
Voting Thread: Brackets 3 & 4

Doctor DoomDoctor Doom Registered User regular
edited November 2006 in Graphic Violence
This is the voting thread for brackets 3 & 4 of the tournament. Please put your votes only, along with a comment on why you feel they would win. Votes will be tallied up in 48 hours. Please leave any side comments in the pre fight debate threads.

Doctor Doom on


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    BlankspaceBlankspace __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    Match A- Apocalypse, he can do the same thing as Giganta but more powerfully.
    Match B-Ultron, even if Levy could throw him in a portal Ultron could laser his head off before he could open up one.
    Match C-Swarm, Psycho Pirate's powers probably don't effect bee's minds. Prepare for mass stinging.
    Match D-Mist, While Sandman has more brute strength she is smarter and the enviroment is in her favor.

    Bracket 4
    Match A-Sabretooth, The Adimantium really sealed the deal. Even Rhino can be cut by it.
    Match B-Xorneto, Yeaaaaaaaah. Titanium Man's fucked.
    Match C-Despero, While THE MIGHTY STILT-MAN is mighty, Despero is mightier. Then again, a piece of toast is mightier than Stilty.
    Match D-Dr. Light, He'll blind Spiral, restrain her and rape her at the speed of light.

    Blankspace on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3

    A. Apocalypse - I hate him, I really do, but I think he's strong enough to wax Giganta, hot 60 foot tall redhead or not.
    B. Angstrom Levy - Smarter than he's given credit for. I think he can find a reality that hates robots and has big robot smashing armies. Perhaps not, but adamantium makes me ill.
    C. Swarm - I gotta give it to the nazi bee man. I don't know how Psycho-Pirate's powers work on bees, or if they even do, or if they can work on any collective of animals with a single consciousness, and that's some metaphysical shit right there. All I know is that a guy made of bees is going to fuck up some dudes.
    D. Mist - While they both could use the environment to their advantage, I'd say Mist is better at it, because Sandman is basically a dim witted thug.

    Bracket 4

    A. Rhino - Really, I think it could go either way, but like I said, I hate adamantium.
    B. Xorn - Well, come on, this was a joke, right?
    C. Despero - Yeah, I think Doom made some pity choices in this tournament.
    D. Spiral - She's got six arms, magic, teleportation, and knives. Dr. Light has lasers and a rape fetish. Go Spiral!

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    GoodCitizenGoodCitizen Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    Fight 1 - Apocolypse
    He's written as a chump these days, but he'd still whup this girl. He's got years more experience and a way higher power level.

    Fight 2 - Ultron
    The rules of this fight make it totally unfair. Without Levy's ability to shunt ultron around, it's just strength agains strength, and Ultron has him WAY outclassed in that regard. Good-bye vein-brain.

    Fight 3 - Swarm
    This fight really comes down to whether you think Psycho-Pirate's abilities will work against swarm. I hate swarm, and would love a reason to eliminate him, but I just don't think PP's abilities will work in this fight. What is he without his power? Thats right, just another guy in a goofy outfit... soon to be a dead guy in a goofy outfit

    Fight 4 - Sandman
    Sandman typically gets beat by dispersing his mass or containing it. You can't knock him out or kill him. Theres simply nothing on the island that could aid in stopping sandman, and I think he's JUST BARELY smart enough to stay away from lakes and oceans during the fight. Still this will be long and close

    Bracket 4
    Fight A - Sabertooth
    Unless rhino snuck up on sabertooth and severely injured him in the first move(not likely with Sabertooth's enhances senses), then he's screwed. Sabertooth is just too fast and his claws could tear through rhino's suit without too much trouble.

    Fight B - Xorn
    If you need an explanation of why Xorn would destroy titanium man, just read his powers again. TM doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

    Fight C - Despero
    I'm glad this guy is going against stilt-man, because I have no idea who Despero is. Still, has anyone EVER lost to stilt-man? Not that I can recall...

    Fight D - Spiral
    She's better hand-to-hand, can teleport, and dr light isn't invulnerable besides his ability to hide behind a force-field. I think either spirals spells or her ability to teleport will allow her to close the distance and skewer Dr light before he could stop her.

