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[PA Comic] Friday, May 2, 2014 - Amazing In Quotes

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited May 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub
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  • LostNinjaLostNinja Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    That this game is apparently so terrible makes me incredibly sad. Why is it so hard to make a good Spider-Man game? The story is inconsequential, all I want is to be able to web sling with a decent physics engine.

    LostNinja on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I was surprised to hear how bad this one was. Apparently the previous Amazing game was ok, and a preview made it sound like they were onto the right track with the web slinging for this.

  • edited May 2014
    This content has been removed.

  • RunningmanRunningman Registered User regular
    Unfortunately, no amount of WEB RUSH could salvage this thing. Let's all play a commemorative bit of Spider-man 2 on the PS2 in memoriam of good Spider-man games.

  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Well supposedly the web-swinging is pretty good, it's just the everything else that falls down.
    I feel like they shouldn't try to do the Arkham thing with Spiderman, it just doesn't feel right.
    Batman's more of a brawler, whereas Spiderman's all about dodging and webs. They try to apply the latter to the former, and you've got a hero who's bouncing all over the place, and you can't keep track of what's going on.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • RottonappleRottonapple Registered User regular
    I watched Mike and Jerry stream the game this week. I like the way the game handled Spiderman web swinging through the steel canyons of NY, but everything else? Eh. I watched Mike pull off a 100+ combo on some NPC largely doing the same move over and over and over. And those load times. If I see any supposed "gamer new site" give this stink bomb a score higher than a 4, maybe, I'll know they are either bought and paid for, or too scared to call a turd a turd.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    klemming wrote: »
    Well supposedly the web-swinging is pretty good, it's just the everything else that falls down.
    I feel like they shouldn't try to do the Arkham thing with Spiderman, it just doesn't feel right.
    Batman's more of a brawler, whereas Spiderman's all about dodging and webs. They try to apply the latter to the former, and you've got a hero who's bouncing all over the place, and you can't keep track of what's going on.
    Disclaimer: I've never played a Spiderman game.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at. Batman dodged constantly in the Arkham games. Replace Batarang with "blind a guy with webwfluid", and how different is it?

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    klemming wrote: »
    Well supposedly the web-swinging is pretty good, it's just the everything else that falls down.
    I feel like they shouldn't try to do the Arkham thing with Spiderman, it just doesn't feel right.
    Batman's more of a brawler, whereas Spiderman's all about dodging and webs. They try to apply the latter to the former, and you've got a hero who's bouncing all over the place, and you can't keep track of what's going on.
    Disclaimer: I've never played a Spiderman game.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at. Batman dodged constantly in the Arkham games. Replace Batarang with "blind a guy with webwfluid", and how different is it?

    I don't think it's really a matter of dodging, it's the whole fighting style. Batman is more of a straight-up, aggressive fighter who beats guys faces in, and Spiderman needs to be based more on agility and acrobatics and coming at opponents from different angles and more creative ways to take them out of the fight.

  • Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator, Administrator admin
    Some of the combat options later are closer to classic Spidey, but those aren't unlocked until much later in the game. The web slinging is actually fine (traversing through New York "feels" like Spiderman), but there's nowhere interesting to actually go. It's not the worst superhero game ever* , but it's not something I want to play, personally.

    *I realize this is a low bar. Gamestop is littered with the corpses of used terrible superhero games.

    MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino Angry as Hell #BLMRegistered User regular
    strangely enough, i feel like the best video game characterization of Spidey's combat style has been in the Marvel vs. Capcom games.

    steam | Dokkan: 868846562
  • SwashbucklerXXSwashbucklerXX Swashbucklin' Canuck Registered User regular
    Won't somebody please think of the children?

    Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    klemming wrote: »
    Well supposedly the web-swinging is pretty good, it's just the everything else that falls down.
    I feel like they shouldn't try to do the Arkham thing with Spiderman, it just doesn't feel right.
    Batman's more of a brawler, whereas Spiderman's all about dodging and webs. They try to apply the latter to the former, and you've got a hero who's bouncing all over the place, and you can't keep track of what's going on.
    Disclaimer: I've never played a Spiderman game.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at. Batman dodged constantly in the Arkham games. Replace Batarang with "blind a guy with webwfluid", and how different is it?

