
[Marvel Heroes 2015] Midtown Madness Week

DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
edited October 2014 in Games and Technology


This week is a short week to coincide with our office move. We're focusing on a few higher priority bug fixes and introducing the Midtown Madness event.

Midtown Madness is similar to past events, with the bonus Midtown loot table moved to a box and a few things added. Rarity and Special Item Find still apply to these boxes and they have all the items from the normal buffed Midtown loot plus a chance at a couple of other things not previously added.

Midtown Fortune cards also drop during Midtown Madness.

A.R.M.O.R. Incursion will come back the week after, with a round of improvements based on feedback from last time.

  • Red Raid tuning pass adjustments. Warden Slag is slightly easier this week and more polished. We're leaving Red Raids in public beta until October 10th to get more public testing and iteration.
  • The "rescue" missions bug has been fixed.
  • A bug preventing players from rejoining raids or X-Defense in progress has been fixed. If you notice any instances of this occurring, please post in the bug report forum with details. Much appreciated.
  • A few new artifacts and unique items have been added to the Bronx Zoo.
  • The Mr. Hyde fight in Bronx Zoo is slightly more forgiving.
  • A few minor bugs have been addressed in various parts of the game.


Check out my post here for status on various thing: http://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/137385/nice-thursday-update/p1
Have a great weekend. We'll be working all weekend and hopefully getting in some play time, so we hope to see you in game.


PA GUILD INFO: Agents of WANG ARCADE - Contact @Manetherenwolf, @Dirtyboy, or @Maddoc (all same name in game) to get guild invite.

Ventrilo (provided courtesty of @WolveSight )
port: 8761
password: candy1234


Marvel Heroes is a FREE-TO-PLAY action-packed massively multiplayer online game created by David Brevik, the visionary behind Diablo and Diablo 2. Set in the iconic Marvel Universe, Marvel Heroes combines the core game-play style of Action RPGs and MMOs with the expansive library of heroes from the Marvel Universe. In the game, players can collect and play as their favorite Marvel Superheroes (including Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider Man, Captain America and many others). Team up with friends and try to stop Doctor Doom from devastating the world with the power of the Cosmic Cube in a story written by Marvel comic super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis.





Q: Is it really "free"?
A: Yes, you can play 100% of the game content and earn all 30+ heroes without spending a dime.

Q: What's the catch?
A: Cosmetic (over 180 costumes, several pets) and convenience items (boosts, inventory) cost "G points" that are purchased with real money. Costumes have an extremely rare chance to drop in game. Some pets and boosts are obtainable through in game play. Inventory space is very limited and can only be purchased with G points.

Q: Can I play whatever hero I want?
A: Free players are limited to 1 of 9 "starter" heroes when beginning the game. Any of the other heroes can be purchased with G points or by collecting Cosmic Splinters that drop in game. Hero prices range from $2 to over $10. Hero costs for splinters are 200/400/600 (tier depends on how much work they took to create or popularity). Splinters drop 1 every 6 to 10 minutes with chances for double or 10 pack drops.

The current starter hero lineup is: Captain America, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Luke Cage, Black Widow, Storm, Colossus, Human Torch, Punisher, Daredevil, Rocket Raccoon.

Q: Can I create my own hero?
A: No, you can only play as any of the 30+ heroes currently in the game.

Q: Does gear I equip show on my hero?
A: No, gear is stats only. There are some visual effects that can be added to costumes such as glowing orbs or flaming Ghost Rider style heads, but otherwise you cannot change the base look of a costume. There are no hats.

Q: What is the gameplay like?
A: The game plays like a typical ARPG (Diablo, Torchlight, Path of Exile, etc.). Third-person, isometric view. You click mouse icon to where you want to move and use a combination of mouse and keyboard buttons to trigger attacks and abilities. There is currently no controller support.

In story mode, your hero progresses through "chapters" completing various quests while finding gear and leveling up. Currently story content ends around level 25 and level cap is 60. Once story mode is complete you use endgame content to level, this includes Legendary Quests (repeatable quests randomly pulled from a list), Terminals (Red, Green level boss fight instances), Holo-Sim (1-2 player challenge mode of increasingly difficult waves), X-Defense (5 player "horde" style mode protecting NPCs at X-Men Mansion with increasingly difficult waves).