    GoodCitizen on
    Benjamin Franklin used foil covered window glass to create a capacitor. He then attempted to kill a turkey with the stored charge. Instead, he knocked himself out. Franklin later wrote, "I tried to kill a turkey but nearly succeeded in killing a goose."
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    werehippywerehippy Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3

    a) Apocalypse - This is just going to be a trainwreck, anything Giganta can do, Apocalypse can do better and then some.
    b) Levy - Somewhere out there is a universe that really, REALLY hates robots. Angstrom theoretically knows about each possible universe (according to his story), and he's smart and strong enough to survive long enough to get Ultron there.
    c) Swarm - Nazi. Bees.
    d) Sandman - Mist is a badass, when she has as much time as she wants to prepare. Face to face, it's mists and guns against a guy who doesn't breathe and can't be hurt with guns.

    Match 4

    a) Sabertooth - This is a tough call, and could go either way, but Rhino is kind of an idiot, and Sabertooth will win a drawn out fight.
    b) Xorneto - Roughest random pairing physically possible. A metal based villian versus a Magnetic based badass. Tough, tough break.
    c) Despero - I can safely say, knowing not a single thing about Despero, that he will slaughter the shit out of Stilt-man. I mean, really, it's Stilt-man.
    d) Shiva - As much as we may want a rape-bracket, I have to vote the hot six-armed ninja here.

    werehippy on
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3

    A: Apocolypse: Sadly, he can take Giganta with ease
    B: Angstrom: As Shoe said, much smarter than people give him credit for, he could take Ultron to a reality where he would get fucked up.
    C: Swarm: I'm not gonna lie, I'm just woting for him because he's a guy made of bees
    D: Mist: She kicks way more ass than Sandman

    Bracket 4

    A: Sabertooth: Yeah, he could definantly take Rhino
    B: Xorn: Why is he even up against a guy in a fucking metal suit?
    C: Desper: Again, Stilt-man?
    D: Doctor Light: "Oh hel- RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE"

    Sars_Boy on
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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3

    A. Apocalypse - Wicked lame. But less lame than Giganta.
    B. Ultron - Best thing Pym ever did. Or maybe the worst.
    C. Swarm - He is made of bees.
    D. Mist - Sandman is really, really stupid. He is one of the most powerful villains around but he has never done anything with himself. Other than get beat by Spider-Man.
    Bracket 4

    A. Rhino - Total tossup. He's stronger so maybe he'll win maybe.
    B. Xorn - Hahahaha. Ha.
    C. Despero - I love you Stilt Man. But, yeah.
    D. Spiral - Way more powerful than Light. And probably a good deal smarter as well.

    deadonthestreet on
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    The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3

    a) Giganta. I hate Apocolypse far too much to give him a win over a 60 foot hot redhead.
    b) Ultron. Levy is fucked with a capitol U.
    c) Swarm. Nazi Bee Man.
    d) Sandman. One of thems gonna become completely tangible eventually, or give their position away. And when the environment is essentially what you are made of, you've got an advantage.

    Match 4

    a) Rhino. Part raging hate-on for Sabertooth. Mostly because I love Rhino.
    b) Xorneto. Even without Magnetos powers, Titanium Man was gonna have a tough time.
    c) Despero. As funny as it is to say "Stilt-man wins!" C'mon. Despero(who looks like a big dumb idiot but is surprisingly brilliant) versus the guy who can't even look REMOTELY respectable versus Marvels lowest tier.
    d) Dr. Light. And this is not based on Rape jokes as I am prefering to use the TT version to avoid making rape jokes, who is still a badass.

    The Muffin Man on
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    Bloods EndBloods End Blade of Tyshalle Punch dimensionRegistered User regular
    edited November 2006
    a. Apocaylpse. He was the first after all.
    b. Ultron, because I have idea what the other guy does.
    c. Psycho Pirate. Because pirates always beat bees
    d.Mist. She killed a JL for pitys sake!

    a. Sabertooth, because Rhino is an idiot.
    b. Xorn. Because he is fighting a guy of metal.
    c. Despero. Seriously, come one.
    d. Dr. Light. If he can take on all the TT versions, I think he can handle one multiarmed mutant.

