservative Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    This interests me. I am familiar with the d20 Modern ruleset and can create my own character, but I have never played online before. What will it entail? Will there be a particular time frame during which most of the posting will occur?

    hardxcore_conservative on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I am GMT -7 I think (American Mountain Time), and lots of my updates will be evenings and weekends. You can post any time you want really, but eventually, action will move on based on the speed of the other players. I expect a slightly quick paced casual posting rate and I will update at least a few times a week, whenever time permits.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • hardxcore_conservativehardxcore_conservative Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I'd like to, but I'll be busy at that time at least four days of the week, sometimes more. Still, good luck with the game.

    hardxcore_conservative on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Hey alls, we got our first player. Updated the OP with his character sheet (hope you don't mind Horse). Still accepting 2-3 more players.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    There's Elves, Gnomes, Goblins, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Snakeblooded Humans as EL+0 races. The other races below EL+3 that I'm allowing are El+1 Aasimars, Dragonblooded, Gnoll, Half-Ogre, Tiefling, and EL+2 Bugbear and Drow. If you choose a race I can PM you their stats, and if you need any othre creation info I can get you that as well.

    EDIT: EL's will just make your character's experience "act" at a different level, so for EL+2 races, you will need the experience of a level 3 to move to class level 2 (IE you will start with 3000/6000 xp instead of 0/1000)

    JacquesCousteau on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    <JacquesCousteau> ha eldercat. Like an old cat, mirite?
    <JacquesCousteau> Hey alls! What's up with Superheroes? And why aren't you all wanting to join my vaguely described Urban Arcana game?
    <JacquesCousteau> (except INNS) who hates d20 modern.

    What's funny is, I was thinking on it. "I do like Urban Arcana's setting... but I really, really hate d20 modern."

    If you're doing PBP, I could probably force deal with it. I'd probably make a Drow something-or-other.

    You should take a look at Horseshoe's Star Wars PBP, which I think is handling my biggest problem with d20 in general (the lack of cinematic excellence because of overwhelming rules) pretty well.

    Edit: I can imagine playing an Aasimar Fast Hero paladin-hero-with-a-gun, that'd be awesome.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    <JacquesCousteau> ha eldercat. Like an old cat, mirite?
    <JacquesCousteau> Hey alls! What's up with Superheroes? And why aren't you all wanting to join my vaguely described Urban Arcana game?
    <JacquesCousteau> (except INNS) who hates d20 modern.

    What's funny is, I was thinking on it. "I do like Urban Arcana's setting... but I really, really hate d20 modern."

    If you're doing PBP, I could probably force deal with it. I'd probably make a Drow something-or-other.

    You should take a look at Horseshoe's Star Wars PBP, which I think is handling my biggest problem with d20 in general (the lack of cinematic excellence because of overwhelming rules) pretty well.

    Edit: I can imagine playing an Aasimar Fast Hero paladin-hero-with-a-gun, that'd be awesome.

    Well, I'm not sure what JD is thinking, but I'm sure if he also wants a fast hero I could always accomodate (just send more guns after you ;) ). I'm honestly not sure if DM's really compensate that way, but it sounds kind of good, so we'll see. Anyway, I'm rambling, so roll up a character and once I hear back from JD we can get going.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Shiiiiit. It looks like I'm late but I'd totally be up for this.

    If there's an empty slot I'm definitely in, though.

    Hylianbunny on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    What a coincidence, a slot just opened (ha). Seriously though, I didn't mean for that to sound like a closure, but once I actually have 4 character sheets (possibly 5) in my hands, I think I might have to stop. I'm in the minors still. ;)

    JacquesCousteau on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    It's entirely up to what you want to play. I'm really not looking for a Buffy group and I'll find a way to balance the challenges.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Brick is gonna punch some dudes. Probably in the face.

    Horseshoe on
  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Problem with ECL 1 is that it's so hard to do something creative, ehe.

    Don't have my books handy but I'm probably going to look at aiming to be a Shadowjack eventually.

    I'll toss together a sheet and get some stats rolled up by you whenever you get a chance.

    Hylianbunny on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Problem with ECL 1 is that it's so hard to do something creative, ehe.

    Don't have my books handy but I'm probably going to look at aiming to be a Shadowjack eventually.

