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[PA Comic] Monday, January 5, 2015 - The Card’s Tale

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited January 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PA Comic] Monday, January 5, 2015 - The Card’s Tale

The Card’s Tale

The Card’s Tale

Read the full story here

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  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Gabe continues to demonstrate his shark-like analogy abilities.


    joshofalltrades on
  • HeWhoSeesHeWhoSees Registered User regular
    Gabe needs an Artifact Equipment that comes with Protection from CCGs...oh wait! XD

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    New decks are like different botanicals, each adding to the base of juniper; building on but not overwhelming it. It's the same gin, just with a hint of clove or sage.

  • SwashbucklerXXSwashbucklerXX Swashbucklin' Canuck Registered User regular
    I've never had trouble with CCG addiction, but the title of the comic references my personal bugaboo. Mmm brutally hard first-person dungeon crawlers...

    Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
  • SeankichuSeankichu Registered User new member
    Hold up, so the blog entry goes on about how amazing You Don't Know Jack is because of the fact that it's controlled from your phone and everyone can play. What about people like me who still have an old Nokia that's not even a smartphone? If you have to already pre-own a specific type of device to join in that hardly makes it an "anybody can play" activity.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    See, when people talk about "phones" these days, they actually mean their hand computers - which can, almost as an afterthought, transmit voice. Devices which have that as their sole function are obsolete in this century; ones connected to an actual, physical "land-line", ludicrously so.

    (Mine has an answering machine, which records messages on a small cassette tape. It's old enough to drink.)

    Commander Zoom on
  • HevachHevach Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I bought a smart phone at a pawn shop that I'm 45% sure was probably stolen and just never bothered activating it. There's wifi almost everywhere I'd care to use it, and if there's not, then I'm not like that Borg in TNG that went all neurotic when he lost his connection to the hive mind for a few hours. You can basically just use them as a tiny tablet if they're not activated.

    Best of both worlds. I can live with my dirt cheap virtually indestructible phone, and I can still do stuff like swiping credit cards for work or blatantly abusing price matching offers at stores or checking on my grossly neglected virtual cities and towns and farms and Jurassic Parks and I really don't remember what all I downloaded and played for two minutes before losing interest but never uninstalling.

    Hevach on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    Seankichu wrote: »
    Hold up, so the blog entry goes on about how amazing You Don't Know Jack is because of the fact that it's controlled from your phone and everyone can play. What about people like me who still have an old Nokia that's not even a smartphone? If you have to already pre-own a specific type of device to join in that hardly makes it an "anybody can play" activity.

    Man dude, if you don't want to get a smartphone that's your choice and it's cool, but I don't understand why people who choose to do without smartphones need to act like they're being attacked when it's pointed out, even inadvertently, that they're the minority. :?

  • hopefulA.I.internhopefulA.I.intern Registered User regular
    I agree, if you don't have a smartphone by now, you should join me in boycotting color TV.
    (Side note: I haven't even seen a flip phone in forever...correction, I just watched Lucy.)

  • RedthirstRedthirst Registered User regular
    Hearthstone was my first CCG, and I realized that I suck at them. I also realized that no matter how good I can become at them, there is always a good chance that someone will defeat me not because of their skill in creating decks or making right decisions, but just because they got lucky and got the right card at the right turn. I guess CCGs are just not my type of games, so right now it seems like it's more fun for me to watch someone play it on stream rather than play it myself.

  • Andy JoeAndy Joe We claim the land for the highlord! The AdirondacksRegistered User regular
    Seankichu wrote: »
    Hold up, so the blog entry goes on about how amazing You Don't Know Jack is because of the fact that it's controlled from your phone and everyone can play. What about people like me who still have an old Nokia that's not even a smartphone?

    XBL: Stealth Crane PSN: ajpet12 3DS: 1160-9999-5810 NNID: StealthCrane Pokemon Scarlet Name: Carmen
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Seankichu wrote: »
    Hold up, so the blog entry goes on about how amazing You Don't Know Jack is because of the fact that it's controlled from your phone and everyone can play. What about people like me who still have an old Nokia that's not even a smartphone? If you have to already pre-own a specific type of device to join in that hardly makes it an "anybody can play" activity.

    All you are doing is loading up the browser and going to a web address to enter the 4 digit code and join the game room. You can do the same thing using your pc or mac.

    Noisymunk on
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Noisymunk wrote: »
    Seankichu wrote: »
    Hold up, so the blog entry goes on about how amazing You Don't Know Jack is because of the fact that it's controlled from your phone and everyone can play. What about people like me who still have an old Nokia that's not even a smartphone? If you have to already pre-own a specific type of device to join in that hardly makes it an "anybody can play" activity.

    All you are doing is loading up the browser and going to a web address to enter the 4 digit code and join the game room. You can do the same thing using your pc or mac.
    To be fair, people are probably even less likely to be bringing their PCs or macs to parties.

  • hopefulA.I.internhopefulA.I.intern Registered User regular
    Thinking more about the "but I don't have a smartphone" complaint...
    Are you saying that since I don't have a "________" console, I can't play those console specific games?? YES! Sorry, we all make choices in life...
    There might be holes in my boxers and socks, but Fibbage and Drawful are fun as shit.
    (And there's nothing better than listening on my phone to the Acquisitions Incorporated podcasts!)

