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Project 2025

electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
edited July 9 in Debate and/or Discourse

What is Project 2025?
We want you! The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is the conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative Administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025. Welcome to the mission. By opening this book, you are now a part of it. Indeed, one set of eyes reading these passages will be those of the 47th President of the United States, and we hope every other reader will join in making the incoming Administration a success.

Project 2025 is an 922 page document cooked up by the Heritage Foundation. It is essentially a blue print of the plan to begin the end of American democracy and ensure the establishment of a permanent Republican dictatorship which will have the end state of being a theocratic regime, with all the oxymorons that will encompass for it's leaders. Members contributing to it are also members of the previous Trump administration.

It has been called a plan to ensure permanent conservative rule: the final rendition of the phrase "conservatives will give up democracy before they give up conservatism". In my opinion this is true, and the major acts of it are already playing out:
We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be


This is a threat which should be viewed in the same light as The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia. That text reads as utterly's also been the playbook for the current Russian regime has acted to implement it. Either that or the coincidence is astounding.

In my opinion Project 2025 is the public statement of an achievable set of aims which will set the groundwork to supplant American democracy by the next administration.

Is It real?

There's a bullet point summary of the main document (by people overtly opposed to it) here for briefer reading.

The real document is wordy as fuck. This is probably intentional: this is meant to look "reasonable" if you skim through it without looking too closely. It's difficult to read, and the idea to me seems to be that bulk feels "conservative" but not controversial. There's a lot of verbose descriptions for example of "what the White House office's do" and then the last sentence of a section will side-ball in the real plan - i.e.
  • Put an “activist” conservative White House Counsel in place
  • Invite outside conservative legal advice to White House Office
  • Consider limiting mainstream press access to the White House

How does that map to the actual document?

Put an “activist” conservative White House Counsel in place
The White House Counsel’s office cannot serve as a finishing school to credential the next set of white-shoe law firm attorneys or federal judges in waiting who cabin their opinions for fear their elite credentials could be tarnished through a policy disagreement. Rather, it should function more as an activist yet ethical plaintiffs’ firm that advocates for its client—the Administration’s agenda—within the limits imposed by the Constitution and the duties of the legal profession.

Invite outside conservative legal advice to White House Office
Unlike the Director, OPL deputies and special assistants need a deep understanding of the capital, from K Street to Capitol Hill. They should have extensive experience in private industry, the labor sector, the conservative movement, and among the specific interest groups with which they will be asked to engage on behalf of the White House.

Consider limiting mainstream press access to the White House
No legal entitlement exists for the provision of permanent space for media on the White House campus, and the next Administration should reexamine the balance between media demands and space constraints on the White House premises.


The new Administration should examine the nature of the relationship between itself and the White House Correspondents Association and consider whether an alternative coordinating body might be more suitable.

Some of this doesn't sound so bad...

In my opinion it's designed that way. They are telling you what they plan to do, they're just using a lot of language to talk around it. The document is boring so it doesn't need to taken seriously. Of course if you pick out specific lines, like in the above, then it's also a convenient guidebook of what to do that you can hand out to loyalists.

The trick of a document like this is to throw in some things which are hard to parse without way more context, but are written in the language of government and legalese: you've heard and dismissed all these language-sounds before, waiting for a summary to tell you it doesn't really affect you. This is the same thing, but this is also just the starting point. This is a model of what they believe they can achieve, it isn't where it's going to stop.

Remember: for all the "cancel every Biden policy" you see, that's the distraction. The true intent of this document is the wholesale replacement of huge chunks of the civil service with "loyalists to the President" as the primary (read: only) job qualification. No one planning on actually running a democratic government needs "loyalists" if they're planning on just doing their fucking jobs.

Not that the distraction makes it better: this document is also a straight outline of plans to rollback action on equality, LGBTQI-rights or being not-a-Christian or insufficiently white.

What is this thread?

This thread is for discussion related to understanding what this is, who wrote it, and how it might be implemented if the worst comes to pass, how it can be fought and for how long in the future we can expect to be dealing with this.

It is a companion to the US Election thread: namely, this is the more extreme version of consequences coming from one particular outcome of November. Given the composition of this forum there might not be a lot to discuss! With luck, this thread will be in error.