Q: What is the endgame like?
A: Currently level 60 content includes Cosmic level terminals (same as Red and Green but much more difficult) and Player vs. Player (currently only one 5v5 Dota style mode). You can also run all the other modes to grind for better gear and/or do Legendary Quests which award Odin Marks that can be used to buy Legendary Items for heroes (items that can be leveled through five tiers of bonuses and can be equipped to any level hero). At level 30 and 45 you unlock Heroic and Super Heroic modes (harder difficulty levels, like Diablo 3). And if you are really nuts you can prestige up to five times (stats/level reset to zero). Upcoming content includes more PvE and PvP zones/modes as well at 10-player raids.


Dirtyboy on


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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited August 2014



    Green: Complete!
    Red: Not Run

    Green: 90% Complete
    Red: Not Run

    Green: Not Run
    Red: Not Run

    Green: Not Run
    Red: Not Run

    Green: Not Run
    Red: Not Run

    Hi all,

    I've gone through and added details about the Item Grade raid tokens called Eye of Demonfire. (Also available outside of raids in a limited capacity).

    This are almost exactly like the raid tokens from games like WOW and other MMOs, except that they buy RECIPES for to upgrade your items, so players of many heroes can upgrade all their heroes items instead of having to focus on just one hero.

    Here's some initial info:

    • A new item upgrade currency known as "Eye of Demonfire" is now available in game.
    • Each raid boss drops 25 tokens, except Surtur drops 50 tokens. This is a once a week per account per boss drop
    • Each shared daily quest drops 2 Eyes of Demofire per day per quest, total of 6 per day. (42 per week)
    • Man Ape drops 3 Eyes of Demonfire, once per day. (21 per week)

      • You can receive up to 63 per week from playing outside of raids. (more will be added with upcoming new content and with Login Rewards)
      • You can receive up to 150 per week from raids if you completely clear all encounters, including Surtur.
      Misc. Notes:
      • These will eventually drop in loot boxes from raid bosses instead of on the ground. For the last week of Beta you will have to click on the ground.
      • It is absolutely intended that someone who dedicates the time, effort and preparation to raiding has the potential to acquire these faster, assuming they put in the work every week. However, everyone will still have access to them, even if they never step foot into a raid zone.
      • This isn't the final list of methods to acquire the tokens, but it's a reasonable start.
      • Recipes for each slot are approximately 200-300 tokens each. Once you get a recipe for the slot, you can upgrade any number of items for any hero, with a crafting cost associated with each one.
      • These will be added to the Currency Tab when it launches later this year.


    With the 1 year anniversary patch, Marvel Heroes is introducing a new game mode: Raids. Raids have a very different mechanic when it comes to the queue system, lockouts and loot lockouts. Below is a quick overview to help you understand how it all works.

    Explaining the Raid Queue System:

    In Marvel Heroes, you will need to use the Raid Queue System to access the raid zone. This is done by using the S.H.I.E.L.D. Waypoint interface, which allows players to set the Raid on Muspelheim from the Challenge section.
    Players can queue as a raid group or individually for the raid. However, to provide the best feedback, testing the encounters with a group is optimal. To form a raid group, you will need to do the following:
    Invite someone to your party as you would normally. Once that person has joined the party, right-click on the mouse icon in the Party UI and select “Convert to Raid.” Invite 8 more people so that you have a Raid Party of 10. When your group is ready to travel to Muspelheim, you will need to do the following:
    The Raid leader needs to open the Waypoint. Select: Challenges > Muspelheim Raid > Warp to this Location. To queue up for the Raid, check “Do Not Seek Other Players” and click “OK”. Once the match fires, everyone in the party need to accept the match invite. Once the team has accepted the invite, the entire team will be teleported to Muspelheim.


    Question: Does my damage or the Raid boss health scale based on the amount of players in my raid group?

    Answer: Neither scales. These encounters are tuned and balanced for a group of 10 heroes. Having 1 person in your group or 10 will not change the damage you do to a boss (other than party buffs offered), nor will it change the health of a boss.

    Question: Is there a Raid lockout?

    Answer: There is a raid lockout that rolls over at 12:00 AM PST Wednesday morning. While we currently have lockouts that are associated with the individual player, such as loot resets from Green/Red/Cosmic terminals, the raid lockout is tied to a global server time.

