
[Hearthstone] Arfus is the bestest boy



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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    You have 8 2-mana cards, 6 3-mana cards, but only 4 4-mana cards.


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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I could see loading up on 2 drops if most of your losses are coming to early pressure.

    Definitely a significantly different list from VS, though.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular

    Oh, baby! I didn't realize my Caria was golden! I had a golden Shield Shatter too.

    Anyone know if the duplicate protection on the nerfed cards was reset again like last time? Guessing not, but wouldn't mind cashing in on some more easy dust if so...

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    edited June 2022
    forty wrote: »
    Holy shit, they finally changed Pyramad's garbage hero power to 0 mana.

    Quoting you because nobody else was talking about the BG changes.

    New Pyramad HP is at least interesting?
    At the start it gives +2 health for 0 mana. But for every turn where you don't use it, the +health goes up.
    So, I guess you use it turn 1 to win the first 2 battles. And then don't use it until it's like +5 or so or until you get minions that you intend to keep? Some decision making there, which is always good.

    There are to other hero changes:
    - Onyxia buffed (her whelps are now 3/1s instead of 2/1s.
    - Tamsin buffed (gives stats to 5 minions instead of 4)

    And that just feels way, way too little to me. Why these 3? Why not the 20 other shitty heroes? They should change at least 5, better 10 heroes every content patch they have if they can't patch more frequently.

    Minion updates are also weird.
    Nagas are buffed again, which is probably fine, because it's not much, but they didn't really need it, imo? Also they buffed Myrmidon, that's hilarious.
    Tarecgosa is back at tier 3. Does anyone like her? But there is no other comp for dragons anyway, so whatever.
    Coldlight seer is also back at 3. It's a nice enough change, but Murlocs were at least playable?

    Bubblette to 5/4 (from 2/5) is at least daring. This is now getting picked, so let's see how that plays out.

    No demon changes are sad, they get left behind further and further.

    /edit: On twitter, someone is saying more hero changes are coming, fwtw:

    Grobian on
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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Dragons are such a goofy mishmash of ideas. Extremely a first try tribe, lacking in the sharpened synergy of the post launch tribes like naga and quillboar

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Beasteh wrote: »
    well mine rogue barely got dinged so i think its going to be problematic

    decks shouldn't be able to kill you on turn 5 with the only counterplay being 'be ctrl warrior or holy pala'
    I tried VS's mine rogue list last night with terrible results. I don't think there's going to be too much to worry about, at least if people playing it draw like I do.

    Also watched Feno beat one this morning with Beast Hunter (one of the decks that crushed it last night).

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited June 2022
    Grobian wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Holy shit, they finally changed Pyramad's garbage hero power to 0 mana.

    Quoting you because nobody else was talking about the BG changes.

    New Pyramad HP is at least interesting?
    At the start it gives +2 health for 0 mana. But for every turn where you don't use it, the +health goes up.
    So, I guess you use it turn 1 to win the first 2 battles. And then don't use it until it's like +5 or so or until you get minions that you intend to keep? Some decision making there, which is always good.
    I haven't played/seen him played yet, but it also looks like the power is no longer random? That plus 0 cost should at least make Pyra playable.

    Anyone know if it goes up by +2 each turn you don't use it?

    Edit: Oh shit.

    - The improvements to Pyramad's HP are permanent (e.g. it will not reset after use)
    - Pyramad's HP is now targeted (not random)
    I was thinking it would reset back to 2 on use. That actually seems like a decent power now, and definitely some risk-reward decision making, like Grobian noted. Theoretically you want to use it as little as possible until you start getting some end game units, but of course it's important to survive, so pumping up a decent early or mid-game unit here and there will be something to consider.

    Probably has the most synergy with Murlocs, since you're shooting to make them all poisonous anyway so the lacking attack is irrelevant at end game. As soon as you hit your first Sefin you can give it a decent amount of health to reduce its chance of getting sniped.

    forty on
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    New Pyramad is actually really cool and fun. Good??? I dunno lol. But fun? Yeah. There's a lot of cool decision making moments with the reworked Hero Power. Do you just keep banking it until you get a build-around? Do you just use it early and frequently on something that has attack scaling like old Pyramad? Do you use it once or twice early for a tempo play and then otherwise let it stack up? Do you spread it across board or slam it all into one thing?

    I had a game today where I started to stack it a bit early onto a Rabid Saurolisk, I think for... was it +7 a turn? But ultimately ditched that despite the stats since I had a really colossal swing into Elementals. I was stacking it on Dazzling Lightspawn for a hot minute to get some decent stacks rolling, but again ultimately ditched it when it outlived its usefulness, despite the health investment (at that point it had virtually no attack and I just needed better Stats on my board). I ended up rolling into a triple Master of Realities (which HP gives procs to danggg) and that blew up into a gargantuan 200/200+ by the end. I had like five Ragnaros's and five Crackling Cyclones :V

    I think it's still primarily an early/mid-game HP still. Lategame I mean, heck, it's free stats and all for 0 mana, but. Is +7/8/9 etc health a turn going to matter as much at that point? Ehh maybe not. Stat scaling goes pretty hard and while health matters a lot, attack scaling also starts to catch waaaay the fuck up to the point where I'm not sure having an extra chunk of health might not matter (unless it's something you've been pumping since the very start of the game?)