This isn't the end of America. But you can see it from here.

electricitylikesme on


  • KamarKamar Registered User regular
    I'm glad to see that this is apparently getting a lot more public attention recently, and that people understand it enough that Trump is running from it (poorly).

  • jmcdonaldjmcdonald I voted, did you? DC(ish)Registered User regular
    Kamar wrote: »
    I'm glad to see that this is apparently getting a lot more public attention recently, and that people understand it enough that Trump is running from it (poorly).

    As always the problem is that the public doesn’t believe wha the R platform actually is and the media actively whitewashes it for them

    The fact that any media apparatchiks are entertaining Trumps back away from P2025 is just another condemnation of the field.

  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    jmcdonald wrote: »
    Kamar wrote: »
    I'm glad to see that this is apparently getting a lot more public attention recently, and that people understand it enough that Trump is running from it (poorly).

    As always the problem is that the public doesn’t believe wha the R platform actually is and the media actively whitewashes it for them

    The fact that any media apparatchiks are entertaining Trumps back away from P2025 is just another condemnation of the field.

    This is partly why I went and slogged through part of this document (I might try to read the rest, but...urgh). But if you go through the bullets, and then match them up to the actual document what becomes clear is that the whole thing is incredibly dense for no reason and kind of hard to read. Lot's of restatements and Big Noun Terms Because We Are Being Very Precise.

    Like the thing which really struck me was how they do in fact lay out what they're going to do, but in a way where reading it is an absolute chore (but you can imagine that a very abridged version would get passed around to loyalists - i.e. the "get rid of press briefings...or allowing the press near the white house entirely thing".

  • Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    So unironic The Handmaiden’s Tale? Suppose it’s not so far fetched, the UK just finished a decade of V for Vendetta.

  • MonwynMonwyn Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime. A little bit of everything, all of the time.Registered User regular
    I don't disagree that the overly verbose language is there at least in part to obfuscate their intentions, but that kind of faux-Mid-Atlantic intelligentsia tone is also how Heritage talks about everything up to and including their catering orders.

  • silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    There should be ads running hammering about all the actionable items in Project 2025 and how it will affect the average American's life. Maybe alternate them with reminder ads of all the heinous shit the last admin was up to, since people seem to have forgotten. Sprinkle in some constant reminders that Trump is a rapist, a criminal, and a coward, and call him out publicly. Maybe some tiny hands quips, to boil his blood.

  • durandal4532durandal4532 Registered User regular
    The fact that part of the document is just "Fire 50,000+ people and replace them with loyalists" is terrifying. Just explicitly declaring that loyalty to the supreme leader is the only thing being considered as a qualification for public service, because you're serving him rather than the public.

    Do what you can to elect Harris/Walz and downticket Dem candidates in your area by doorknocking, phonebanking, or postcarding:
  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    edited July 9
    How do they know their hires are sufficiently loyal?

    Why, by enacting domestic surveillance, presumably with all the ICE agents they’re looking to hire for expanded duties

    Literally why and how the Gestapo was created

    Captain Inertia on
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular

    There’s a tweet by a person called Patrick S. Tomlinson: “If you’re worried about brevity in your writing, don’t. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say 14 words.”

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
  • TuminTumin Registered User regular
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    How they will maintain their power:
    Domestic surveillance to target anyone for being woke or insufficiently loyal to Trump, enforced by a giant ICE with expanded responsibilities
    Tactical use of nukes, including pre-emptive, also including providing them to Taiwan

    A selection of what they want to do with their power:
    Banning women’s reproductive health care and contraceptives and instead teaching people to fuck only when a woman isn’t ovulating (the “rhythm method”) if they don’t want kids
    Make it a law that trans people do not exist and further, arguing this is illegal
    Deport all anti-Israel protestors

  • DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    As a public servant, I'm terrified of speaking up lest they change my job to Schedule F and let me go on January 21st.

    And I imagine that's the point. It's already against regulation for Federal employees to use their official position for political purposes, but if Schedule F gets implemented, we could get fired for our private expressions as well. So intimidating "the deep state" into shutting up and not even making political donations has got to be a factor in this.

