So I haven't really been keeping myself updated in the world of gaming this past year, but I am planning to attend PAX. What booths and events are you all looking forward to this year? What do you think that the top story at PAX would be?
Honestly, I know I have three days, but I'm not sure where to start.
Well, honestly I'm looking forward to the dinner of course, not only because I'm running it but I get to meet Chris Taylor, who's probably the game dev I most appreciate and respect.
The Omegathon Final is always the most exciting, the panels with Mike & Jerry are always the most entertaining, and I have a special place in my heart for the PC Hardware panel. (Even though they replaced me as moderator with Jeff Kalles. I think the only reason they did that was because they know I like Jeff Kalles and thought I would be less bothered in that instance. Although I do like Jeff, honestly he doesn't strike me as a fraction as knowledgable about the PC Hardware industry as I am, but I expect I'm being replaced because I rocked PA Inc.'s boat too much this year with the direction I've been taking the dinner.)
Er... anyway, luckily I know what I can reasonably expect to see on the DVD, so I have some options in the storm of alternating panels. Mostly I'll be going to panels that focus on gaming communities, female gamers, public perception of gaming and controversy, and a few more random things like Wil Weaton.
The big decision is going to be, do I go to the movie events during the evening, hang in the BYOC, or try to follow Moe to whereever the party is, because Moe is the party.
In all honesty, the thing I'm looking forward to the most is being able to meet/play with/drink with you guys. Everything else is just a fun aside.
VThornheart on
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ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
I'm most looking forward to the Pre-PAX Dinner, because seeing Chris Taylor would be epic, and I've never been around a better community then this! Aside from that, the Friday night concert is my next big thing, then just little things like the SPORE demo and Roosterteeth panel.
Since my job requires me being practically everywhere, and seeing a little bit of everything, I don't have any one particular event that I'm looking forward to. Mostly just PAX as a whole, really. But I must admit...the concerts are always a good time, and I had tons of fun at them last year.
GSpeezy on
All rights reversed; prosecutors will be violated.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2008
I said it on Evil Avatar Radio and I'll say it again here. I'm most looking forward to hanging out. Whatever I end up doing and wherever it takes me. I just want to chill with some cool people.
For me, at the Expo, it's a toss-up between the Harmonix and Spore presentations, seeing Jonathan Coulton should be pretty great as well. I also can't wait to play some Rock Band in front of a crowd... there's a bar that does Rock Band nights once a month here in Toronto, and it's nowhere near enough
In terms of other stuff, the drinking and partying and randomness, my experience is that you can't plan or prepare for that stuff, and you've just gotta roll with it and enjoy it as it happens.
I'm mostly looking forward to the comforting notion padding my brain that no matter where I am, no matter what I choose to attend, the context of PAX ensures that I'll be having fun doing it.
The Omegathon Final is always the most exciting, the panels with Mike & Jerry are always the most entertaining, and I have a special place in my heart for the PC Hardware panel. (Even though they replaced me as moderator with Jeff Kalles. I think the only reason they did that was because they know I like Jeff Kalles and thought I would be less bothered in that instance. Although I do like Jeff, honestly he doesn't strike me as a fraction as knowledgable about the PC Hardware industry as I am, but I expect I'm being replaced because I rocked PA Inc.'s boat too much this year with the direction I've been taking the dinner.)
Er... anyway, luckily I know what I can reasonably expect to see on the DVD, so I have some options in the storm of alternating panels. Mostly I'll be going to panels that focus on gaming communities, female gamers, public perception of gaming and controversy, and a few more random things like Wil Weaton.
The big decision is going to be, do I go to the movie events during the evening, hang in the BYOC, or try to follow Moe to whereever the party is, because Moe is the party.
Also intrested in seeing Left For Dead.
For everything else, Meeting and hanging out with people ive been talking to on this board for three months.
In terms of other stuff, the drinking and partying and randomness, my experience is that you can't plan or prepare for that stuff, and you've just gotta roll with it and enjoy it as it happens.
Well, of course all the bodacity of the folks there.
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