    Waiting is pretty key. I think you probably want one-two turns for a tempo play just to ensure you'll win rounds (and then you can leverage that into greedy leveling) but then ultimately kinda waiting until you find a permanent fixture for your comp. I won that game cause of Elemental stat scaling, but I wouldn't have gotten there without the prior investments into the minions I ultimately tossed.

    They definitely nailed the "fun" factor though. I can't speak to if he's "good" or not, but he feels fun now, so mission accomplished. I hope they decide to go down this route for other underwhelming Heroes as well.

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I caught the last game of XQN's stream tonight, and he picked Pyramad and ended up taking first with a comp that ended up with a golden Deathrattle Imp, Macaws, golden Felbat, and Baron, leading to some insane health amounts on his minions. It was pretty cool.

    XQN is one of the best BG players in the world, so individual Pyramad results may vary.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    jackpot rogue and casino mage are making this meta the least enjoyable, least skill-based meta in living memory

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    Idx86Idx86 Long days and pleasant nights.Registered User regular
    Amazon Prime Gaming has a free Hearthstone legendary thing again. Claimed mine this morning and got Xyrella, the Devout. Any competitive decks featuring her right now? I was really hoping for regular ol' Xyrella for the board clear battlecry. :(


    2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Quest Priest is supposedly playable now, and she's in that list.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Idx86 wrote: »
    Amazon Prime Gaming has a free Hearthstone legendary thing again. Claimed mine this morning and got Xyrella, the Devout.
    Lucky me, I got the Cariel hero, or in other words, 1,600 dust.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2022
    Hit legend with the absolute mess of cards that is VS big mage

    Didn't face too many fel DH which I'm glad of because they tended to kick my ass if I drew average and didn't hit my armor gain + mana cheat early

    Biggest pains to face were unconditional removals like twisting nether/whirlpool (and decks have started including these)

    e: pelican MVP, and watch post completely ruins any slow deck that didn't mull for cheap removal

    Beasteh on
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    RoyallyFlushedRoyallyFlushed Registered User regular
    I don't know why the Hearthstone team thinks an entire meta should be based around high rolling but I'm close to just uninstalling again at this point.
    I mean *obviously* the game has had a lot of RNG over the years but the fact that a huge proportion of successful ladder decks rely on it as an outright wincon is just insane to me.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    I've seen a fair few fast mage decks that run ignite fireball etc and heavy draw with counterspells to completely shut down big spell mage

    Kind of works but you probably die to everything else like holy pala and beast hunter

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    YiliasYilias Registered User regular

    Next set teaser, looks like gothic horror in Revendreth.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Yup, that's a Revendreth expansion. Or possibly more specifically, Castle Nathria (or maybe Nathria could be the mini-set).

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Is curse Warlock strong now? I just got turn 1 wrecked by one while playing as murloc Shaman (and climbing like crazy before this matchup), but I went second and maybe they just had the nuts so as usual I can't tell.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited June 2022
    I don't know why the Hearthstone team thinks an entire meta should be based around high rolling but I'm close to just uninstalling again at this point.
    I mean *obviously* the game has had a lot of RNG over the years but the fact that a huge proportion of successful ladder decks rely on it as an outright wincon is just insane to me.
    There's as little agency in a game whether the deck is Jackpot Rogue/Big Spell Mage or Murloc Shaman/Fel DH.

    The only difference is really at which turn the loss becomes apparent.

    Edit: Or Questline Hunter, for that matter! Apparently that deck can still wreck too!

    forty on
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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    I have finally gotten around to playing the story mode for Sunken and I never noticed how big Fadriel's arms are. Dude's got Popeye arms. He must be using his Druid nature magic to grow spinach leaves the size of watermelons.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    would you like an entire team of divine shield windfury? well i've got great news for you about an upcoming hero


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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    oh ok shes just a strictly better george

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Made the dad legend push this month with Murloc Shaman. The climb started well, then got ugly around Diamond 9, with a lengthy slog of 1win/2loss water treading, then after a couple hours I got lucky again and more or less streaked to dad legend.

    Weirdest opponent encountered was probably a Questline Warlock (someone's still trying to do that??) who at one point before I destroyed them played a Naval Mine. I'm assuming it's probably an OTK deck with Phylactery, but I don't know why they were also playing the Quest. Seems like spreading yourself way too thin.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    peak battlegrounds is everyone but you being on the same two tribes, but you still can't find the pieces for the build you thought was open

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    lwt1973lwt1973 King of Thieves SyndicationRegistered User regular
    Hit legend with DH finally. Smash face over and over again.

    "He's sulking in his tent like Achilles! It's the Iliad?...from Homer?! READ A BOOK!!" -Handy
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I'm a little surprised to see the deck still running Caria.