    Bloods End on
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    RoyseRoyse Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse - Anything she can do...he can do better.
    B. Ultron - "Nice portal. ZZZAAPP"
    C. Swarm - Too bad Psycho Pirate didn't get to fight Kroenen. Now he's gonna get stung to death by a bunch of (Possibly sad) bees.
    D. Sandman - Guns can't hurt him. And theres tons of sand around. He's got this one in the bag...the sandbag...

    Match 4
    A. Sabertooth - Rhino would've won this if it weren't for the adamantium claws. Tough break.
    B. Xorn - LOL Magneto vs metal guy...tough break.
    C. Despero - Anybody who fights Stilt-Man automatically wins...unless they have have a weakness to stilts...which nobody does.
    D. Spiral - I had Dr. Light to win this one...but apparently Sprial is a magical teleporting ninja badass.

    Royse on
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    MarathonMarathon Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A) Apocalypse-He can get just as big as Giganta and he can make himself stronger than her. So even though he sucks, she sucks just a bit more.
    B) Ultron-With the added rule that both fighters have to enter any portal opened the only way he can lose is if a portal gets opened to a world consisting of magnets.
    C) Swarm-Stings the pirate to death.
    D) Mist-As many others have stated, Sandman is pretty dumb. In this match of the intangibles the edge goes to Mist.

    Match 4
    A) Sabertooth-With the adamantium claws he has the skills and ability to take Rhino out. Plus I nominated him so I think im obligated to vote for him.
    B) Xorn-Gets extremely lucky round one and fights a man made of metal..tough break titanium man.
    C) Despero-He's fighting Stilt-Man, may god have mercy on his leg extended soul.
    D) Spiral-Magic, teleportation, and knives. Plus six arms to pound light in the beanbag when he tries to get fresh.

    Marathon on
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    MunchMunch Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A) Apocalypse. Super durable and strong, several millenia old, and thus very experienced.
    B) Ultron. Angstrom's still pretty new to the whole supervillain thing, and Ultron has more varied powers, as well as experience fighting some of the world's mightiest heroes.
    C) Swarm. A Nazi made of bees. I don't think that Psycho Pirate's Medusa Mask will work on every bee.
    D) Sandman. Mist's main mode of offense are ger pistols, and I don't think they'll do much to Sandman. Plus she kind of stinks of Deus Ex Machina from the pages posted in the debate thread.

    Match 4
    A) Sabretooth. I wanted to vote for Rhino, but apparently Sabretooth's got the whole adamantium thing going for him now. With adamantium, greater agility than Rhino, and formal training, I think Sabretooth can take him.
    B) Xorn. A dude who can do magnetism stuff fighting a guy called the Titanium Man? That's not even fair.
    C) Despero. Despero tangles with some of the strongest superhumans alive. Stilt Man fights a blind guy with sticks. And sometimes Spider-Man.
    D) Spiral. She rips Light's dick off, shoves it in his ear, and then pins him to a wall with her swords while she asks him how many times he got beaten by teenagers. Finally she cries out, in a whiny, nasally voice, "They took my miiiiiiind!" and eviscerates him.

    Munch on
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    The Lovely BastardThe Lovely Bastard Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3

    Apocalypse - Ridiculous experience, can do everything Giganta can do better. Not distracted by tits. He wins.

    Ultron - I will give Levy all the intelligence in the world, but a robot made of Adamantium with a hardon for killing just plain wins.

    Swarm - Nazi made of bees. How could he NOT win?

    Sandman - This one was tough. Both have a viable way to in, but Mist's main offense can't hurt him, so it's really waiting until she makes a mistake.

    Bracket 4

    Sabretooth: The whole adamantium thing puts him over the edge. Plus, isn't Rhino''s JOB to lose?

    Xorneto - What the fuck is Titanium Man going to do? Bleed on him while Xorneto tears him asunder?

    Despero - Stilt Man's job is to lose. Despero's job is to kick his ass. Not even a contest.

    Spiral - Magic teleporting ninja. Fucking Light stands zero chance. She'll rip his dick off with one hand and fist him with another while she slits his throat.

    The Lovely Bastard on
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    mcwillipmcwillip Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3:

    A: Apocalypse - He can do everything she can do better.

    B: Ultron - Any hostile place that Levy makes a portal to will be dealt with easier by Ultron than by Levy. Otherwise Levy gets shot/head punched off.

