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Arrows on top please

DeaconBluesDeaconBlues __BANNED USERS regular
edited August 2004 in H.Q. Reception Desk
That is all.

DeaconBlues on


  • the wookthe wook Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I agree

    the wook on
  • The CatThe Cat Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    what, along with the index links, the home button, the google ads, and the 8 other links?

    Besides, it's supposed to be subtle.

    The Cat on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2004
    - Hit the 'End' button.
    - Scroll down.
    - Get Firefox/Opera and create a mouse gesture to scroll to the bottom of the page.
    - Create a bookmark for each of the forums.

    Unknown User on
  • DeaconBluesDeaconBlues __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2004
    Hey I can always type in the full URL each time too!

    DeaconBlues on
  • CorvusCorvus . VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I've got a better idea. Add a mouseover pop-up balloon like you have on the index for the forums. Here it would be "To Chat Forum" and over there "To On Topic Foums"

    Corvus on
  • MrFisticuffsMrFisticuffs It's Easter, bitches. REJOICE. Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I've got an even better idea. It works as is.

    MrFisticuffs on
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    I've got an even better idea. It works as is.

    futility on
  • SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    Firebird/Safari = Got over it in five minutes.

    Mathematically that looks like I divided firebird by safari which is just stupid, but you get the point. TABBED BROWSING MOTHERFUCKER, DOES YOUR BROWSER SUPPORT IT? Or some such other pop reference.

    Szechuanosaurus on
  • Red OktoberRed Oktober Registered User regular
    edited August 2004

    It's fine how it is, I'd rather have it there than at the top.

    Besides, it's made so not just any newbie will find it...

    Red Oktober on
  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    When was this consensus that green was the standardized highlight color?

    Because I would have voted against it.

    Paladin on
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    It's not green, it's lime and it was no consensus, it's a cultural thing.

    Szechuanosaurus on
  • matthias00matthias00 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Paladin wrote:
    When was this consensus that green was the standardized highlight color?

    Because I would have voted against it.

    Well, that is why you aren't allowed to vote in these things.

    matthias00 on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I spoke with the arrows in question and they both agree they would like to remain at the bottom.

    Älphämönkëy on
This discussion has been closed.