    I don't think it's really a matter of dodging, it's the whole fighting style. Batman is more of a straight-up, aggressive fighter who beats guys faces in, and Spiderman needs to be based more on agility and acrobatics and coming at opponents from different angles and more creative ways to take them out of the fight.
    Are you talking about the comics or the games? In the Arkham games, Batman only really gets to be brutal when he's fighting 1 or 2 guys. But the big Arkham fights are in the vein of: dodge-parry-strike-roll over dude-flip-strike-dodge-cape confuse-batarang-etc. And if you aren't playing it on hard, you even get a Spider-sense like warning an attack is coming.

  • Lou29Lou29 Registered User regular
    I got this out of redbox last night out of curiosity, played for an hour or two. I would complain about the web-swinging, but I think I just haven't spent enough time with it. The combat is very surface-level Arkham, not aggressively bad but nothing amazing. The story may be the most interesting thing so far, but the menu that keeps track of progress makes me think it's going to be pretty short with little reason to keep playing after it's over. On the plus side,
    Stan the Man in an awesome cameo/role!

  • ComradebotComradebot Lord of Dinosaurs Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Clearly a Hydra plot, perhaps their most devious one yet.

  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    klemming wrote: »
    Well supposedly the web-swinging is pretty good, it's just the everything else that falls down.
    I feel like they shouldn't try to do the Arkham thing with Spiderman, it just doesn't feel right.
    Batman's more of a brawler, whereas Spiderman's all about dodging and webs. They try to apply the latter to the former, and you've got a hero who's bouncing all over the place, and you can't keep track of what's going on.
    Disclaimer: I've never played a Spiderman game.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at. Batman dodged constantly in the Arkham games. Replace Batarang with "blind a guy with webwfluid", and how different is it?

    Batman ducked or blocked attacks, or jumped and rolled like an (athletic) human. It gets pushed further in the games, but the camera can usually keep up with him.
    Spidey leaps around like a bouncy ball you've just thrown at the floor as hard as you can.
    It's more his style I guess, but the camera is too close to keep track of him without you getting disoriented.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • RehabRehab Registered User regular
    This would of course not be the first time a Spider-Man game hasn't been so amazing.


    NNID: Rehab0
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    Aegeri wrote: »
    The irony being that Marvel recently announced they wanted to make a video game universe equivalent to their movie one, but that wasn't tied to movies. Of course I don't think Marvel probably has the license to Spiderman/XMEN (Sony/Fox respectively), so their involvement in the last games in those series may be debatable.

    My perfect Marvel video game would involve bringing in Deep Silver/Volition to make a NEXTWAVE game.

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  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Dog wrote: »
    Is that John C. Reilly?

  • GalifarGalifar Registered User new member
  • ComradebotComradebot Lord of Dinosaurs Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    No... looks more like John C. Reilly to me.

  • LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    strangely enough, i feel like the best video game characterization of Spidey's combat style has been in the Marvel vs. Capcom games.

    The first time I saw Spidey in a MvC game (I think it was 2?) I saw him in the weirdest goddamn pose ever and though "Huh. That looks right". He should be flipping and twisting because that's his jam.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
  • Blackbird SR-71CBlackbird SR-71C Registered User regular
    That's sad to hear. Picked up the first Amazing Spider-Man a few days ago and it's surprisingly good! Was hoping to get the next one after finishing this, now I have doubts.

    Steam ID: 76561198021298113
    Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird

  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino Angry as Hell #BLMRegistered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    *I realize this is a low bar. Gamestop is littered with the corpses of used terrible superhero games.


    i feel like a game dev has to be really trying to beat this classic as the worst superhero game ever

    steam | Dokkan: 868846562
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    Dog wrote: »
    Is that John C. Reilly?

    It's Bobby Kotick: bobby-kotick.jpg

    Actually doing a GIS for the name brings up a (huge) image that I imagine Mike used as the reference.

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