    C: Psycho-Pirate - This is from wikipedia "but was defeated when she soaked him with water," in reference to Swarm. Even though there are fire pits on Apokolips, I'm pretty sure there is still water. Even if there isn't, anyone that can be beat with a large super-soaker doesn't deserve to win shit.

    D: Sandman - This match will still be going on by the time the rest of the tournament is finished, but any damage that Mist can theoretically do Sandman can heal as long as he's near

    Bracket 4:

    A: Sabretooth - Adamantium + Healing factor = wins brawls. which this is.

    B: Xorn - No comment necessary

    C: Despero - See Xorn

    D: Spiral - A wizard did it.

    mcwillip on
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    ReatheranReatheran Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse (When you've got all your opponent's powers and more besides, you'ld have to fuck up royally to lose.)
    B. Ultron (Much as I like Angstrom, he doesn't really have any way to prevent himself from just get zapped.)
    C. Swarm (Spatially-distributed conciousness out to render him resistant to Psycho Pirate's mental manipulations.)
    D. Mist (Neither of these guys can hurt the other unless they come up with something clever, and Mist's a lot cleverer than Sandman.)

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth (He's slightly less of a loser than the Rhino.)
    B. Xorn (Titanium Man is made of metal.)
    C. Despero (He's fighting Stilt-Man.)
    D. Spiral (She could depower Dr. Light, or teleport up and disembowl him.)

    Reatheran on
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    ExcessiveKnifeExcessiveKnife Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3:

    Fight A) Apocalypse- I don't like him, but his powers are far more flexible than his opponent, giving great advantage.

    Fight B) Ultron: He was already a tough act to beat, but with Levy's chief advantage (the ability to open a door to an alternate reality, then slam it in someone's face after they go through) nullified by the rules, the deck gets stacked a little harder.

    Fight C) Psycho-Pirate: If he figures out a way to cover up his hands, he will have total skin coverage, a great boon when dealing with bees. There is nothing Swarm can do to give total skin coverage to his psyche.

    Fight D) Harsh one. Unless Sandman has enough human biology left to be effected by tranq darts, or he counts as a mutant in the Savage Lands, the fight is his.

    Bracket 4:

    Fight A) Sabertooth: Regeneration seals the deal.

    Fight B) Xorn-neto: Unless I missed something huge about this fight, it's a lock.

    Fight C) Despero: Because Stilt-Man really doesn't have anything going for him, unless the fight will be resolved with a slam-dunk contest.

    Fight D) Spiral: Because the visual of a ninja teleporting into an overpowered guy's shield and then doing a six-armed Cuisinart impersonation amuses me.

    ExcessiveKnife on
    The mad beeper is on the loose!
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    ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    3A: Apocalypse: Beats Gigantia in every way.
    3B: Levy: Levy's got an easy advantage here since Ultron's a robot, it makes it easier to find a universe that would quickly hurt Ultron (rampant EM radiation or whatever) but not Levy.
    3C: Swarm: I'm guessing that Pirate's powers over insects are not as good as Swarm's is.
    3D: Mist: She's looking like the one to figure out a flaw first.

    4A: Sabretooth: Brains and viciousness and adamantium over Rhino.
    4B: Xorn: So crazy.
    4C: Despero: Man, so many people that could've taken Stiltman's place in this thing.
    4D: Spiral: Light's gonna spend too much time thinking about his dick.

    Scooter on
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    -SPI--SPI- Osaka, JapanRegistered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse : Bigger, stronger, and more versatile. Plus several thousand years of experience.
    B. Ultron BRRRZAAAP! Also possibly PEW PEW PEW.
    C. Swarm Nazi made of bees? I don't see how PP can beat that.
    D. Mist Not a fucking moron like sandman.

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth Adamantium and not being quite as stupid puts him ahead.
    B. Xorn Poor titanium man.
    C. Despero Stilt man is great, but he doesn't get to win. Ever.
    D. Spiral Teleport, magic, decapitate.

