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Penny Arcade - Comic - Back To Back

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin

Back To Back!

Penny Arcade - Comic - Back To Back

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here


  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Nice to see Gabe expending his medical expertise from just dentistry


  • v2miccav2micca Registered User regular
    Panel two feels like a tribute.


  • v2miccav2micca Registered User regular
    But man, I feel Tyco in the first panel.

    For comparison,

    In my Early 20's I was riding a bike in Italy and was hit by a small truck. I went over the hood of the car and on the pavement. I severely bruised my shoulder and had to rest for two days before I was back to normal.

    In my Early 40's, I hurt my back sleeping and had to take a week off work.

  • MirkelMirkel FinlandRegistered User regular
    I had chronic back issues sleeping on a too soft, worn-out bed. Switched to sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, no more problems. It looks and sounds stupid, grown man sleeping on the floor in their own home, but it works. And if it is stupid but it works, it can't be too stupid.

  • furlionfurlion Riskbreaker Lea MondeRegistered User regular
    Mirkel wrote: »
    I had chronic back issues sleeping on a too soft, worn-out bed. Switched to sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, no more problems. It looks and sounds stupid, grown man sleeping on the floor in their own home, but it works. And if it is stupid but it works, it can't be too stupid.

    Isn't that what they sleep on in Japan? Thin mattress on the floor?

    sig.gif Gamertag: KL Retribution
  • Johnny17Johnny17 Registered User regular
    He can be happy he didn't complain about his prostate.

  • OverkillengineOverkillengine Registered User regular
    Mirkel wrote: »
    I had chronic back issues sleeping on a too soft, worn-out bed. Switched to sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, no more problems. It looks and sounds stupid, grown man sleeping on the floor in their own home, but it works. And if it is stupid but it works, it can't be too stupid.

    Yeah a worn out mattress causes so many issues. Noticed the difference after one night I had slept on my futon couch which had a much firmer mattress than my bed did.

  • DelzhandDelzhand Agrias Fucking Oaks Registered User, Transition Team regular
    I had a chiro-evangelist trying to convince me at one point before my opinion calcified and they almost had me on board until I got hold of the pamphlet and it promised to heal my chakras. Unless that means restoring HP and MP proportional to my Physical Attack stat to myself and adjacent targets, I don't want anything to do with chakras.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    There are still (unfortunately few) chiropractors out there that don't get ideas above their station. They know they're just back crackers and that sometimes it helps, but don't go making claims they can heal your thyroid or realign your energy centers. And hopefully don't try to twist your head off. I suspect they have a secret trophy case.

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    The mattress-men always want to bestow so much arcane knowledge.

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    edited January 2024
    PLA wrote: »
    The mattress-men always want to bestow so much arcane knowledge.

    We are the mattress men
    We are the fitted men
    Sleeping together
    Mattress filled with foam. Alas!

    MichaelLC on
  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    Chiro is a pseudoscience but some of their stuff is real. The problem is if you want to train and get certification as a chiro you probably have to go somewhere that teaches the pseudoscience

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    There's definitely one in the small town my grandma's house is in that promises to treat your allergies and asthma.

  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Mirkel wrote: »
    I had chronic back issues sleeping on a too soft, worn-out bed. Switched to sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, no more problems. It looks and sounds stupid, grown man sleeping on the floor in their own home, but it works. And if it is stupid but it works, it can't be too stupid.

    Word. I spent what felt at the time like an unreasonable amount of money on a new, firm mattress back in 2020 and it made a great deal of difference to my spinal crunchitude.

    What helped nearly as much was buying a heatpad for my armchair and giving my back a good bake for the cold half of the year. Since I started doing that, the unprovoked twinges of spinal torment have essentially ceased. Melt dem muscles, guys!

  • Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
    furlion wrote: »
    Mirkel wrote: »
    I had chronic back issues sleeping on a too soft, worn-out bed. Switched to sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor, no more problems. It looks and sounds stupid, grown man sleeping on the floor in their own home, but it works. And if it is stupid but it works, it can't be too stupid.

    Isn't that what they sleep on in Japan? Thin mattress on the floor?
    Shinji, get on the Tatami.

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    Some people like to sleep directly on tatami, but it's not for everyone. You'd usually put a softer mattress on top of it.

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