I know it's never in vogue to ask for new forums but please... the on topic conversation has gone on for over a year in an ongoing succesions of now 8 100 page+ threads.
besides there are specific forums to talk about every sort of front page ad (ie games, games, computer accesories, other comic sites, and pax) except anime
futility on
Garlic Breadi'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm aRegistered User, Disagreeableregular
I'm not asking for a tv movie thread though. those conversations go in se++ and do fine there. the anime thread has matured beyond where it stands now.
futility on
Garlic Breadi'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm aRegistered User, Disagreeableregular
edited August 2004
But if this kind of forum were made, it'd be better if it were a TV/Movies forum. It'd be more active than just plain anime.
Forums can't be too specific. Like how G&T is for all gaming, and not "The Xbox Forum" "The GameCube Forum" "The PS2 Forum" etc.
And I believe this forum idea has been proposed before, but shot down. I don't know if they'll do it this time around, since there seems to be a lot of forum changings.
How many people actually discuss it on a regular basis though? I mean, 8*100 page threads in the space of a year isn't that much when you consider that a quick glance at the city of heroes forum shows nearly 5000 posts since the game was launched about one or two months ago.
How many posts do you get per page? About 25? So that 20,000 posts total so far for anime which equals about 1700 per month if it's been going for a year. So it's barely even on a par with the CoH forum total and that is only a temporary forum which probably wont be here in a week or two before CoH discussion is absorbed into G+T.
Supply/demand - personally I don't see the demand to support a permanent sub-forum for anime.
I mean, we don't even have a forum for film and TV in general as of yet despite constant calls for one. Besides the whole supply/demand thing, the forums have to retain some sort of focus.
See, there's bugger all else going on around here so I probably put more thought into this than was really necessary, but it makes for more meaty reading than the simple 'no' that bd is probably going to offer.
Szechuanosaurus on
denihilistAncient and MightyRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2004
Let's break up the board as much as possible. Let's really narrowcast, that's what the internet is about right?
I think we have one or two members that are into bdsm. Let's create a section! What about a cats forum? OH and a dog forum! But to keep those from being cluttered let's make 'dogs are better than cats' and 'cats are better than dogs' forums. OH OH OH, what if, I'm just spitballing here but hear me out, what if we gave each member their own forum!
Let's break up the board as much as possible. Let's really narrowcast, that's what the internet is about right?
I think we have one or two members that are into bdsm. Let's create a section! What about a cats forum? OH and a dog forum! But to keep those from being cluttered let's make 'dogs are better than cats' and 'cats are better than dogs' forums. OH OH OH, what if, I'm just spitballing here but hear me out, what if we gave each member their own forum!
Sometimes sarcasm is better than sketchy maths.
Szechuanosaurus on
denihilistAncient and MightyRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2004
I have a pretty bad toothache so I'm taking pleasure where it comes.
I've created and deleted about 10 posts in your 'memorable threads' topic.
denihilist on
Garlic Breadi'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm aRegistered User, Disagreeableregular
edited August 2004
You're a cock, Deni. A simple no would have been fine, maybe even a polite explanation, but no, you have to be a cock.
A simple no would have been fine, maybe even a polite explanation, but no, you have to be a cock.
The simple explanation is that, as has been discussed countless times, there isn't enough demand to host an anime forum, there is an Anime thread in the chatforum if you want to talk about anime. It also isolates and rather than have a section for every lone of your ittle ideosyncracies that you fellows might have I would prefer to have large, catch all sections wherein you can stumble across new interests.
Well I think you're a douche, a sycophant and the worst kind of member in that you seem to exist for the sole purpose of pointing out rules to new people and generally add fuck all to any conversation so let's just agree to disagree.
denihilist on
denihilistAncient and MightyRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
I have a pretty bad toothache so I'm taking pleasure where it comes.
I've created and deleted about 10 posts in your 'memorable threads' topic.
Why did you delete them?
They were too harsh and I didn't mean them to be. I do that quite a bit. I mean, I felt that my response was light hearted but look at how Kieth took it.