    -SPI- on
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    KumaKuma Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Apocalypse - He does everything Giganta can do and better
    Ultron - He give the Avengers a hard time, the friggin Avengers
    Psycho Pirate - All he needs to do is get Swarm pissed, I.E. call his mom a jew or something
    Sandman - this one gave me a hard time but i figure Mist cant do much with sand

    Sabertooth - Adamantium and healing for the win
    Xorn - Titanium Man is just as outclassed as Wendigo was with Luther
    Despero - really... Stiltman, christ the Punisher beat his ass in style
    Spiral - you cant hold down six arms while trying to rape someone

    Kuma on
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    exitexit Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    -SPI- wrote:
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse : Bigger, stronger, and more versatile. Plus several thousand years of experience.
    B. Ultron BRRRZAAAP! Also possibly PEW PEW PEW.
    C. Swarm Nazi made of bees? I don't see how PP can beat that.
    D. Mist Not a fucking moron like sandman.

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth Adamantium and not being quite as stupid puts him ahead.
    B. Xorn Poor titanium man.
    C. Despero Stilt man is great, but he doesn't get to win. Ever.
    D. Spiral Teleport, magic, decapitate.

    exit on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    A. Apocalypse: The original mutant. Can make him self bigger and badder than Giganta could ever dream.
    B. Ultron: A robot that takes on all of the Avengers on a regular basis versus a newbie villian with no real offensive or defensive abilities. This is a slaughter.
    C, Swarm: He goes on about how emotionless he is on a regular basis, soooo...
    D, Sandman: Guns do not hurt Sandman. At all. Ever. He's also not going to go near a lake or river. He's dumb, not mentally disabled.

    Bracket 4
    A, Sabertooth: He's just cuttin' around, cutcutcut.
    B, Xorn: holy crap who do you think is going to win this
    C, Despero: Tonight, on the world's most one sided fist fights!
    D, Spiral: I loathe the Mojoverse but apparently she can totally disable Light's powers with magical plot bullshit, so, okay.

    Furu on
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    WhippyWhippy Moderator, Admin Emeritus Admin Emeritus
    edited November 2006


    Whippy on
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse : Will bore his opponent to death with endless prattle about 'The Strong', and if that doesn't work, he'll decapitate her.
    B. Ultron Regularly takes on entire teams of Avengers, and is so poweful he'll fuck Levy six ways from Sunday without blinking (which he can't).
    C. Swarm Nazi made of bees trumps anything.
    D. Sandman Guns can't hurt him, so all Mist can do is form a foggy beach scene with him until he gets bored.

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth Will slice the Rhino up in endangered species burgers.
    B. Xorn What shape would Titanium Man like to be made into?
    C. Despero Stilt-Man's whole point is to lose, so, you know, he loses.
    D. Spiral This one's for all the oppressed women in comics, you fuck.

    Bogart on
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    tsplittertsplitter Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse (has all of his opponent's powers and then some.)
    B. Ultron ( Angstrom doesn't really have any way to prevent himself from just get zapped.)
    C. Swarm (Spatially-distributed conciousness gives him the advanage. also, lots of bees.)
    D. Mist (shes smarter. thats all i got.)

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth (His claws seal the deal.)
    B. Xorn (Titanium Man is fucked.)
    C. Despero (the only person Stilt-Man could beat is Stilt-man, and he would still technically lose.)
    D. Spiral (She could depower Dr. Light and slash him to bits.)

    tsplitter on
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    Conditional_AxeConditional_Axe Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Giganta - Blood of Apocalypse leads me to believe that the lamest villain ever is more than a match for Pocy. Giganta is not the lamest villain ever.

    B. ULTRON - Levy really only has the power to piss Ultron right off.

    C. Swarm - Bee Nazi? Yes, please.

    D. Sandman - He's one tough mofo. Also, I hate sand. It gets everywhere.

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth - the second best there is...

    B. Xorn - This is like having a leopard fight a meat-flavored rag doll.

    C. Despero - Stilt Stilt LOL

    D. Spiral - You know how, like, Freddy fought Jason, and it was a draw because even though Freddy might totally win, it would be really bad form have a child molester beat an abused child? This is like that, except with a rapist and an angry, angry woman who has swords.

    Conditional_Axe on
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    RaptoriaRaptoria Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A: Apocalypse - He's got millenia more experience, can reshape parts of his body. Look out, Tokio! Godzilla vs Mothra has nothing on these two going head to head.
    B: Angstrom Levy - Teleporting and the accumulated knowledge of pretty much every alternate version of himself. It's going to be a tough battle, but i think ultron wil ultimately lose.
    C: Swarm - Pirate's powers won't have any effect on the Swarm. This is going to be short.
    D: Sandman - Interesting, an elemental battle between sand and water/mist. If this won't end in mud wrestling, I don't know what will.