    Question: Can I farm Raid bosses for loot over and over and over?

    Answer: You can, however you will not get the “mega amazing” loot table bonus which is only available once a week from each boss on a per hero basis. This loot bonus is also tied to the 12:00 AM PST Wednesday morning rollover and your eligibility will reset at that time each week.

    Question: Is my Raid progression saved?

    Answer: Your raid progression is saved during each lockout period, and will reset when the raid lockout rolls over every 12:00 AM Wednesday morning. Your raid progression is saved individually per hero on your account. This is very important when explaining the queue system and determining which encounter you will queue into.

    Question: So how does this Raid progression saving work?

    Answer: Each week, your individual hero will have their progression saved based on the bosses you defeat specifically while playing that hero. Since there are 5 raid bosses, your progression will be referred to as 0/5, 1/5 etc bosses defeated. The encounter that a group queues into will be solely based on the saved progression of the Raid leader.

    Example 1: I am the raid leader, and have 4/5 bosses defeated. Regardless of the progression of the other 9 players in my raid group, when I queue us for the raid, we queue into a Raid zone that has 4/5 bosses defeated. Players with lesser progression than myself (0/5, 1/5, 2/5 or 3/5) in my raid group will not be saved to my progression unless we actually defeat a boss. Players with greater progression (5/5) will never be reverted to my saved state, and will always maintain their progression assuming their progression is greater than mine. So..
    If you are 0/5 and join my raid group with 4/5 bosses defeated, and we fail to defeat the 5th boss, when you leave my group, your progression will still be saved to 0/5. Conversely, if you are 5/5 and join my raid group with 4/5 bosses defeated, and we fail to defeated the 5th boss, you will still be saved to your 5/5 defeated state.
    However, if you are 0/5 and join my raid group with 4/5 bosses defeated, and we defeat the 5th boss, when you leave my group, your progression will be saved to 5/5. Additionally, since you “bypassed” the previous 4 bosses and you were saved to my instance, you will forgo all of the “mega amazing” loot from the first 4 bosses on that specific hero.

    NOTE: You will only get the “mega amazing” loot once per hero in a given week from a Raid boss.

    Example 2: I am the raid leader, and have 2/5 bosses defeated. If you are 0/5 and join my raid group with 2/5 bosses defeated. We defeat the 3rd and 4th bosses. You will now be 4/5 for the week. You will get loot from the 3rd and 4th bosses (the “mega amazing” loot). You will not get “mega amazing” loot if you go back to defeat the 1st and 2nd bosses. So more or less, any boss that you effectively “skip” will result in not getting the “mega amazing” loot for the week from that boss.

    • Four blessings
    • A leveled up "real" Legendary item (NO Pot O' Gold) up to rank 4 or 5
    • Runes on slots 1 through 5
    • Team-Up equipped (recommend set on passive)
    • Sub 20 second TTK on boss dummy (solo) in Shield training room (last dummy on left in back)
    • Level 50 Runeword equipped
    • Must use Vent (no mic/listen only acceptable)
    *Note: May run green level with slightly less

    • 20k HP for ranged heroes
    • 25k-30k HP for melee heroes
    • 10k+ defense
    • CC (Crowd Control) break slotted
    • No Omega Points requirements but you should spend them on SPIN Tech

    It is to be expected that a player has four artifacts, medal, ring, insignia that are useful to hero equipped and that your costume has all four tiers and a level 60 core.



    Marvel Base

    Hero Sub Forums

    Dirtyboy on
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited August 2014