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    Beasteh wrote: »
    oh ok shes just a strictly better george

    I disagree. George can start shielding way earlier (good for quills) and I don't know how many spell crafts there are, but someone will hit that button without getting divine shield 10 times in a row.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Grobian wrote: »
    Beasteh wrote: »
    oh ok shes just a strictly better george

    I disagree. George can start shielding way earlier (good for quills) and I don't know how many spell crafts there are, but someone will hit that button without getting divine shield 10 times in a row.

    you don't need to get the divine shield from the hero power for it to be permanent

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    peak battlegrounds is everyone but you being on the same two tribes, but you still can't find the pieces for the build you thought was open

    Then you take 30+ damage from someone while the minions that make your build come online are frozen in the shop

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2022
    Like I got to 6k earlier this month and it is kind of ridiculous how punishing the game is if you don't consistently top 3

    I spent like 10 hours plugging away and made zero progress because a few top 4 finishers were completely undone by crashing out dead last due to bad luck with a shit hero and shit start, absolute timewasting simulator

    Beasteh on
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    lwt1973lwt1973 King of Thieves SyndicationRegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    I'm a little surprised to see the deck still running Caria.

    It works still a lot of the time as I would get her and not Xhilag. I pushed through going 20-7 with this iteration that I tweaked and enjoyed playing. MVP was my 12 year old son who pointed out lethal against a hunter when I was not seeing it. Final boss was Shaman who Lady S'Theno did tons of work after drawing off of 2 x FF for a couple of turns.

    "He's sulking in his tent like Achilles! It's the Iliad?...from Homer?! READ A BOOK!!" -Handy
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited June 2022
    Looks like you get this for logging in now. That explains the recent tech change to let you put more than 30 cards in a deck!

    forty wrote: »
    Yup, that's a Revendreth expansion. Or possibly more specifically, Castle Nathria

    forty on
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    [Expletive deleted][Expletive deleted] The mediocre doctor NorwayRegistered User regular
    Is Revendreth some sort of WoW Ravenloft rip-off?

    Sic transit gloria mundi.
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    AlphagaiaAlphagaia Registered User regular
    I got massive Castlevania vibes from the logo.

    Wanna try my Mario Maker levels?

    Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09
    P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359
    Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E
    I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048

    See my profile here!
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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Is Revendreth some sort of WoW Ravenloft rip-off?

    It’s an afterlife you go to if you’re evil where snooty vampires torture your soul to make you repent

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    edited June 2022
    Summary for those who haven't seen:

    New card type: Locations
    Take up a minion slot, but can't be attacked. (Implied that some cards will be able to destroy them)
    Can be clicked once per turn to activate their effect, losing one durability when you do.
    Both the spoiled cards have 1 cost and 3 durability
    Warrior: Deal 1 to a minion and give it +1 atack
    Shaman: Evolve a friendly minion (1)

    Keyword: Infuse
    Infuse (3) means that this card gets upgraded if 3 friendly minions die while it's in hand
    Neutral: 2 mana 2/3 taunt, Infuse 3, gain +2/+2
    Rogue shadow spell: 1 mana draw a spell, Infuse 2, add a temporary copy of it to your hand

    Login Legendary:
    3 mana 3/4, your starting deck size and health are 40

    priest 1 mana 1/3
    Battlecry: Discover a leggo minion, if your opponent guesses which one you chose, they also get a copy

    shaman nature spell 3 mana
    Evolve your board, devolve their board

    Shaman 4 mana 3/6 naga
    if this would transform into a minion, summon that minion instead

    warrior 6 mana 3/7
    Battlecry: gain +1/+1 for each damaged minion, then attack all enemies (Including face)

    neutral 3 mana 3/4 murloc
    battlecry: get asked to discover "Which card was in your opponent's starting hand?" then "Which card is in your opponent's hand right now?" then "Which card is in your opponent's deck?", get all 3 right and you get all 3


    also a bunch of battlegrounds changes in pathc notes

    I needed anime to post. on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    The Gubbins and Tubbins cards better be awesome.

    I realized that Throne of Tides has to be by far the worst value mini-set released to date (at least given the meta so far). None of the legendaries are played seriously. Neptulon is the closest to viable, but on average he's a worse version of Onyxia in the decks that want to run something like that. Even the single Epic card in the set was a trash meme card. The only good cards in the set so far are common/rare.

    Every other mini-set has had at least one meta legendary, usually multiple. Wailing Caverns was probably the best, with all 4 legendaries seeing a good amount of play for a while. Hell, Mutanus still sees a fair bit of play, and Anacondra kept popping up in ridiculous Druid combos until like the 10th Druid nerf.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    neutral 3 mana 3/4 murloc
    battlecry: get asked to discover "Which card was in your opponent's starting hand?" then "Which card is in your opponent's hand right now?" then "Which card is in your opponent's deck?", get all 3 right and you get all 3

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    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    Neptulon single handedly revitalized Big decks in Wild.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
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