    Match 4
    A: Sabretooth - He's got an agility advantage over rhino, his healing factor and adamntium skeleton sealed it. lots of brawling with Sabretooth winning.
    B: Xorn - the question is not who's going to win, but how long Xorn will let his opponent survive.
    C: Despero - Stiltman doesn't stant a chance. And I don't even know Despero!
    D: Spiral - Light's force fields will only delay the inevitable: Knife in the ribcage.

    Raptoria on
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    Sharp101Sharp101 TorontoRegistered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse : Big woman VS Immortal Death Man
    B. Levy New rules say they have to go through the portals, Ultron is fucked.
    C. Swarm Nazi + bees = win.
    D. Sandman Guns can't hurt him, and Sandman is awesome.

    Match 4
    A. Rhino All he needs is one good hit, and I hate that Sabretooth has adamntium again.
    B. Xorn Crush.
    C. Despero Powerful guy I dont know VS Tall-man.
    D. Spiral Sure, why not?[/quote]

    Sharp101 on
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    SlagmireSlagmire Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Match 3
    A - Apocalypse: He's got all the abilities of Giganta, plus so much more.
    B - Ultron: Portals are nice... Ultron should be able to handle that though.
    C - Swarm: Being on Apokalapse will help PP, but the bees knees will prevail in this one.
    D - Mist: Good match-up, but I think Mist will be able to pull out the victory since Sandman's weakness against water is kind of glaring.

    Match 4
    A - Sabertooth: He's going to be way too mobile and even if he is tagged, he'll heal up quickly. Add to that his adamantium skeleton and claws and Rhino's not going to have a good day.
    B - Xorneto: Titanium Man, huh? He's doomed.
    C - Despero: I really wanted to vote for Stilt-Man... just to avoid any shutout for him.
    D - Spiral: Magic. Mutant. Ninja. Light is so totally gonna get raped. No pun intended, or maybe there was.

    Slagmire on
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    skippydumptruckskippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket Three:

    A: Apocalypse -- ancient, smart, can grow and shift shape.
    B: Angstrom -- even though both have to go through the portal, I bet Levy knows of a world or two that would be death to a giant robot and just fine for a purple-headed man.
    C: Psycho Pirate -- Isn't this match in a place full of emotional energy? I'm betting the pirate becomes super powerful and causes the bees to get emo and sting one another.
    D: Sandman -- I don't see how the Mist has any way to hurt him.

    Bracket Four:

    A: Sabertooth -- I like Rhino a whole lot more, but I think the healing factor clinches it.
    B: Xorneto -- not really a fight here.
    C: Despero -- Stilt Man :(
    D: Spiral -- Teleportation, magic, and 2 extra sets of arms seal the deal.

    skippydumptruck on
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    Lieutenant SyrupLieutenant Syrup Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    Match A - Apocalypse - cause he can just get that one inch taller in every regard.
    MAtch B - Ultron - Ultron's a beast. Er, well...
    Match C - Swarm - It pains me to vote for Swarm. THE PAIN!
    Match D - Sandman - This was sort of a toss-up. Sandman's got more bang for his buck, though.

    Bracket 4
    Match A - Sabretooth - Even rhinos have throats!
    MAtch B - Xorn - hahahaha.
    Match C - Despero - If only Stilt man could go 291 feet. Such a shame...
    Match D - Spiral - Spiral for Shade 2006

    Lieutenant Syrup on
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    Romero ZombieRomero Zombie Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Pasting my votes from the debate threads

    Match A - Apocalypse. Pretty sure big and tasty won't stand much a chance here.
    Match B - Ultron. I've never even heard of this other guy. He loses for wearing a pink tie.
    Match C - I don't know either of these two clowns. Based on their powersets, I would give this one to Psycho Pirate. A guy made of nazi bees doesn't seem that bad when you are wearing armor.
    Match D - Mist I will give it to him..or her, can't really tell from the picture and am too lazy to wiki him…or her. Sandman in all of his power and potential, has usually been written as a tard. Also after reading that bit about Mist, I think she has this one hands down.

