
[Hearthstone] Arfus is the bestest boy



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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    I've tried that, doesn't work, you get your face punched in

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    They're probably going to roll that back anyway.
    They never did roll back the riches from the broken packs, did they?

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    DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    I've done it, it does. I mean, again, when it works. But when it does, you just win.


    Kripp also did it several times last night. (but he's always knocked down to single digit health by the time he gets it rolling)

    Donnicton on
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    lwt1973lwt1973 King of Thieves SyndicationRegistered User regular

    I got a survey about HS as I haven’t played much as my time has been more on Marvel Snap. I decided to fill it out and it was fine until I came to this question with multiple answers that you can check.

    What do you like least about HS?

    Unable to message opponent during matches.


    Oh my word! I laughed out loud at that one.

    "He's sulking in his tent like Achilles! It's the Iliad?...from Homer?! READ A BOOK!!" -Handy
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    I've done it, it does. I mean, again, when it works. But when it does, you just win.


    Kripp also did it several times last night. (but he's always knocked down to single digit health by the time he gets it rolling)
    The vaunted 4 minion Andy first place.

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    The JudgeThe Judge The Terwilliger CurvesRegistered User regular
    lwt1973 wrote: »

    I got a survey about HS as I haven’t played much as my time has been more on Marvel Snap. I decided to fill it out and it was fine until I came to this question with multiple answers that you can check.

    What do you like least about HS?

    Unable to message opponent during matches.


    Oh my word! I laughed out loud at that one.

    It's only a one word adjustment, but A CURRENT OPPONENT WOULD LIKE TO BE YOUR FRIEND gives big The Call Is Coming From Inside The House vibes.

    Last pint: Turmoil CDA / Barley Brown's - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    I've had to chicken out and make zombeasts on 5 for fear of dying

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    There are at least two battlegrounds metas: 1. the one around the rank Kripp plays at where you play suicidally aggressively for the highroll for Stream engagement and Youtube highlights because you don't actually care if you climb; 2. the climbing meta at 10k+ rating where efficient tempo/survival decisions matter more because they need consistently good finishes to gain rating.

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    sanstodosanstodo Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    There are at least two battlegrounds metas: 1. the one around the rank Kripp plays at where you play suicidally aggressively for the highroll for Stream engagement and Youtube highlights because you don't actually care if you climb; 2. the climbing meta at 10k+ rating where efficient tempo/survival decisions matter more because they need consistently good finishes to gain rating.

    It’s way more fun to play the first way, because what precisely is the point of a BG rating (to a normal player with a job) beyond the ego boost?

    I hit the leaderboards in NA BG. But since hearthstone isn’t my job, it’s impossible to play enough to stay at the top (and there’s no reward for doing so). So it’s way more fun to play a little crazy and occasionally have sweet stuff happen. Plus, I’m still better than most opponents so I climb until dog and other pros decide to play nearly perfectly and beat my face in. And on the rare occasions I do win, it’s usually through something hilarious and totally worth it.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited January 2023
    I did just get pounded by some murloc Holmes with rivendare and six of those 6 star deathrattle buff bots and uh how the fuck did they manage that exactly

    e: had the perfect Varden run, my frozen tier 2 refresh was that skeleton that grows every time one dies which carried me to an early T6 where I got double of the 'make two growy skeleton' deathrattles and triple rivendare

    Beasteh on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Just found a secret change from this patch. You can finally see what turn it is in Battlegrounds without an addon! Just mouseover the spot where your deck would normally be (lower right hand side of the board). Cool!

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    fortyforty Registered User regular

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    DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    sanstodo wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    There are at least two battlegrounds metas: 1. the one around the rank Kripp plays at where you play suicidally aggressively for the highroll for Stream engagement and Youtube highlights because you don't actually care if you climb; 2. the climbing meta at 10k+ rating where efficient tempo/survival decisions matter more because they need consistently good finishes to gain rating.

    It’s way more fun to play the first way, because what precisely is the point of a BG rating (to a normal player with a job) beyond the ego boost?

