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Penny Arcade - Comic - Disunity

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited September 2021 in The Penny Arcade Hub
imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Disunity

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    Sorry, Gabe, but you just aren't a Chosen Child. Or, eugh, "DigiDestined."

  • Golden YakGolden Yak Burnished Bovine The sunny beaches of CanadaRegistered User regular
    It's probably that first thing.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Sorry, Gabe, but you just aren't a Chosen Child. Or, eugh, "DigiDestined."

    He's not the Digi-One?

  • DelzhandDelzhand Agrias Fucking Oaks Registered User, Transition Team regular
    I appreciate that Gabe is maxing out with just the bar

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    edited September 2021
    Delzhand wrote: »
    I appreciate that Gabe is maxing out with just the bar

    I had missed that joke. And the oreo.

    dennis on
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    In a hypothetical perfect match making system, even the best and worst players would have a near 50% win rate as they'd be playing against people roughly as good or bad as them. A lot of people don't like that though, see all the people who create Smurf accounts when they rank up to a level where they no longer win all the time.

  • Jgr9Jgr9 Registered User regular
    If it's about 50% they're doing their job about as perfectly as they can. It's on you to play better.

  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    Okay wow it actually took reading the newspost for me to realise he's talking about Pokémon and not Digimon. So I'm just gonna go walk into the ocean, because clearly I'm too old to live.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Okay wow it actually took reading the newspost for me to realise he's talking about Pokémon and not Digimon. So I'm just gonna go walk into the ocean, because clearly I'm too old to live.

    Hey, I was right there with you. Let's go together.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Holy heck, I was wondering why the image link to comic in the thread was broken. They re-uploaded it with the spelling error in the 3rd panel fixed. Did Gabe change his stance on fixing Tychpos or is it one he somehow introduced?

  • MuddBuddMuddBudd Registered User regular
    The fact that he's eating Oreo's while doing this bumps this from good to great. *chefs kiss*

    There's no plan, there's no race to be run
    The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
  • AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    That Acq Inc pinball machine looks dope AF. :o

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