    Also, it isn't speculation; they already tried to do it at the end of the last administration, but the bureaucracy moves slowly (and one might assume purposefully so in this case). I expect such delays would not be tolerated in 2025.

  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    The fact that part of the document is just "Fire 50,000+ people and replace them with loyalists" is terrifying. Just explicitly declaring that loyalty to the supreme leader is the only thing being considered as a qualification for public service, because you're serving him rather than the public.

    That's a plan they were trying to enact at the end of the Trump admin almost 4 years ago. They are really looking forward to it after being made to wait this long.

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Monwyn wrote: »
    I don't disagree that the overly verbose language is there at least in part to obfuscate their intentions, but that kind of faux-Mid-Atlantic intelligentsia tone is also how Heritage talks about everything up to and including their catering orders.

    It’s also to make them “serious intellectuals”. See they wrote a lot. And everyone knows smart people write a lot.

  • Phoenix-DPhoenix-D Registered User regular
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    They want to kill NOAA too. No more weather forecasts.

  • HydropoloHydropolo Registered User regular
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    They want to kill NOAA too. No more weather forecasts.

    AKA: They embarrassed Dear Leader when he tried to use a sharpie and we must have our revenge.

  • Phoenix-DPhoenix-D Registered User regular
    Hydropolo wrote: »
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    They want to kill NOAA too. No more weather forecasts.

    AKA: They embarrassed Dear Leader when he tried to use a sharpie and we must have our revenge.

    Also they know climate change is real.

  • FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Hydropolo wrote: »
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    They want to kill NOAA too. No more weather forecasts.

    AKA: They embarrassed Dear Leader when he tried to use a sharpie and we must have our revenge.

    Also, the guy Trump put in charge of it last time wasn't able to privatize it and wants his profit.

  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    back in 2008 or thereabouts, a book came out called "The Family" by Jeff Sharlet.

    He was on Rachel Maddow talking about it and making good points and so I picked up the book for my Kindle and read it.

    It was a look into K Street and the Heritage Foundation and the secret Christian Fundamentalists who were working in those smoke filled back rooms to claim power in Washington DC (and beyond. there was a whole thing about specific works in Uganda to criminalize LGBTQ existence....)

    this whole Project 2025 just reminds me so much of all of that. the secret plans, the laid out thoughts, the obviousness of it all, and the blindness of people to it all.

    the anxiety is pretty high.

  • FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    back in 2008 or thereabouts, a book came out called "The Family" by Jeff Sharlet.

    He was on Rachel Maddow talking about it and making good points and so I picked up the book for my Kindle and read it.

    It was a look into K Street and the Heritage Foundation and the secret Christian Fundamentalists who were working in those smoke filled back rooms to claim power in Washington DC (and beyond. there was a whole thing about specific works in Uganda to criminalize LGBTQ existence....)

    this whole Project 2025 just reminds me so much of all of that. the secret plans, the laid out thoughts, the obviousness of it all, and the blindness of people to it all.

    the anxiety is pretty high.

    Some of those same people are involved! Alliance Defending Freedom was the big muscle behind the Uganda stuff

  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Kamar wrote: »
    I'm glad to see that this is apparently getting a lot more public attention recently, and that people understand it enough that Trump is running from it (poorly).

    Part of Trump running from it is because he wants to implement his own Agenda 47 because anything that goes in must have his fingerprints on it.

    What's the difference? Well, there are a few, but the important parts are what are the same. Like the same EO 13957, the anti-trans panic bullshit, sending the National Guard into "inner cities with high crime." But the most important is that it must be Trump's plan, not this 2025 shit! I don't even know them!

  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Hydropolo wrote: »
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Tumin wrote: »
    I leafed through some of it, particularly around rhe EPA. It's almost impossible to analyze except as a laundry list of grievances and framings and a promise to "fix" things by upending giant portions of policy, I think, and post-hoc ideas (devolve regulation to states! but forbid states from adopting California's standards!).

    It feels kind of...sigh. I think it's the platform theyve talked about, so it's largely the same Heritage points and Republican platform theyve pushed? I havent seen anything thats never been floated.

