
American Primaries: Super Tuesday. YES WE CAN!

ElkiElki get busyModerator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
edited February 2008 in Debate and/or Discourse
Once again, the greatest show on earth

Especially if you happen to be a Republican
THE first act of the extended drama that is this year's American election ended this week in Florida, with the last of the early primaries that have taken the presidential hopefuls from the plains of Iowa to the mountains of New Hampshire and from the Nevada desert to South Carolina's coast. These early states have served their purpose well, narrowing a field of almost 20 down to four serious contenders (two Democrats and two Republicans) and proving much about the character, intellect and staying power of the principal players.

Act II starts and finishes almost immediately. On February 5th more than 20 states will vote, and by the end of that day half the delegates to the late-summer conventions, where the nominees will be anointed, will have been chosen. Whether there is a third act—a long tense hunt for delegates from the remaining states, which could take months longer—will depend on how finely balanced a result “Super Tuesday” delivers. It is even possible that one or other nomination will be decided only at the conventions: a nail-biting Act IV. And only then, of course, will the actual election to replace George Bush in the White House begin.

The process of choosing the next leader of the world's most powerful country, in other words, is still at an early stage. But it has already delivered big surprises. The biggest has come on the Republican side. A few months ago the party looked set to tear itself apart, with no fewer than five front-runners, each representing a different strand of conservatism, vying for supremacy. But a brutal triage has taken place. Fred Thompson was speedily eliminated for being only a poor man's Ronald Reagan; Mike Huckabee stunned in Iowa, but has proved unable to spread his appeal beyond evangelical Christians and looks doomed too. And on January 29th Rudy Giuliani, an early favourite, was forced from the stage in Florida. He had staked everything on a big win in the Sunshine State, leaving the other early primaries to his rivals. In the end, he came a dismal third and quit the race a day later.

The Republican race thus boils down to a straight fight between a competent chameleon and a cantankerous crusader (see article). Mitt Romney is a smooth businessman-cum-politician. Unlike everybody else still in the race, he has actually run a lot of things—a state, a huge business and an Olympic games—and done it pretty well. If only he believed in something, he would be a powerful force; sadly, his political colours appear to change depending on his audience. By contrast, Senator John McCain lacks Mr Romney's managerial vim (and his youth); but he has never been afraid to speak his mind, bravely defying his party's line on immigration, torture, global warming and campaign finance—and he has considerable support among independent voters. This newspaper backed Mr McCain in the 2000 primaries; the case for him being the Republican candidate this time seems even stronger.

Nasty, brutish and long

The Democrats have been just as surprising. A race that once looked like a walkover for Hillary Clinton has proved to be anything but. Barack Obama has emerged as a charismatic political presence, running a tightly organised, exciting campaign. Mrs Clinton has fought an oddly poor one, hindered in unexpected measure by her husband. Far from adding star power, Bill Clinton has proved a source of rancour and controversy. His ranting attacks on Mr Obama, and his clumsy attempts to pigeonhole his wife's rival as a black candidate with limited appeal to whites, triggered this week's endorsement of Mr Obama by Senator Edward Kennedy and by Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of JFK, who says that Mr Obama reminds her of her father. Independent voters may now flinch about the nastiness of a Clinton White House.

It is still probably—just—Mrs Clinton's race to lose. She managed to “win” a non-competitive race in Florida this week; and some of the doubts her attack dogs have raised about Mr Obama's lack of experience and the young senator's preference for vague uplift over crisp detail are certainly to the point. John Edwards's withdrawal from the race on January 30th will probably benefit her too. But Mrs Clinton goes into Super Tuesday having so far failed to convince plenty of broadly sympathetic people, including this newspaper, that she should be the automatic Democratic choice.

And her struggle is indeed likely to continue. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats award their primary delegates on a proportional basis. So it is likely that for Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton at least, there will be an Act III, and possibly more, after Super Tuesday. The play is far from over. But the Republicans should be surprisingly content with the show so far.
MrMister wrote: »
It's not even like I don't like Obama. I just don't like catchphrases and rhetoric. The irony of it is that Obama has relatively solid credentials on some important issues, like government transparency, and even though his healthcare plan doesn't include universal coverage he's still all around solid--but the hope bit is just a little too saccharine for me to stand. If the yes we can thing catches on any harder, I may have to suck off a shotgun.