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    Is it possible to just set up a virtual machine running a smartphone OS? You'd have to emulate an ARM architecture, though, and I have no idea how well that's been done so far.

  • ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    jothki wrote: »
    Is it possible to just set up a virtual machine running a smartphone OS? You'd have to emulate an ARM architecture, though, and I have no idea how well that's been done so far.

    Bluestacks is a solution for Android that I know of. I'm guessing the fact that Android is Java-based helps being able to virtualize it with less fuss (implement a Dalvik/ART JVM and you're in business). It's enough for my brother to get his Brave Frontier fix on das pee-cee on when he's not using one of his gajillion gadgets that could already play the damn thing.

    Zxerol on
  • HeWhoSeesHeWhoSees Registered User regular
    Frankly, I'm insulted that pretty much everyone who's weighed in on the issue seems to think that having a phone that's not a smart phone can be nothing but a conscious, technology-defying choice. I mean guys. Buying a smartphone and the plan that goes with it isn't exactly the most affordable thing to do! Even with families that aren't really *poor* exactly, budget decisions must be made and sometimes one of the areas that is cut is a lack of smartphones. In my OWN situation I don't have a smartphone, not because I don't want one but because I can't have one. So lay off.

  • sensitivepenguinsensitivepenguin Registered User new member
    If there isn't a support group for MTG addicts there needs to be one. Because my marriage has been on the rocks due to that amazing game . . . more than once #kiddingnotkidding

  • APODionysusAPODionysus Registered User regular
    If there isn't a support group for MTG addicts there needs to be one. Because my marriage has been on the rocks due to that amazing game . . . more than once #kiddingnotkidding

    Come on down to the MTG thread in SE++.

    I totally promise that we will help you fight your addiction and we certainly won't be horrific enablers and temptors.

    We certainly aren't discussing all the awesome new Fates cards or anything...

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    I'm no luddite. My phone has a camera and everything. By "everything", I mean a camera.

  • apparatchikapparatchik CopenhagenRegistered User regular
    I still use my Ipod. Because it doesn't ring. That's the best fucking functionality anything can have at all.

    Fuck off and die.
  • hopefulA.I.internhopefulA.I.intern Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    @HEWHOSEES: So as not to end the jokes with your guilt trip, we're all kidding, well I was. But in all the people I've met (which is about 100 times more than most) I find that people say things like, "OH, it must be nice having a car." Then go out drinking or talk about smokin' weed. If you're 100% saying that you're giving all your money to your family, then OK. But you're on the Internet, reading web comics, you're not doing that bad. And I've been poor for a long time, but if you make right decisions, you can get out. But you also have to accept the decisions you've already made, that lead to your lack of money for a smartphone. When I was poor, I spent years without a car, shared an apartment, worked 2-3 jobs...I didn't have time for Web comics or guilt trips...just saying.

    hopefulA.I.intern on
  • HeWhoSeesHeWhoSees Registered User regular
    @HOPEFULA.I.INTERN: Okay, two things. First, am I wrong in saying that people under 18/16, who wouldn't even have a job, can access this comic? I ask legit here--I don't remember the rule for that from reading it when I first created my account. And second, it's not a matter of me GIVING money to my family. It's a matter of graduating college in 2012 and not being able to even get a job in the first place despite my degree so I still have to live with my parents like a freaking loser society leech which REALLY burns me up okay? I do accept my decisions thus far, but all I wanted is for this thread to acknowledge that there is a large population segment for which not having a smartphone is not a technology defying choice. You have done that, so thank you.

  • hopefulA.I.internhopefulA.I.intern Registered User regular
    @hewhosees hey man, I hope I didn't come off sounding shitty. All I was doing was pointing out that one guy up there wanted to point out to Penny Arcade that they're talking about how games that require a cell phone doesn't include him. But if Penny Arcade talks about Xbox games, I don't get all "I don't have an xbox!" about it.
    Then when you were "insulted" we were commenting about his mistake, that we weren't talking about ALL people who don't have phones (such as yourself who doesn't have a job, or like you mentioned, kids who can't get their own phones/parents won't let them...etc.)
    It was my assumption that you were blaming your family for you not having a phone (which I've heard before), because you were taking care of them. Sorry for that. Hopefully, you see the error in the guy above's comment, and that we're both on the same page. Good luck with finding a job, man. I mean that. And I thought about it later that Penny Arcade gets a lot of people through hard times, so read fucking webcomics, any way you can! Later.

  • HeWhoSeesHeWhoSees Registered User regular
    @HOPEFULA.I.INTERN: You didn't sound shitty. Really, I only intended to bring my own situation as an example for the point I was trying to make. Something like, "Hey, guys, it's really not that uncommon for someone to not have a smartphone, and not for deliberate technology defying reasons. Heck, I myself don't have a smartphone!" Looking back at how it was taken, it was clearly a mistake to do this and I would have been better off not using an example, especially of myself. Like I said in my last post, all I really wanted was for the fact that there are plenty of people who go without smartphones by necessity, and you already gave me that.

    One minor correction: I wasn't mad that this thread "wasn't talking about" all people who don't have smartphones, I was mad that it seemed to be totally disregarding all people who don't have smartphones aside from a conscious technology defiant choice. Yet again, all I wanted to do was say "hey, this is a thing here" and apparently I went overboard by accident. Sorry.

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