    I hit the leaderboards in NA BG. But since hearthstone isn’t my job, it’s impossible to play enough to stay at the top (and there’s no reward for doing so). So it’s way more fun to play a little crazy and occasionally have sweet stuff happen. Plus, I’m still better than most opponents so I climb until dog and other pros decide to play nearly perfectly and beat my face in. And on the rare occasions I do win, it’s usually through something hilarious and totally worth it.

    That's basically how I approach it too. There's no reward or acknowledgment to your BG rank so I just try to do weird things to mix it up. Just chasing the meta all day is boring, especially for no reward for getting any higher than whatever I happen to get.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Malignant horror can no longer be drafted in arena

    Thank fuck

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Supposed to be a "big" balance patch next week. No specifics announced, but I think we can safely assume there will be significant Rogue and DH nerfs. Maybe a touch of nerf to Spitter Hunter again too?

    I'd interpret a "big" patch to mean there will be a number of undertuned cards getting buffed as well.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited January 2023
    After a week of having to force undead every game THIS was a very satisfying first place (ignored the quest and grabbed up every good beast card while the entire lobby went for undead like the worthless sheep that they are)


    I was afraid of my top opponent using the taunt/reborn remover since she's a full stop to this builds bullshit, but he only tried using zapp and it was too little too late since I 15/15'd my baron

    Beasteh on
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    The JudgeThe Judge The Terwilliger CurvesRegistered User regular
    Specifics on Thursday, but here's the patch notes skinny:


    Death Knight: Glacial Advance

    Demon Hunter: Sinful Brand, Final Showdown

    Hunter: Shockspitter

    Rogue: Wildpaw Gnoll, Sinstone Graveyard

    Neutral: Astalor


    Death Knight: Battlefield Necromancer, Boneguard Commander, Unholy Frenzy

    Demon Hunter: Vengeful Walloper

    Druid: Wither

    Mage: Vast Wisdom, Energy Shaper

    Paladin: Timewarden

    Priest: Haunting Nightmare, Bonecaller, High Cultist Basaleph

    Warlock: Infantry Reanimator, Dar'Khan Drathir

    Warrior: Asvedon, Disruptive Spellbreaker, Last Stand, Remornia, Nellie

    Last pint: Turmoil CDA / Barley Brown's - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Final Showdown and Astalor, here comes the dust!

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    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    Does anyone else think it's kind of crazy that Putricide triggers on any minion dying? That seems wildly busted in class that already has a whole bunch of busted cards. I think it should only trigger of your own minions dying

    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    The Judge wrote: »
    Specifics on Thursday, but here's the patch notes skinny:

    Neutral: Astalor


    It's a good card for Quest Priest and I rely on his 8-mana battlecry to finish games.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    sometimes bad decks must die so that good decks are nerfed

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Priest is getting buffs anyway so you might actually have class cards that are wincons

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    sanstodosanstodo Registered User regular
    I took a couple days off work to take my mom to her normal cancer screenings (she's a 3 time survivor and is now officially 3 years cancer free!) so I had time to grind some standard..........and hit legend (like, actual legend) with Thief Rogue. Final boss was surprisingly easy, with a big spell mage giving me a second coin to enable turn 3 Azshara, which then snowballed into a turn 4 Gaia, the Techtronic, forcing the concede after I concoctioned his Barbaric Sorceress.

    Hearthstone was a good distraction from the medical worries, and hey, I even hit legend for the first time! I'll count that as a win to start 2023.

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    The JudgeThe Judge The Terwilliger CurvesRegistered User regular
    Patch changes - live at the top of the hour.

    The bigger nerfs:

    Wildpaw Gnoll - Text change to "Costs (1) less for each non-Rogue class card you’ve added to your hand." Dual-class cards that are one part Rogue no longer count.

    Sinstone Graveyard - ghost doesn't get Stealth anymore.