I didn't think you would be offended by the post. Which is why I went ahead and made it. Seriously, I can't wait for 4:30 when my appointment rolls around.
I am actually against this for the simple reason that true anime discussion is available well on many others sites. You have to meet new people, but most of them are kind and receptive to fellow anime enthusiasts.
I thought we could try one on PA, but it would end up snowballing into "Well why not a movie forum, or a music forum?????!?!".
I have some other cons futility but I'd rather talk to you about them in private :winky:
Shiosai on
Garlic Breadi'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm aRegistered User, Disagreeableregular
The simple explanation is that, as has been discussed countless times, there isn't enough demand to host an anime forum, there is an Anime thread in the chatforum if you want to talk about anime. It also isolates and rather than have a section for every lone of your ittle ideosyncracies that you fellows might have I would prefer to have large, catch all sections wherein you can stumble across new interests.
That's all you had to say. And, as I can't tell if you're talking about me specifically, or the forumers in general, I don't wish for an anime forum. I don't wish for a TV/Movies forum, either. I was just saying how one would be better than the other.
Well I think you're a douche, a sycophant and the worst kind of member in that you seem to exist for the sole purpose of pointing out rules to new people and generally add fuck all to any conversation so let's just agree to disagree.
I'd like to see support for this theory. I just checked the first page of my posts, and I don't see myself telling anyone, new or old, the rules. Maybe a little bit of fuck all, but hey, if it works for you, it can work for me.
I didn't think you would be offended by the post. Which is why I went ahead and made it. Seriously, I can't wait for 4:30 when my appointment rolls around.
i wasn't offended in the least bit. it's funny how sometimes people can flip out by a percived offence. I was working off that
and when you get back to your apartment are you going to continue the practice of peanutbutter soup?
I am actually against this for the simple reason that true anime discussion is available well on many others sites. You have to meet new people, but most of them are kind and receptive to fellow anime enthusiasts.
I thought we could try one on PA, but it would end up snowballing into "Well why not a movie forum, or a music forum?????!?!".
I have some other cons futility but I'd rather talk to you about them in private :winky:
i know there are other reasons. it's just that it's such an on topic conversation in an off topic place. and while it thrives there it might benifit from standing on it's own. and probably would from an ability to fracture into specific topics
but meh. i prolly jummped the gun in asking for this. oh well it's all done and good anyhow
futility on
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited August 2004
The only reason why I wanted a Writer's Forum was to encourage writer's to come foward and post, since I knew there were writer's out there but they didn't have a community in which they felt comfortable posting their artwork.
Anime has a nice niche in SE though.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
i don't know. a general "entertainment" forum for tv/music/movies might be nice.
there are anime threads and discussions spread all over the forum. could just concentrate them there.
MulysaSempronius on
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Difference between Writers Block and an Anime Forum:
Writers Block - ALOT of people write. Some are a bit iffy about how it'll get accepted into the AC community.
Anime thread - Not even nearly enough posts to warrent a forum. Like Deni said, 1700 a month for 12 months as opposed to CoHs 2000 in only 2 or 3 months.
Considering that the current Yakuza based ones don't seem to last more than 3 weeks I have a hard time accepting the figures put out before. I still don't think there should be an anime forum though.
For instance, the last anime thread lasted 2 weeks and totaled 2400 posts. Way over the "average" posted before.
there was a slump in like december but it has consistently remained on the front page dropping to page two only a few times because of thread explosions
What's wrong with the thread we have now? I think Yak's first post pretty much covers everything. You may have to dig up specific episode or chapter discussions, but people are usually willing to talk about the same bit several times.
Considering that the current Yakuza based ones don't seem to last more than 3 weeks I have a hard time accepting the figures put out before. I still don't think there should be an anime forum though.
For instance, the last anime thread lasted 2 weeks and totaled 2400 posts. Way over the "average" posted before.
Well, that is quite a bit. I was basing my figures off what Futility was claiming and didn't imagine that he'd intentionally downplay the figures considering he's on the yes vote.
Anyway, the real issue here is that Deni is completely correct about at least one thing raised in this thread.