    Anyway mostly Im uncertain on optimal usage of it to persuade people. I feel like focusing on one or two key issues in detail is how to talk to my parents about it, for example, but I can probably run down a few greatest hits to anyone and get them curious enough to doomscroll and freak out. Idk.

    Is there any coalescing around the absolute worst psrts? Did kayfabe get dropped anywhere they cant jettison?

    The major that I see circulating are:
    making everybody Trump loyalists, this terrifies Dems and a good number of independents.
    Everything concerning birth control and reproductive rights.
    Eliminating the DoEd, which means killing Title I, school lunch programs, IDEA implementaton, etc.

    They want to kill NOAA too. No more weather forecasts.

    AKA: They embarrassed Dear Leader when he tried to use a sharpie and we must have our revenge.

    Also they know climate change is real.

    This was part of the Harper playbook up here. They de facto banned Environment Canada from talking about climate change. The Trump Admin went with the same kind of move last time. Eliminating the department all together is an obvious next move for Trump's much more extreme potential next term.

  • DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    Apparently there's a whole list of public lands that's to be sold to the highest bidder to strip miners, including the fucking Boundary Waters in Minnesota, a place so untouched you're not even allowed to use a motorized boat.

  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    back in 2008 or thereabouts, a book came out called "The Family" by Jeff Sharlet.

    He was on Rachel Maddow talking about it and making good points and so I picked up the book for my Kindle and read it.

    It was a look into K Street and the Heritage Foundation and the secret Christian Fundamentalists who were working in those smoke filled back rooms to claim power in Washington DC (and beyond. there was a whole thing about specific works in Uganda to criminalize LGBTQ existence....)

    this whole Project 2025 just reminds me so much of all of that. the secret plans, the laid out thoughts, the obviousness of it all, and the blindness of people to it all.

    the anxiety is pretty high.

    There is also a Netflix Documentary on it if anyone wants to watch it.

  • SmurphSmurph Registered User regular
    One thing that really stuck out to me about the first Trump administration was how lazy and bad at doing actual work they were. First thing he did was try the Muslim Travel Ban, had it struck down in courts, whined about the deep state from that point on. He tried to turn the FBI into his goon squad, fired Comey when they didn't do it, whined about the deep state from that point on. He hired a collection of former generals to his staff, they were mostly horrified by him and worked to undermine him, then he whined about his own staff being the deep state.

    Project 2025 or Agenda 47 would both require a ton of organised work by evil but smart people to pull off. It would be a lot easier to say you want to do these things, give up at the first road block, and spend another four years playing golf and holding rallys and whining about how the deep state stopped you from fixing everything.

  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    That's why it starts with Schedule F.

    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    I read this in the Wikipedia article for Agenda 47, and I nearly choked on my cereal:

    Fucking seriously? Are they children?

    Also, the Baby Bonus thing sounds kind of nice, but you know what would be nicer? State-sponsored day care and support services for children. But no, they just want the babies to be born. They don't care what happens to them afterwards.

  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    I read this in the Wikipedia article for Agenda 47, and I nearly choked on my cereal:

    Fucking seriously? Are they children?

    Also, the Baby Bonus thing sounds kind of nice, but you know what would be nicer? State-sponsored day care and support services for children. But no, they just want the babies to be born. They don't care what happens to them afterwards.

    That is very much sucking up to a certain grossly overpaid car manufacturer CEO.

    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    edited July 10
    Smurph wrote: »
    One thing that really stuck out to me about the first Trump administration was how lazy and bad at doing actual work they were. First thing he did was try the Muslim Travel Ban, had it struck down in courts, whined about the deep state from that point on. He tried to turn the FBI into his goon squad, fired Comey when they didn't do it, whined about the deep state from that point on. He hired a collection of former generals to his staff, they were mostly horrified by him and worked to undermine him, then he whined about his own staff being the deep state.

    Project 2025 or Agenda 47 would both require a ton of organised work by evil but smart people to pull off. It would be a lot easier to say you want to do these things, give up at the first road block, and spend another four years playing golf and holding rallys and whining about how the deep state stopped you from fixing everything.