    • Pick a hero that interests you (generally avoid ones that have not had their "52" rework - see below). Paid heroes range from $6 to $15 and can often be bought in bundles (contain extra costumes, storage tab, etc.). Heroes can be bought with in-game currency (Eternity Splinters) for 200/400/600. Team Ups (NPC sidekicks) can only be bought with real money or splinters (same splinter cost as heroes).
    • Play through the story mode to finish (you get various quest rewards plus splinters towards buying another hero). Currently 9 chapters, ends about the time you are level 25-30.
    • Donate ALL unwanted items to crafter first then enchanter (they level to 20 each and unlock crafting recipes along the way)
    • Legendary Quests start at level 20. These quests pay a large amount of XP and credits and can be repeated. After playing through the story mode, these quests are the primary way to level to 60.
    • You get an account-wide bonus to XP at levels 30/50/60 for every hero you get to those points. Caps at +200% (tooltip over synergy xp on your hero's stats page has full details).
    • You unlock hero synergies (hit V to see) at levels 25 and 50. These are account wide bonuses each hero you own can use (up to 10 per hero).
    • Omega System unlocks for use at level 30. Any XP you gain (even prior to 30) goes towards earning Omega Points (blue orb). The Omega System is their version of the Alternate Advancement system loosely based on Everquest, Borderlands 2 (Badass Ranks), Diablo 2/3 (Paragon). Points are account wide, but each hero can separately use them.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions in chat or this thread. Our guild is full of people who know the game inside and out and are more than willing to answer or help out.


    List of heroes that have had their "52" rework.

    Marvel Heroes Compendium - A spreadsheet with (mostly) up-to-date item stats, quest info, mode details.

    Marvel Base - An irregularly updated site with game information and a skill tree calculator to help plan out builds. Usually doesn't have the latest heroes or items.

    Hero sub forums - A good place to find hero builds or other tips on how to play them.


    Player created guides

    For the reading impaired, a long but good video going through the game mechanics:


    Link to original post with listing of all topics covered.


    Degen - Plays every evening for 8+ hours (yes he's nuts). Interacts with chat and gladly answers questions and shows how things work. Level 60 and endgame play (unless it's a new hero release).

    Bwana - Plays nearly every day for a few hours. Interacts with chat and is a more relaxed pace and gladly answers questions. One of the Twitch admins.

    David and Divo Brevik - CEO of Gazillion and his wife stream their play irregularly, but usually at least 2-3 evenings per week (friday/saturday they stream raids). David answers many questions and often will stop and write emails to various departments to get issues fixed that are brought up in chat.

    List of live MH streams

    Dirtyboy on
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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Excellent first post.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    skippymchaggisskippymchaggis Registered User regular
    nice new OP, nice new thread smell.

    so, anyone here do the prestige thing and actually considering the cosmic run? (i haven't prestiged anyone. still working on getting everyone to 60 the first time...)

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    scherbchenscherbchen Asgard (it is dead)Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    I thought it was squirrel time?

    and yes, toying with the idea of cosmic prestige. too much to do ingame atm though.

    having lots of characters I like to play which are not yet geared enough is keeping me busy. I can't even start levelling new ones because by now I hate to lvl them if they don't lvl a legendary as well at the same time.

    scherbchen on
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    Blackbird SR-71CBlackbird SR-71C Registered User regular
    Damn it no one knows how to play X-Defense!

    Steam ID: 76561198021298113
    Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird

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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Damn it no one knows how to play X-Defense!
    Follow Storm around and pick up all the loots. Something about blue...berries? Blue Meanies? Blue's Clues?

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    DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    New thread, new look. How is the FTP aspect now? Based on napkin math using the figures in the OP, it could take approximately 2000 minutes (or 33.3 hours) to earn 1 200 splinter hero if you only got 1 splinter every ten minutes of play. Is that still the case?

    DoctorArch on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
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    Blackbird SR-71CBlackbird SR-71C Registered User regular
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    Damn it no one knows how to play X-Defense!
    Follow Storm around and pick up all the loots. Something about blue...berries? Blue Meanies? Blue's Clues?

    Everyone ignores the blue enemies!

    Which is fine early on. But then later you'd think someone would maybe stop for one second and take a look at who already captured 5 students while only one boss has been killed and work on that?


    Steam ID: 76561198021298113
    Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird

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    ValiantheartValiantheart Registered User regular
    Damn it no one knows how to play X-Defense!

    You're supposed to attack only the bosses and ignore everything else right?

    Oh and leave after wave 12?

    PSN: Valiant_heart PC: Valiantheart99
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    New thread, new look. How is the FTP aspect now? Based on napkin math using the figures in the OP, it could take approximately 2000 minutes (or 33.3 hours) to earn 1 200 splinter hero if you only got 1 splinter every ten minutes of play. Is that still the case?
    I'd say that is fairly close, give or take a few hours. For 175 you can get a random hero box which can contain any hero but the newest one released. Even if you don't own many heroes you can get dupes (which give tokens to upgrade ultimate ability level), so there is an element of gambling risk.