I can't stand the Anime thread. I'll post it and follow it up for a while, and go to sleep/school, and when I come back it's jumped several pages and they aren't even talking about the same thing anymore.
Anime is just cartoons from Japan. Cartoons.
Forums can't be too specific. Like how G&T is for all gaming, and not "The Xbox Forum" "The GameCube Forum" "The PS2 Forum" etc.
And I believe this forum idea has been proposed before, but shot down. I don't know if they'll do it this time around, since there seems to be a lot of forum changings.
So yeah, it'd fit in perfectly.
How many people actually discuss it on a regular basis though? I mean, 8*100 page threads in the space of a year isn't that much when you consider that a quick glance at the city of heroes forum shows nearly 5000 posts since the game was launched about one or two months ago.
How many posts do you get per page? About 25? So that 20,000 posts total so far for anime which equals about 1700 per month if it's been going for a year. So it's barely even on a par with the CoH forum total and that is only a temporary forum which probably wont be here in a week or two before CoH discussion is absorbed into G+T.
Supply/demand - personally I don't see the demand to support a permanent sub-forum for anime.
I mean, we don't even have a forum for film and TV in general as of yet despite constant calls for one. Besides the whole supply/demand thing, the forums have to retain some sort of focus.
See, there's bugger all else going on around here so I probably put more thought into this than was really necessary, but it makes for more meaty reading than the simple 'no' that bd is probably going to offer.
I think we have one or two members that are into bdsm. Let's create a section! What about a cats forum? OH and a dog forum! But to keep those from being cluttered let's make 'dogs are better than cats' and 'cats are better than dogs' forums. OH OH OH, what if, I'm just spitballing here but hear me out, what if we gave each member their own forum!
Sometimes sarcasm is better than sketchy maths.
I've created and deleted about 10 posts in your 'memorable threads' topic.
Why did you delete them?
They were too harsh and I didn't mean them to be. I do that quite a bit. I mean, I felt that my response was light hearted but look at how Kieth took it.
and I still love you deni!
I thought we could try one on PA, but it would end up snowballing into "Well why not a movie forum, or a music forum?????!?!".
I have some other cons futility but I'd rather talk to you about them in private :winky:
That's all you had to say. And, as I can't tell if you're talking about me specifically, or the forumers in general, I don't wish for an anime forum. I don't wish for a TV/Movies forum, either. I was just saying how one would be better than the other.
I'd like to see support for this theory. I just checked the first page of my posts, and I don't see myself telling anyone, new or old, the rules. Maybe a little bit of fuck all, but hey, if it works for you, it can work for me.
i wasn't offended in the least bit. it's funny how sometimes people can flip out by a percived offence. I was working off that
and when you get back to your apartment are you going to continue the practice of peanutbutter soup?
i know there are other reasons. it's just that it's such an on topic conversation in an off topic place. and while it thrives there it might benifit from standing on it's own. and probably would from an ability to fracture into specific topics
but meh. i prolly jummped the gun in asking for this. oh well it's all done and good anyhow
Anime has a nice niche in SE though.
there are anime threads and discussions spread all over the forum. could just concentrate them there.
Writers Block - ALOT of people write. Some are a bit iffy about how it'll get accepted into the AC community.
Anime thread - Not even nearly enough posts to warrent a forum. Like Deni said, 1700 a month for 12 months as opposed to CoHs 2000 in only 2 or 3 months.
That's where we sent he-who-shall-not-be-named. It's a punishment so horrible, it's only been used once.
name him
I started the first anime thread about august of last year i think... it might have been september
For instance, the last anime thread lasted 2 weeks and totaled 2400 posts. Way over the "average" posted before.
Well, that is quite a bit. I was basing my figures off what Futility was claiming and didn't imagine that he'd intentionally downplay the figures considering he's on the yes vote.
Anyway, the real issue here is that Deni is completely correct about at least one thing raised in this thread.
On the black screen
I'm in favor of the Naruto people not posting about Naruto in G&T, but I'm even more in favor of you shutting up.