    I'll toss together a sheet and get some stats rolled up by you whenever you get a chance.

    It's not ECL 1, just Class Level 1. So you can be a LA+2 race, you'll just be stuck at level 1 longer than everyone else.

    I think.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Essentially ECL 1 for me right now, as I'm going to end up being something without an LA. :P

    Hylianbunny on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Problem with ECL 1 is that it's so hard to do something creative, ehe.

    Don't have my books handy but I'm probably going to look at aiming to be a Shadowjack eventually.

    I'll toss together a sheet and get some stats rolled up by you whenever you get a chance.

    It's not ECL 1, just Class Level 1. So you can be a LA+2 race, you'll just be stuck at level 1 longer than everyone else.

    I think.

    This is true. And also, JD your character sheet is fine, except as tiefling you forego the additional starting feat of humans, so you only get 1 (Point Blank Shot if you choose to keep it). I probably should've mentioned that when I PMed you the racial stats. And also, in your experience tally, it should say 0/2000. Otherwise it's looking good.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007

    I can't afford to buy anything else if I buy a pistol that isn't a revolver.

    Likewise if I buy a bullet-proof vest.

    Blah, the woes of police-officerdom.

    I present Jaina, Aasimar Fast 1 Beat cop. Terrible counter to the Tiefling criminal. I don't have all of her equipment on there, because I have to figure out how to get her armor, a weapon, and other stuff without dropping to 0 wealth instantly.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    The modern player's companion has the following equipment list for law enforcement:
    car opening kit, cellphone, chemical light sticks (5), clothing (casual), colt double eagle, disguise kit, evidence kit (basic), fire extinguisher, first aid kit, flashlight (penlight), flashlight (standard), handcuffs (steel), holster (hip), holster (concealed carry), lock release gun, map (road atlas), metal baton, multipurpose tool, patrol box, pepper spray, Ruger Service-Six, sap, search-and-rescue kit, speed loader, spike strip, stun gun, undercover vest, uniform.

    And with a wealth bonus of +5 you get a beretta M3P, and an evidence kit (presumably deluxe).

    JacquesCousteau on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    This pretty much reminds me of why it was I dislike d20 modern.

    Whoever decided to take the wealth system and apply randomized starting funds to it is an idiot, and also, I hate how little room for variation there is between the Hero types.

    So blah, count me out. I don't want to have to play off being a police officer who can't even manage standard issue gear, and I don't want to be a carbon copy of another character.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    I have no problem switching to something else, Salt. I have to rethink my pattern anyway, with not being able to take Double Tap.

    Nah, don't worry about it. Your character was in and done first, anyway.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    Yeah, but... it's invalid.

    Because you can't take Double Tap until level 2? o_O

    INeedNoSalt on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    Sort of; I'm the type of guy who plans characters out way, way too much. So not being able to take Double Tap... I have to choose between it and the race, Tiefling. Which gets into the whole character concept. I can't just drop one or the other and have the same feel for the character.

    Yeah, as silly as it sounds... something that seems like a superficial change on the outside makes me rethink the whole thing.

    I can explain my whole train of thought if you like, but I think it's only amusing to me.

    My train of thought on my character didn't get past "I can't have a gun and body armor? Well what the fuck, that's standard gear. THANKS, retarded wealth rules!"

    I guess I can understand planning a character out, but since it's a one-shot, I don't see looking too far in advance as a necessity.

    I took Evasion instead of +5 Move Speed and Armor Proficiency instead of PBShot because I wanted to differentiate my cop from your criminal, which was the only real design decision I made.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you get a gun and body armor as part of your occupation kit. Yeah, check out what JacquesCousteau wrote.

    The core d20 Modern book is a little sloppy (especially when it comes to starting equipment), but hey, that's what good DMs are for. :)

    I'm gonna go look into a Smart or Charismatic Hero.

    I don't know what the hell an occupation kit is, I read his post as "Here's stuff police officers probably have, with your 5 wealth you can afford... these two."

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you get a gun and body armor as part of your occupation kit. Yeah, check out what JacquesCousteau wrote.

    The core d20 Modern book is a little sloppy (especially when it comes to starting equipment), but hey, that's what good DMs are for. :)

    I'm gonna go look into a Smart or Charismatic Hero.