ITT MrMister reveals his cold, dark heart.

I don't care for the catchphrases when they're used on me, but I expect any politician I support to have a very good command of his rhetoric. Being right is definitely more important than being flowery, but if you can't sell your ideas to those who aren't already on-board you won't take them very far. Chris Dodd is, on policy, just as solid as Obama, and I'd happily vote for him if he was the nominee. I still wouldn't view his total lack of charisma as anything approaching a positive.

Elki on


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    Satan.Satan. __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2008
    Ugh. That's gonna confuse the new guy.

    Satan. on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    This has the possibility of being one of the best Mardi Gras ever. Don't fuck this up, America.

    moniker on
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    Rufus_ShinraRufus_Shinra Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So I know this isn't the best way to start the new American Primaries thread, but its a request from the old one:
    Variable wrote: »
    wait wait, I need links for 2 of those things as evidence. sorry to go off topic.



    Rufus_Shinra on
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    JebusUDJebusUD Adventure! Candy IslandRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Satan. wrote: »
    Ugh. That's gonna confuse the new guy.

    No im good. Ive been trolling this forum for a while, so I know they tend to lock threads after 100 pages.

    I think that Obama can pull through on tuesday. Maybe its just bias from talking to the people on my college but there seems to be a landslide of support for him around here.

    JebusUD on
    and I wonder about my neighbors even though I don't have them
    but they're listening to every word I say
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    jotatejotate Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Aww, I thought we were gonna let whoever it was start the next primary thread. Elki's ruining everyone's fun again.

    jotate on
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    TarranonTarranon Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    My name is Tarranon and I approve this message:

    Tarranon on
    You could be anywhere
    On the black screen
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    Matt_SMatt_S Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    This will be a pretty intense Tuesday, that much is guaranteed.

    And I have to work that night. Oh well, it's for the best I assume - better to deal with customers and find out the result afterwards than spend that night on an emotional roller coaster.

    Matt_S on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Satan. wrote: »
    Ugh. That's gonna confuse the new guy.

    No im good. Ive been trolling this forum for a while, so I know they tend to lock threads after 100 pages.

    I think that Obama can pull through on tuesday. Maybe its just bias from talking to the people on my college but there seems to be a landslide of support for him around here.

    Where are you at?

    And man you turned out to know how we operate around here and all my hard work to redirect you to the right place was unnecessary in the end.

    See? This is what I get for caring.


    Irond Will on
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    TaximesTaximes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So, 24 hours to go now.

    Super Tuesday, do not disappoint me.

    Taximes on
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    TarranonTarranon Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Matt_S wrote: »
    This will be a pretty intense Tuesday, that much is guaranteed.

    And I have to work that night. Oh well, it's for the best I assume - better to deal with customers and find out the result afterwards than spend that night on an emotional roller coaster.

    What the fuck? I didn't approve that. Who are you?

    Tarranon on
    You could be anywhere
    On the black screen
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    jotatejotate Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Taximes wrote: »
    So, 24 hours to go now.

    Super Tuesday, do not disappoint me.

    Oh shit, it is less than a day away. I'm so unprepared. D:

    jotate on
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    Rufus_ShinraRufus_Shinra Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    A good read:

    Q: How can they both be winners?

    A: It depends on whether the winner wins the most votes, the most kind of votes, the most delegates, the most states, or the best states.

    Q: You mean the expectations game?

    A: No, it's way wilder than that. You've got 24 separate state contests (plus American Samoa), but you've also got the aggregate big-picture shebang. In each state, as well as collectively, you've got popular votes, Democrats' votes, and independents' votes. You've got delegates by congressional district, at-large delegates, superdelegates, soft pledged delegates, soft unpledged delegates, hard delegates, and unpledged add-on delegates. You've got red states, blue states, bellwether states, and must-carry-in-November states. Both campaigns are thoroughly prepared to take any outcome on each of those dimensions and confect a convincing "win" out of a grab-bag of "upsets," "momentum," "patterns of success," "X states out of 24," "Y electoral votes out of 538," "Z percent of the popular [or independent] vote," "the highest percentage of delegates at stake," "the highest total delegate count [including or excluding Florida and Michigan]"...

    Q: So will there or won't there be a real winner declared on Tuesday night?