    The only part of the game where you feel pressured to buy anything would be inventory space. It's limited to one general tab of storage and extras run from $3 to $5. They did however just give everyone 20 more main bag slots and another 30 coming at end of week for Team-Ups (D3 style companions).

    I'd say every single person that has come back to the game has been very surprised at how much the game has improved and the amount of content that has been added.

    EDIT: There are now sales every weekend, so always a chance something you like could be discounted.
    EDIT #2: Special Item Find (raised through gear and boosters) enhances the chance of getting a second splinter drop in the 6-10 min timeframe. I'd say I average 8-10 splinters per hour.

    Dirtyboy on
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    vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    The one time I bought a random Splinter box I got Iron Man.

    I am now done buying Random Splinter boxes.

    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Personally, I think you random boxers are all nuts.

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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    New thread, new look. How is the FTP aspect now? Based on napkin math using the figures in the OP, it could take approximately 2000 minutes (or 33.3 hours) to earn 1 200 splinter hero if you only got 1 splinter every ten minutes of play. Is that still the case?

    Ten is towards the high side of the estimate so that's a little long. There is also some stuff where you get splinters the first time through but if you're talking about continual long term grind out then yes, new characters are a long time coming.

    They did recently add a bunch more active inventory space and have started doing some sort of daily log in bonuses most of the time.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    WolveSightWolveSight Registered User regular
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    Personally, I think you random boxers are all nuts.

    I've gotten Loki, Dr. Strange and Thor (though I already had thor). Not too bad overall, but i don't play that much in the grand scheme either.

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    scherbchenscherbchen Asgard (it is dead)Registered User regular
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    Personally, I think you random boxers are all nuts.


    came back to the game after a long time. first hero I randomed (owning the then free starters and reward heroes SW and Storm) gave me Hulk. that random alone is probably the reason why I stuck with the game because HULK KINDA SMASH YE KEN?

    ofc then I randomed Spiderman which I thought was awesome. couple of randoms later and I no longer random.

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    ValiantheartValiantheart Registered User regular
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    Personally, I think you random boxers are all nuts.

    We own almost the whole cast Dirty. If they put out a random box for team ups, i'd use it.

    PSN: Valiant_heart PC: Valiantheart99
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    kalkal Registered User regular
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Yes, I have spent enough to feed a small country on this game.


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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    And speaking of spending too much money...


    EDIT: I see the time warping of the forums has made my post too slow

    Dirtyboy on
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    spookymuffinspookymuffin ( ° ʖ ° ) Puyallup WA Registered User regular
    Why can't the US Agent costume be in that sale? I've gotten so many fortune cards and ended up with boosts...

    PSN: MegaSpooky // 3DS: 3797-6276-7138
    Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    Why can't the US Agent costume be in that sale? I've gotten so many fortune cards and ended up with boosts...
    What, this old set of rags I got within first ten cards? :p


    Dirtyboy on
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    Chomp-ChompChomp-Chomp Shonen Princess Registered User regular
    I decided to plop down more money on this too.

    The Sue, Reed and Psylocke pack was too excellent to pass up.

    I have no idea when Reed is coming out, but he WILL have a rough-ass Hickman double-fisted scientist costume. Just HAS to.

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    Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    New thread, new look. How is the FTP aspect now? Based on napkin math using the figures in the OP, it could take approximately 2000 minutes (or 33.3 hours) to earn 1 200 splinter hero if you only got 1 splinter every ten minutes of play. Is that still the case?
    I'd say that is fairly close, give or take a few hours. For 175 you can get a random hero box which can contain any hero but the newest one released. Even if you don't own many heroes you can get dupes (which give tokens to upgrade ultimate ability level), so there is an element of gambling risk.

    I've heard of a bunch of people getting the newest hero from random boxes, has that changed since, like, Ghost Rider?

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    chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    I've been thinking of getting one last hero to 60 to get the last good exp boost then try for prestiging nightcrawler to cosmic if D3 ever gets its claws out of me.

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    vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    Oh no, a good Ms Marvel costume. I want her Dexter Soy one. Hmm, maybe I'll grab it and a team-up when they come out on Friday.