    Their incompetence was largely in relation to dealing with judges…but the judiciary in the 7 years since the Muslim Ban/etc have both become more radical and also basically embraced that there’s no reason for them to not nakedly pursue their agenda. Any non-fash judges are also on notice that lifetime appointments are only as good as they are still alive.

    I don’t believe they will be any better in writing orders or legal briefs but the thing is it probably doesn’t matter this time around

    Captain Inertia on
  • silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    I read this in the Wikipedia article for Agenda 47, and I nearly choked on my cereal:

    Fucking seriously? Are they children?

    Also, the Baby Bonus thing sounds kind of nice, but you know what would be nicer? State-sponsored day care and support services for children. But no, they just want the babies to be born. They don't care what happens to them afterwards.

    We're 9 years behind on where our flying car technology should be.

    The baby boom stuff is leaving out that they only want certain people having babies. There's loads of babies trying to migrate in, but they want to close the doors to those babies.

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    I read this in the Wikipedia article for Agenda 47, and I nearly choked on my cereal:

    Fucking seriously? Are they children?

    Also, the Baby Bonus thing sounds kind of nice, but you know what would be nicer? State-sponsored day care and support services for children. But no, they just want the babies to be born. They don't care what happens to them afterwards.

    This is my favorite part from the Wiki:
    The amount of videos is 46, but two of them, uploaded on different dates, are the same one.[12][13]

  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    oops ive dissociated a tiny bit twice today
    first was at the grocery store when I looked down and realized I had already scanned everything and paid and was holding the receipt and then I was unsure if it was someone elses receipt or not
    second was when I got home and I am not sure if I already fed the dog or not
    she is being quite calm which makes me think I just did feed her
    boo autopilot

  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    oops ive dissociated a tiny bit twice today
    first was at the grocery store when I looked down and realized I had already scanned everything and paid and was holding the receipt and then I was unsure if it was someone elses receipt or not
    second was when I got home and I am not sure if I already fed the dog or not
    she is being quite calm which makes me think I just did feed her
    boo autopilot

    Your dog has assured me that she has not yet been fed. And certainly would appreciate being fed again. Even though she has not been fed.

  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Jesus Christ I even put this in the wrong thread sorry!!!

  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    Project 2025 probably outlaws dogs, so its not entirely off topic.

    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • HerrCronHerrCron It that wickedly supports taxation Registered User regular
    It certainly outlaws most forms of joy, so this tracks

    Now Playing:
    Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
    Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age [Switch] - Sit down and watch our game play itself
  • GimGim a tall glass of water Registered User regular
    "Freedom cities" on "empty federal land" is just going to be suburban sprawl on protected lands, isn't it?

    "Ending birthright citizenship" is just ghastly, full stop.

  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    there is almost no empty federal land where people want to live.


    where on that map is a place where except for the feds, we'd have cities. it's a distraction to sell our public lands for resource extration, as it always is.

  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    Smurph wrote: »
    One thing that really stuck out to me about the first Trump administration was how lazy and bad at doing actual work they were. First thing he did was try the Muslim Travel Ban, had it struck down in courts, whined about the deep state from that point on. He tried to turn the FBI into his goon squad, fired Comey when they didn't do it, whined about the deep state from that point on. He hired a collection of former generals to his staff, they were mostly horrified by him and worked to undermine him, then he whined about his own staff being the deep state.

    Project 2025 or Agenda 47 would both require a ton of organised work by evil but smart people to pull off. It would be a lot easier to say you want to do these things, give up at the first road block, and spend another four years playing golf and holding rallys and whining about how the deep state stopped you from fixing everything.

    Their incompetence was largely in relation to dealing with judges…but the judiciary in the 7 years since the Muslim Ban/etc have both become more radical and also basically embraced that there’s no reason for them to not nakedly pursue their agenda. Any non-fash judges are also on notice that lifetime appointments are only as good as they are still alive.

    I don’t believe they will be any better in writing orders or legal briefs but the thing is it probably doesn’t matter this time around

    The plan this time is to get all the 'right' people in from the start as soon as the new administration takes over, and they handle all the execution while keeping figurehead Trump happy. So while it might not overall be more competent, there's going to be a lot more hands pushing things.

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