    A: If your definition of reality depends on the media, you're in deep trouble. The talking heads are already disagreeing with one another about what the benchmarks of victory should be. Neither candidate will reach the 2025 delegates needed for the nomination on Tuesday. Neither candidate is going to drop out on Wednesday. Proportional representation (something the Republicans, unsurprisingly, haven't come around to) means that neither side will credibly be able to claim a landslide. This mixed outcome is exactly what the networks want.

    Q: Why's that?

    A: Join us for the all-important Chesapeake state primaries on February 12! Stay with us for the make-or-break Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4! It all comes down to Montana and South Dakota on June 3! Get ready for D-Day in Denver! The first brokered convention in over half a century! Brought to you by Clean Coal ® - America's Fun & Friendly Power Source.

    Rufus_Shinra on
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So I know this isn't the best way to start the new American Primaries thread, but its a request from the old one:
    Variable wrote: »
    wait wait, I need links for 2 of those things as evidence. sorry to go off topic.



    actually that was the best way to start a new thread.

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    questionabledudequestionabledude Registered User regular
    edited February 2008

    The writer's strike is ending.

    The Patriots lost.

    An Arrested Development movie is being made.

    If Obama wins this thing it may officially be the:


    This my new sig. I will spoiler it.

    questionabledude on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    jotate wrote: »
    Aww, I thought we were gonna let whoever it was start the next primary thread. Elki's ruining everyone's fun again.

    Locking thread/making new thread is simpler than locking a thread, and waiting for a new thread, and making sure that there aren't duplicate threads.

    Elki on
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    SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Satan. wrote: »
    Ugh. That's gonna confuse the new guy.

    No im good. Ive been trolling this forum for a while, so I know they tend to lock threads after 100 pages.

    I think that Obama can pull through on tuesday. Maybe its just bias from talking to the people on my college but there seems to be a landslide of support for him around here.

    I think you meant lurking rather than trolling, but otherwise good show.

    Smasher on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Elki wrote: »
    jotate wrote: »
    Aww, I thought we were gonna let whoever it was start the next primary thread. Elki's ruining everyone's fun again.

    Locking thread/making new thread is simpler than locking a thread, and waiting for a new thread, and making sure that there aren't duplicate threads.

    It's also less fun. You big, Economist loving meanie.

    moniker on
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    KalTorakKalTorak One way or another, they all end up in the Undercity.Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Garrison Keillor endorses Obama. That'll score good with the...erm... NPR-listening soft-chuckle people?

    KalTorak on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    I like the idea of Obama tapping for VP a dude named "Jim Hope" or maybe "Thomas Chang"


    Irond Will on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Garrison Keillor endorses Obama. That'll score good with the...erm... NPR-listening soft-chuckle people?

    Might help with the oldies.

    Irond Will on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008


    Irond Will on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Garrison Keillor endorses Obama. That'll score good with the...erm... NPR-listening soft-chuckle people?

    Does Lake Wobegon send a delegate?

    moniker on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    moniker wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    jotate wrote: »
    Aww, I thought we were gonna let whoever it was start the next primary thread. Elki's ruining everyone's fun again.

    Locking thread/making new thread is simpler than locking a thread, and waiting for a new thread, and making sure that there aren't duplicate threads.

    It's also less fun. You big, Economist loving meanie.

    Elks is from Sudan. Not a democratic bone in his body.

    He does this because it is good for you.

    Irond Will on
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    TarranonTarranon Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Irond Will wrote: »


    Chang is inexperienced! Hillary is the only candidate whose ticket is ready for Dai Wong!

    Tarranon on
    You could be anywhere
    On the black screen
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2008
    Virginia isn't until next week, but I've been hearing about some new loyalty oath required if you participate in the GOP's. Apparently we're open, so I'm not sure what that's (the oath) about.

    Sterica on
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    Matt_SMatt_S Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Tarranon wrote: »
    Matt_S wrote: »
    This will be a pretty intense Tuesday, that much is guaranteed.

    And I have to work that night. Oh well, it's for the best I assume - better to deal with customers and find out the result afterwards than spend that night on an emotional roller coaster.

    What the fuck? I didn't approve that. Who are you?


    Ring ring ring ring, banana-phone!.

    Matt_S on
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Smasher wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Satan. wrote: »
    Ugh. That's gonna confuse the new guy.