    I don't know what the hell an occupation kit is, I read his post as "Here's stuff police officers probably have, with your 5 wealth you can afford... these two."

    I think it was: here's your starting package, and with 5 wealth you can upgrade these two items.

    Horseshoe on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I mean fuck dude... I just got like leather jacket, brass knuckles and a duffel bag with a change of clothes in it. Come on.

    Horseshoe on
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I ran an Urban Arcana game from Level 2 to Level 12.

    It was absolutely a blast and was one of the finest campaigns I have ever run.

    It's also a completely ridiculous setting and you can't even hope to take it seriously.

    Pony on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Horseshoe wrote: »
    jdarksun wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you get a gun and body armor as part of your occupation kit. Yeah, check out what JacquesCousteau wrote.

    The core d20 Modern book is a little sloppy (especially when it comes to starting equipment), but hey, that's what good DMs are for. :)

    I'm gonna go look into a Smart or Charismatic Hero.

    I don't know what the hell an occupation kit is, I read his post as "Here's stuff police officers probably have, with your 5 wealth you can afford... these two."

    I think it was: here's your starting package, and with 5 wealth you can upgrade these two items.

    Horse is right, all those items are yours plus those two bonus ones for your +5 wealth (Of course it drops you to 0 wealth though). The Modern Player's Companion book has really handy (and awesome) starting packages. Horse's character was 1 wealth point away from a Chevy Cavalier (ha).

    EDIT: Also INNS, your character sheet looks fine, except you forgot to give yourself +1 base reflex save (for fast hero).
    EDIT2: Also also, you forgot your +2 racial bonus to listen and spot.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Horseshoe wrote: »
    jdarksun wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you get a gun and body armor as part of your occupation kit. Yeah, check out what JacquesCousteau wrote.

    The core d20 Modern book is a little sloppy (especially when it comes to starting equipment), but hey, that's what good DMs are for. :)

    I'm gonna go look into a Smart or Charismatic Hero.

    I don't know what the hell an occupation kit is, I read his post as "Here's stuff police officers probably have, with your 5 wealth you can afford... these two."

    I think it was: here's your starting package, and with 5 wealth you can upgrade these two items.

    Horse is right, all those items are yours plus those two bonus ones for your +5 wealth (Of course it drops you to 0 wealth though). The Modern Player's Companion book has really handy (and awesome) starting packages. Horse's character was 1 wealth point away from a Chevy Cavalier (ha).

    Well this changes things. >>

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Feh. Cavalier is a bitch car anyways.

    Horseshoe on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I was just looking at the criminal starting package JD, and it seems you could have the following (and switch out brass knuckles for straight razor or whatever little RP things you wanted):

    Binoculars (standard), bolt cutters, brass knuckles, briefcase, car opening kit, cell phone, clothing (business), clothing (casual), disguise kit, duct tape, duffle bag, fake ID, flashlight (standard), flask (ha), holster (concealed carry), knife, leather jacket, lockpick set, money belt, Pathfinder, sap, suppressor (pistol). And your wealth +5 items: Desert Eagle, sawed-off shotgun (This almost seems overpowered, but I can deal if you guys want a healthy challenge).

    JacquesCousteau on
  • DevnoimagDevnoimag Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    This all sounds really interesting. I've never played a Pen and Paper over boards before. If you've got room for one more, I'll make up a character after I get off work (which I leave for in 5 minutes). I'll have to study the wealth system, though. I never liked it, so I havn't actually used it for any of the games I've DM'd.

    Devnoimag on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Well, HB makes 4, so I guess I could always add a 5th. Make away, and if you need any help just PM me or post it up.

    JacquesCousteau on
  • DevnoimagDevnoimag Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I think I may go with a charismatic bugbear aiming at arcane arranger. I always liked the bugbear art in Urban Arcana and the idea of a smooth operator bugbear makes me smile a little on the inside.

    Devnoimag on
  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Sorry about the delay with my sheet. I'll get right on that.

    Hylianbunny on
  • JacquesCousteauJacquesCousteau Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    No problem. :D

    JacquesCousteau on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    jdarksun wrote: »
    HB, what are you considering playing?

    I really dig the criminal kit, so I might go with a Smart Hero criminal. Might even stick with Tiefling.

    I dig criminal tiefling just on account of having a cop aasimar. :D

    INeedNoSalt on
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