    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
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    farbekriegfarbekrieg Registered User regular
    vegeta_666 wrote: »
    Oh no, a good Ms Marvel costume. I want her Dexter Soy one. Hmm, maybe I'll grab it and a team-up when they come out on Friday.

    the costume looks fairly wretched in game, you are a red shirt or something from star trek.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I kind of wish costumes could change your character name. So having the Captain Marvel costume would label her as Captain Marvel instead of Ms. Marvel. Same with Binary or Warbird. Beta Ray Bill could actually be listed as Bill instead of Thor. Etc. Etc.

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    ValiantheartValiantheart Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    I hate these dupe unique recipes. All I need for Strange is his slot 1. Ive collected 4 of his leg and 4 of his chest uniques. I did the dupe recipe for each set and got 2 USELESS any uniques.

    Ridiculous. Why is it so damn hard to finish off your unique collection in this game.

    Its not fun. Its not random. Its fricking annoying to get drop after drop and not for the item you need.

    Valiantheart on
    PSN: Valiant_heart PC: Valiantheart99
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    vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    farbekrieg wrote: »
    vegeta_666 wrote: »
    Oh no, a good Ms Marvel costume. I want her Dexter Soy one. Hmm, maybe I'll grab it and a team-up when they come out on Friday.

    the costume looks fairly wretched in game, you are a red shirt or something from star trek.

    Yeah, I'm glad I checked out in-game screenshots before I bought it. It... doesn't look great.

    Looking at the Chase costumes, I actually think I can safely pass on all of them which is a relief.

    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Crippl3 wrote: »
    Dirtyboy wrote: »
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    New thread, new look. How is the FTP aspect now? Based on napkin math using the figures in the OP, it could take approximately 2000 minutes (or 33.3 hours) to earn 1 200 splinter hero if you only got 1 splinter every ten minutes of play. Is that still the case?
    I'd say that is fairly close, give or take a few hours. For 175 you can get a random hero box which can contain any hero but the newest one released. Even if you don't own many heroes you can get dupes (which give tokens to upgrade ultimate ability level), so there is an element of gambling risk.

    I've heard of a bunch of people getting the newest hero from random boxes, has that changed since, like, Ghost Rider?
    Think they changed it with Strange release so the newest isn't in random box for a month. Not 100% on that though.

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    AccualtAccualt Registered User regular
    Save me from myself, I want that Phoenix Force Cyclops's costume but I all ready have his default, 90's, and NOW costumes. Resisting! For that price I could buy a new hero! Ooooh crap now I'm going to trick myself into buying a new hero with this logic. :neutral_face:

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Accualt wrote: »
    Save me from myself, I want that Phoenix Force Cyclops's costume but I all ready have his default, 90's, and NOW costumes. Resisting! For that price I could buy a new hero! Ooooh crap now I'm going to trick myself into buying a new hero with this logic. :neutral_face:

    Save your cash and buy a team-up hero when they hit.

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    vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    The Phoenix Force costume is really cool, but if I got that I'd have to buy and play Cyclops which... I'll pass on.

    Black Panther's Chase costume is rad but, a bunch of his other costumes look cool too so I can safely pass on that. Same deal with Wolverine (I have his DOFP) and Thor (I like the look of his Old King one coming up).

    Cable's though... hmm.

    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Firestar is up on the Test Center. They are still waiting for final approval on Falcon so may just be 3 Team-Ups released on Friday.

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    Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    Maaaaan, after seeing Winter Soldier on Thursday I'm actually excited for Falcon :(

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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    As of 10:36pm, we have visual approval for Falcon!

    He'll go to test center tomorrow night and likely live Friday. (He's working great).
    One step closer to Archangel...

    Dirtyboy on
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    Blackbird SR-71CBlackbird SR-71C Registered User regular
    Since I only have exactly one hero, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for the random hero box, right? I mean, what are the chances?

    Steam ID: 76561198021298113
    Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird

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    DirtyboyDirtyboy Registered User regular
    Since I only have exactly one hero, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for the random hero box, right? I mean, what are the chances?
    You should be safe doing random boxes since there are 32 heroes. Not sure if Taskmaster and Strange in random boxes yet.

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    Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    Since I only have exactly one hero, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for the random hero box, right? I mean, what are the chances?

    I got a duplicate in my second random box when I only had two heroes, so you never know. :P

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