It's so frustrating, especially lategame, to skip entire groups of enemies because you know they're not worth the weapons you're gonna break bashing on their heads...
I feel like I've found a dozen really nice weapons kinda early game since I probably went to that labyrinth island sooner than the game probably anticipated, so I keep switching to using my weakest weapons so as not to waste the really good ones on the weak enemies. But if I have arrows, they're getting headshots and a bomb tossed at them. There really are not enough arrows in the game even if you hit with every one, I'm constantly running really low on them...
It's so frustrating, especially lategame, to skip entire groups of enemies because you know they're not worth the weapons you're gonna break bashing on their heads...
In prior games I killed everything and I mean everything to see what loot was dropped. In BotW, I don't bother with enemies because whatever they drop and whatever they have in their treasure chests won't last long anyway. Open world enemies in this game are an inconvenience rather than an attraction. I think if they removed the enemies altogether and this was a shrine finding, land exploration, and puzzle solving game, I would probably have just as much fun.
I like to approach enemy camps and see how I can kill most/all of the monsters without using a melee weapon.
Of course, sometimes its fun to start with a low-level weapon and then make your way through the camp picking up weapons from slain enemies as you go.
Someone mentioned earlier how they have trouble finding arrows. Make sure you take out archer enemies first and they often drop a 5x arrow bundle. Also, if enemies start shooting at you just run around collecting their arrows as they miss you.
Sooo relatable. Some weapons were meant only for Lynels, Talus and Hinox. Then again, even the very best, I am loath to use on them, they are just too valuable to waste! I ended up beating the game with an inventory full of magnificent weapons.
I like to hang onto some of my better weapons, shields, and bows back at a particular retrieval location.* Otherwise I have plenty of places marked on the map with stamps that I can go back to for good weapons and bows. Bringing down some of the overworld "bosses" tends to be a good way to get back some good weaponry if in a bind. Plus those fights are just good fun! I currently have some really good stuff from a handful of slain Lynel. Durability on items tends to get better as you go on too, at least from what I have seen.
*Don't want to say anymore for those who haven't gotten there yet.
Or sell some of your vast hoard of squidgy monster bits and just buy some arrows from the many vendors.
I was really frustrated with how I had no money and I had no idea how I'd ever afford to buy new armor. Oh you mean I can sell those fangs I have like 100 of for 8 rupees each? Oh I have lots of money now. Sweet
I don't get why they never included an option to buy swords and weapons from the shops. It would have been handy to be able to stock up on decent weapons rather than relying on picking up stuff from dead moblins all the time.
Or sell some of your vast hoard of squidgy monster bits and just buy some arrows from the many vendors.
I was really frustrated with how I had no money and I had no idea how I'd ever afford to buy new armor. Oh you mean I can sell those fangs I have like 100 of for 8 rupees each? Oh I have lots of money now. Sweet
Motherfuckin' amber and opal man!
Not to mention all the other precious gems you can acquire.
NNID: Rehab0
Metal JaredMulligan WizardRhode IslandRegistered Userregular
Or sell some of your vast hoard of squidgy monster bits and just buy some arrows from the many vendors.
I was really frustrated with how I had no money and I had no idea how I'd ever afford to buy new armor. Oh you mean I can sell those fangs I have like 100 of for 8 rupees each? Oh I have lots of money now. Sweet
Motherfuckin' amber and opal man!
Not to mention all the other precious gems you can acquire.
Oh I thought you needed those to craft stuff. I guess I'll need to sell those. I sold the sapphire I got for a bunch
Or sell some of your vast hoard of squidgy monster bits and just buy some arrows from the many vendors.
I was really frustrated with how I had no money and I had no idea how I'd ever afford to buy new armor. Oh you mean I can sell those fangs I have like 100 of for 8 rupees each? Oh I have lots of money now. Sweet
Motherfuckin' amber and opal man!
Not to mention all the other precious gems you can acquire.
Oh I thought you needed those to craft stuff. I guess I'll need to sell those. I sold the sapphire I got for a bunch
About that guess
You need to have some to craft certain armor at the point I just reached and enhance said armor, but you don't need too much. The quantity needed of the rarest gem could prove a problem, but I doubt you would have that issue with any of the others if you've taken a sledgehammer to some rocks now and again as you've been playing.
Also I use the a basic bow and arrows to try sniping the weaker mobs. You get a bonus with shots from behind. Arrows are easy to get. Also get a bonus to good head shots.
Also I use the a basic bow and arrows to try sniping the weaker mobs. You get a bonus with shots from behind. Arrows are easy to get. Also get a bonus to good head shots.
I mean, they are easier to get, but I always have way fewer regular arrows than shock, fire and ice arrows. And regular arrows are flat out required at certain points, in some shrines - I'd nearly completed one shrine then had to back out because I had no regular arrows left, having used them all on Lizalfos outside. Had plenty of special arrows left! But the regular ones are more special in some ways.
It's so frustrating, especially lategame, to skip entire groups of enemies because you know they're not worth the weapons you're gonna break bashing on their heads...
In prior games I killed everything and I mean everything to see what loot was dropped. In BotW, I don't bother with enemies because whatever they drop and whatever they have in their treasure chests won't last long anyway. Open world enemies in this game are an inconvenience rather than an attraction. I think if they removed the enemies altogether and this was a shrine finding, land exploration, and puzzle solving game, I would probably have just as much fun.
Of course, sometimes its fun to start with a low-level weapon and then make your way through the camp picking up weapons from slain enemies as you go.
Someone mentioned earlier how they have trouble finding arrows. Make sure you take out archer enemies first and they often drop a 5x arrow bundle. Also, if enemies start shooting at you just run around collecting their arrows as they miss you.
*Don't want to say anymore for those who haven't gotten there yet.
I was really frustrated with how I had no money and I had no idea how I'd ever afford to buy new armor. Oh you mean I can sell those fangs I have like 100 of for 8 rupees each? Oh I have lots of money now. Sweet
PSN: SoulCrusherJared
From the news post, I just love this phrase!
Tycho sure has a way with words
Motherfuckin' amber and opal man!
Not to mention all the other precious gems you can acquire.
Oh I thought you needed those to craft stuff. I guess I'll need to sell those. I sold the sapphire I got for a bunch
PSN: SoulCrusherJared
About that guess
I mean, they are easier to get, but I always have way fewer regular arrows than shock, fire and ice arrows. And regular arrows are flat out required at certain points, in some shrines - I'd nearly completed one shrine then had to back out because I had no regular arrows left, having used them all on Lizalfos outside. Had plenty of special arrows left! But the regular ones are more special in some ways.