    Match A - Sabretooth will be able to outlast Rhino in this one. Rhino is tough, but doesn't have a healing factor which will be his downfall. Sabretooth also has the edge in the brains department.
    Match B - Titanium Man - He will ask Xorneto who he is, and Xorneto will explode trying to figure it.
    Match C - The Mighty Stilt-Man. Probably the worst idea for a villian ever to make it to paper, and this is why he gets my vote. I want to see Stilt-Man battle Thor in the greatest ever match.
    Match D - Dr. Light. I'm gonna rape you!!

    Romero Zombie on
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    CircularCircular Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3:

    A: Apocalypse (Everything Giganta can do, Apocalypse can do better...and more besides.)
    B: Ultron (Levy has some good tricks, but Ultron's sheer power is just too overwhelming. Sooner or later, Levy loses.)
    C: Psycho-Pirate (Huge environmental advantage. It might be hard to affect Swarm's emotions, but there's no bigger engine for Psycho-Pirate's powers than Apokalips.)
    D: Mist (Sandman is too dumb to figure out how to break the neither-can-hurt-the-other deadlock before Mist comes up with something useful.)

    Bracket 4:

    A: Sabretooth (Both are dumb strong guys. The question is who's had writers willing to make them more rediculous--and when that's the question, anyone connected to Wolverine wins every time. The healing factor means that both dish damage out, but Sabretooth takes it better.)
    B: Xorn-neto (Titanium Man is doomed against someone with Magneto's abilities.)
    C: Despero (Stilt-Man isn't in Despero's league.)
    D: Spiral (A close call, if only because the outer limits of both contestants' powers seem ill-defined. Still, it seems like Spiral has a solid shot against Dr. Light even without the rediculous depowering bit.)

    Circular on
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    TheidarTheidar Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    Match A: Apocalypse-has opponents power+more
    Match B: Ultron-it usually takes the Avengers to stop him
    Match C: Swarm-don't think Psycho Pirate can affect him
    Match D:Mist-similar powerset, but she actually uses her brain

    Bracket 4
    Match A: Sabertooth-adamantium>Rhino skin
    Match B: Xorneto- :roll:
    Match C: Despero-its Stilt-man he's made of lose
    Match D:Spiral-she's got more than enough ways to counteract Dr. Light

    Theidar on
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    Behold the annhilation of the extraterrestrial and the rise of the machines.
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    Match A: Apocalypse-matches her powerset and then some
    Match B: Ultron- Has it in the bag.
    Match C: Swarm- I think pirate can affect a few bees, but not the whole damn thing.
    Match D: Sandman- he's beaten torch and spidey on more than one occasion. I'm rooting for him to pull a win in the savage land.

    Bracket 4
    Match A: Sabertooth- Rhino is dumber than paste, no way Sabertooth is losing.
    Match B: Xorneto- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
    Match C: Despero- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
    Match D: Spiral- Teleport > nullify > stab.

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    -SPI- wrote:
    Match 3
    A. Apocalypse : Bigger, stronger, and more versatile. Plus several thousand years of experience.
    B. Ultron BRRRZAAAP! Also possibly PEW PEW PEW.
    C. Swarm Nazi made of bees? I don't see how PP can beat that.
    D. Mist Not a fucking moron like sandman.

    Match 4
    A. Sabretooth Adamantium and not being quite as stupid puts him ahead.
    B. Xorn Poor titanium man.
    C. Despero Stilt man is great, but he doesn't get to win. Ever.
    D. Spiral Teleport, magic, decapitate.

    Pretty much what he said.

    Blackjack on

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    Spectre-xSpectre-x Rating: AWESOME YESRegistered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3:

    A- Apocalypse: Yes, he is much, much more powerful and experienced than Giganta.
    B- Ultron: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No. Ultron will squish the inferior organic specimen known as Angstrom Levy or whatever.
    C- Psycho Pirate: He'll change his expression to suicidal depression and Swarm kills himself. Seriously. No contest. Psycho Pirate can make almost anybody feel like anything.
    D- Mist: She's really smart, whereas Sandman is really dumb. Mist also has a better track record.