    Final Showdown - first phase requires 6 cards instead of 4

    Shockspitter - bumped to a 4 mana 3/3

    Astalor Bloodsworn - First phase up to Manathirst 5, second phase up to Manathirst 8, third phase now deals 7 damage and still doubles at Manathirst 10

    Last pint: Turmoil CDA / Barley Brown's - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular


    Wildpaw Gnoll - Text now says "Costs (1) less for each non-Rogue class card you’ve added to your hand." Also noted that dual class cards that are also Rogue will not discount the card.

    Sinstone Graveyard - minions no longer have Stealth.

    Final Showdown - first phase of the quest now requires you to draw 6 cards instead of 4 in a turn.

    Sinful Brand - now costs 2 mana instead of 1.

    Shockspitter - now a 4 mana 3/3

    Glacial Advance - your next spell now costs 1 less instead of 2.

    Astalor Bloodsworn - First phase now has a Manathirst cost of 5 (up from 4), second phase has a Manathirst cost of 8 (up from 7), third phase now deals 7 damage + 7 more damage at Manathirst (10) (down from 8+8)


    Battlefield Necromancer and Boneguard Commander - now summon 1/3 taunts instead of 1/2

    Unholy Frenzy - Mana cost reduced from 3 to 2

    Wither - Mana cost reduced from 2 to 1

    Bonecaller - now a 2/5, up from 2/4

    Haunting Nightmare - Both the card and the tokens it spawns are now 4/3, up from 3/3

    High Cultist Basaleph - Mana cost reduced from 5 to 4

    Dar’Khan Drathir - Mana cost reduced from 8 to 7

    Infantry Reanimator - Mana cost reduced from 6 to 5

    Vengeful Walloper - Mana cost reduced from 7 to 6

    Energy Shaper - Now a 3 mana 3/4 instead of a 4 mana 3/5

    Vast Wisdom - Mana cost reduced from 3 to 2

    Timewarden - Now a 3 mana 3/4 instead of a 4 mana 3/5

    Asvedon, the Grandshield - Now a 3/4 with Taunt instead of a 3/3

    Disruptive Spellbreaker - Now a 4/6 instead of a 4/5

    Last Stand - Mana cost reduced from 4 to 1, card text now says "Draw a Taunt minion. Manathirst (7): Double its stats."

    Remornia, Living Blade - Now a 5/10 instead of a 4/10

    Nellie Pirate Ship - Pirates are now discounted by 2 mana instead of 1.

    finally, miracoli is dead and buried

    other archetypes (and classes!) may actually get the chance to flourish now

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    It's always nice to see junky cards get some buffs to hopefully enable some new, interesting decks, but man, Disruptive Spellbreaker is the kind of card you hope is never good enough to be played (unless you're playing it yourself).

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    A lot of Battlegrounds card changes in the patch as well. Undead nerfed already. Some adjustments to other tribe's cards too, though. Mostly buffs, but a few nerfs, like Magmaloc.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Pirates got buffed a fair amount so it's worth going for those when you see them in the lobby

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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Well that Final Showdown change destroys my favorite deck that I've been playing since Relics released

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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Jandice Barov? Murlocs? Yes please


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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    Lotta beef on them fish.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Murlocs is easy to build because it's like 'do I have Brann' if no = 'find Brann'

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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Beasteh wrote: »
    Murlocs is easy to build because it's like 'do I have Brann' if no = 'find Brann'

    Even easier when lobbies are still all trying to go undead and brann just gets left behind by everyone else

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    That probably won't last long once people realize Undead took a pretty good hit and Toxfin is easier to find again.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Undead still puts in work, got a first earlier with Cookie where I got triple anub taunted with baron then spammed reborn deathrattles

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    Played against some horseshit Renethal Casino Mage and it was the most infuriating thing ever.

    Bloodlust is still the worst card in the game, almost 10 years running.

    forty on
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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Actually I think objection/counterspell are worse

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    ronzoronzo Registered User regular
    Beasteh wrote: »
    Actually I think objection/counterspell are worse

    I have a deep and abiding hatred for all the non-mage counterspells, since I think that bullshit is barely balanced at 3 mana, getting for 1/2, depending on class, breaks shit.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    They're up there, but they have sometimes been helpful for me as well, making them better than Bloodlust.

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