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Would you be interested in a Pins Available/Pins Wanted Embroidered Patch?

HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
edited December 2015 in Pinny Arcade
I'm trying to gauge interest in a patch for available/wanted pins based on the green/red lanyard image design from PinnyPals. See below for images of the price quote, along with the images referenced for the patches.

Pins for trade!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Hingo on

Would you be interested in a Pins Available/Pins Wanted Embroidered Patch? 36 votes

KurpavscrattatatrentfndarkinferoEvenstargrgemonkeyLazorzhadiwistD0rkAnglAyefkayfishfishmonkeyhatvonhistagentcooperSquire_PugluckycharmKeroanHingoMaxxsensetheoriginalzburned.fork 29 votes
Not really
darklite_xClixTheAggroCraigskellerWraith90adambargbrainiac744 7 votes


  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    edited December 2015

    Looking at what interest would be first, then figuring out how to pay for it after that. If there are only 10-20 people that want it, then it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. If more people want in, then I would go with a similar route to the funding of the challenge coin.

    Hingo on
    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    What about a blue one for collected/not for trade?

  • grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
    Here's the biggest versions of them I have. - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
    My Delicious Pins For Trade
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Not really
    Yay for being the only negative!

  • rentfnrentfn Registered User regular
  • Wraith90Wraith90 Saskatoon, SkRegistered User regular
    Not really
    I'll be honest, I'm not too sure how these would work. If there made to point out what pins we have for trade and what ones we want like the pinny pals website I'm not too sure how that would work. The ones I have for trade, that's easy, just pin your available pins below it. Generally though, the ones that I want are ones I don't already have, so I would have no way of showing what I want. Also, these really don't mean anything outside of the pin community, a new trader at PAX would have no idea what these patches mean. I think if we are going to do a patch it should be something like the large "pinny arcade pins available here": that you see around the convention.

    In the current setup I'm going to have to agree with TheAggroCraig and vote no on these.

  • skellerskeller San DiegoRegistered User regular
    Not really
    I echo @Wraith90 in that I don't see how these would be used. Curious how you envision them, Hingo.

  • grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
    I don't really want them for trading purposes, I just want them :P

    Also you can print out pin images and tack them to your lanyard, for pins you want. Why has no one ever done that actually? Feels like a good idea. - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
    My Delicious Pins For Trade
  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    grgemonkey wrote: »
    I don't really want them for trading purposes, I just want them :P
    This! Why not collect more silly pin things. Fingers crossed I get the pin storage books I asked for for Christmas, then I can store these in there as well as decoration or something.

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Well if the patches don't work out, I can always turn toward the buttoneering community for the same result.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Not really
    At first glance I was on board. But then I started trying to think of a use for these.

    What about making them pins instead of patches, and making a blue one instead of red? You could be saying "this green pin side of my lanyard is what I have to trade, and this blue side is my trophies".

    Just thinking out loud anyways.

  • burned.forkburned.fork Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    I'd actually rather have a "Pins Available" and "Collected" patch for my pin bag, just so folks know which ones are on display and which are up for trades. :)

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Imsorad wrote: »
    At first glance I was on board. But then I started trying to think of a use for these.

    What about making them pins instead of patches, and making a blue one instead of red? You could be saying "this green pin side of my lanyard is what I have to trade, and this blue side is my trophies".

    Just thinking out loud anyways.

    @Imsorad with South being as close as it is, I might just do button pins as you said. It's cheaper, and a faster turnaround, and then I can also do all 3. Patches might have to wait for a later date, if at all.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Not really
    We should just do custom made Pinny Pal lanyards.

    Ah, stop me from exploring this rabbit hole!

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Imsorad wrote: »
    We should just do custom made Pinny Pal lanyards.

    Ah, stop me from exploring this rabbit hole!

    Already done.

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Yeah - it sounds like a good idea.

  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Not really
    Qumaden wrote: »
    Imsorad wrote: »
    We should just do custom made Pinny Pal lanyards.

    Ah, stop me from exploring this rabbit hole!

    Already done.

    I must have missed this.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I still don't have one of those.

  • theoriginalztheoriginalz PhillyRegistered User regular
    I like patches

    Trade pins with me! Pinny LanyardjlB4Ded.png
  • MaxxsenseMaxxsense N. Ridgeville OhioRegistered User regular
    I would just want the pins available patch because I would put it on my pin trading bag. That way it's clear to everyone which ones I'm trading.

    Check out my Virtual Pin Lanyard:
  • scrattatatscrattatat BostonRegistered User regular
    I like the idea of a big-ass patch I can put on my bag or jacket (or hat) just so people can see that I have pins. Being short makes trading hard...

    a4VADIl.png eDL5zgd.png
  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    This will not happen in time for South, but I'd like to keep it going for a while to see what the end consensus ends up being. The badge-style pins end up being the cheapest, whereas embroidered badges look the best but cost the most. If it ends up going with option B, then that would definitely need to be something that is crowdfunded. I've already spent my "community fund" money for this current South on a super secret project, so no buttons being made by me for this year either :-(

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
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