    Bracket 4:

    A- Sabretooth: Much better training, speed, agility and manouverability. Also: Adamantium.
    B- Xorneto: Basically, Titanium Man is completely fucked because he's going up against a guy whose power is one of Titanium Man's greatest weaknesses. Namely the power to tear guys made out of metal or wearing metal suits in fucking half with his mind.
    C- Despero: Yeah, I think this goes without saying.
    D- Doctor Light: Really, really terrifyingly powerful and evil and dangerous. Spiral is no wuss, but she is totally going to fucking die a horribly painful and humiliating death.

    Spectre-x on
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    NondocNondoc Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    A. Apocalypse: Everything Giganta has and more, been alive since Egyptian times.
    B. Ultron: Yeah, the chances of Levy happening to open a portal to a universe where Ultron is fucked and he isn't, before Ultron lasers off his gross head are roughly zero.
    C. Psycho Pirate: Bees might not feel emotion, but the nazi mind controlling them will.
    D. Sandman: I like Mist better as a character, but she really has no way of hurting Sandman.

    Bracket 4
    A. Sabretooth: Actual fighting skill, adamantium.
    B. Xorneto: vs a metal man.
    C. Despero: Could honestly beat Stilt Man with no powers.
    D. Doctor Light: He just has too many options that take Spiral out immediately.

    Nondoc on
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    NinjaSquirrelNinjaSquirrel Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3
    A - Apocalypse - Can do the same thing as Giganta only better and a lot more experienced.
    B - Ultron - Too many ways to take Levy out. Chances of Levy getting them to a place where Ultron is fucked and he isn't before Levy dies are very slim. If Ultron throws Levy through his own portal then just doesn't go through rules say Levy are DQed. This match seems made to make Levy lose.
    C - Psycho Pirate - Fuck bees. Swarm feels some kind of emotion. Plus they're on Apokolipse, the Pirate will have plenty to feed off of.
    D - Mist - The two can just stay in an intangible stale-mate, but Mist will find a way to hurt Sandman first since she isn't an idiot.

    Bracket 4
    A - Sabertooth - Adamantium cuts through Rhino. Plus he can heal any hits he takes from Rhino.
    B - Xorneto - He's fighting someone who relies on metal. How could he lose.
    C - Despero - I don't see how someone who's power is stilts is really a threat. A guy who could take out the JLA is definitely powerful enough to handle someone who has really long legs.
    D- Doctor Light - Great defense + great offense > 6 arms.

    NinjaSquirrel on
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    edited November 2006
    Bracket 3:
    Apocalypse: Come on. Seriously.
    Ultron: He wiped out an entire country single handedly. He can handle this.
    Swarm: Bees sting.
    Mist: Sandman is sort of a retard.

    Bracket 4:
    The Rhino: No way Sabretooth could slow him down.
    Xorn-eto: Titanium is a metal. Seriously.
    Stilt Man: Because sometimes, all you need is dumb luck.
    Spiral: Sorcery kicks the shit out of rape-powers.

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    Mai-KeroMai-Kero Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Manifest wrote:
    Bracket 3:
    Apocalypse: Come on. Seriously.
    Ultron: He wiped out an entire country single handedly. He can handle this.
    Swarm: Bees sting.
    Mist: Sandman is sort of a retard.

    Bracket 4:
    The Rhino: No way Sabretooth could slow him down.
    Xorn-eto: Titanium is a metal. Seriously.
    Dr. Light because he's one of the most powerful dudes in the DC universe. Representing an elemental force in DC is pretty ridiculously powerful. Fuck, according to Dr. Fate, people like this can take on the goddamn Specter.

    I agree with all but spiral.

    Mai-Kero on
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    DharmaBumDharmaBum Registered User regular
    edited November 2006
    Mai-Kero wrote:
    Manifest wrote:
    Bracket 3:
    Apocalypse: Come on. Seriously.
    Ultron: He wiped out an entire country single handedly. He can handle this.
    Swarm: Bees sting.
    Mist: Sandman is sort of a retard.

    Bracket 4:
    The Rhino: No way Sabretooth could slow him down.
    Xorn-eto: Titanium is a metal. Seriously.
    Dr. Light because he's one of the most powerful dudes in the DC universe. Representing an elemental force in DC is pretty ridiculously powerful. Fuck, according to Dr. Fate, people like this can take on the goddamn Specter.

    I agree with all but spiral.


    DharmaBum on
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