    No im good. Ive been trolling this forum for a while, so I know they tend to lock threads after 100 pages.

    I think that Obama can pull through on tuesday. Maybe its just bias from talking to the people on my college but there seems to be a landslide of support for him around here.

    I think you meant lurking rather than trolling, but otherwise good show.

    Nah, trolling's used in that way as well. Think of it like this definition:
    # To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
    # To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.

    Ie, dredging along the forum to see what you get. It's not used as much anymore, but it's not unheard of.

    On the topic of Super Tuesday, I know American Samoa and West Virginia are the first results to come in - about what time should we be expecting them?

    Jragghen on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Irond Will wrote: »
    He does this because it is good for you.

    Is there someone in your room holding a machette right now, Will? Just blink twice if the answer is yes.

    moniker on
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Virginia isn't until next week, but I've been hearing about some new loyalty oath required if you participate in the GOP's. Apparently we're open, so I'm not sure what that's (the oath) about.

    You sign a waiver if you vote in the Republican Primary to state that you're going to be voting for the Republican candidate. Insofar as I know, it's non-enforcible, it's just their attempt to make it a closed Primary against state law.

    Jragghen on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So, yesterday Zogby had Obama up 4 in CA and Missouri 1 down.



    New Friggin' Jersey tied at 43
    Obama 47, Clinton 42 in Missouri
    Obama 46, Clinton 40 in California

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So, yesterday Zogby had Obama up 4 in CA and Missouri 1 down.



    New Friggin' Jersey tied at 43
    Obama 47, Clinton 42 in Missouri
    Obama 46, Clinton 40 in California


    But damnit, I don't want to get optimistic. ._.

    Jragghen on
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    RustRust __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2008
    Dammit dammit dammit.

    New Jersey's no longer an inevitable Clinton victory and here I am in frigging Pennsylvania.

    Rust on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Jragghen wrote: »
    So, yesterday Zogby had Obama up 4 in CA and Missouri 1 down.



    New Friggin' Jersey tied at 43
    Obama 47, Clinton 42 in Missouri
    Obama 46, Clinton 40 in California


    But damnit, I don't want to get optimistic. ._.

    Yeah, I made the anti Zogby arguments yesterday. This is his phone poll which was a little better and he's 3 for 4 (got NH wrong but had it trending Clinton really late apparently) this primary season and had SC being a big win for Obama (though obviously not that big).

    For now though: no overconfidence, he'll still be destroyed by the Clinton machine. Get out and prove a movement can beat a machine people!

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    Fucking John Zogby.

    John Zogby is going to fuck my brain.


    Irond Will on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    So, yesterday Zogby had Obama up 4 in CA and Missouri 1 down.



    New Friggin' Jersey tied at 43
    Obama 47, Clinton 42 in Missouri
    Obama 46, Clinton 40 in California

    Interesting. This Hobo down by the bridge came to different conclusions.

    Professor Doctor Happypants polling shows:

    Obama 38, Clinton 12, Cheese 50 in Wisconsin, Obama winning by 2 points in Arizona, and Gravel winning Oklahoma.

    Guess we'll have to wait and see who turns out closest.

    moniker on
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    GoslingGosling Looking Up Soccer In Mongolia Right Now, Probably Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Exactly. We may be gaining with a full head of steam, but the key is to keep playing like you're 10 behind. You get into the we're-winning mindset and you get lazy.

    Gosling on
    I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Fucking John Zogby.

    John Zogby is going to fuck my brain.


    If I said Reuters/C-SPAN would you feel better?

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    Here's how on crack John Zogby is:

    He has Romney leading in CA by 8 points.

    It's like he sniffs airplane glue then flips a coin.

    Irond Will on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    mtvcdm wrote: »
    Exactly. We may be gaining with a full head of steam, but the key is to keep playing like you're 10 behind. You get into the we're-winning mindset and you get lazy.

    Worst case when you play like you're 10 behind and you really are up is winning by 10, or 15, or 20. So yeah.

    Guys, we're losing! Get out there and make a difference.

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Here's how on crack John Zogby is:

    He has Romney leading in CA by 8 points.

    It's like he sniffs airplane glue then flips a coin.

    Yeah...that sounds, uh, sketchy at best. Dammit.

    Alright, we really are losing. Zogby is on crack.

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
This discussion has been closed.