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OFFICIAL Nerdcore Rising at PAX - teaser trailer!

TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
edited August 2008 in PAX Archive
I've been in contact with the amazing and talented Director of Nerdcore Rising (Negin Farsad) and she has granted me the permission to release to the fawning masses this amazing video, geared toward hyping up the Main Theater showing of Nerdcore Rising @ PAX, 4:00 p.m. Saturday Aug 30th!

here's the youtube link:

For those not in the know, here's a brief synop + some reviews

Cheers and hope to see everyone there!

NERDCORE RISING introduces a new wave of hip-hop to the world called Nerdcore, the newest, dorkiest wave of rap music. The film follows the godfather of the genre, MC Frontalot on his first national tour. Frontalot and band interact with fans across the country: a special breed of loyal and super smart dorks who can't get enough of the Front, making Nerdcore hip hop a fascinating and endearingly comedic sociological phenomenon. Commentary from industry notables like Weird Al Yankovic, Prince Paul, and Jello Biafra pepper the film to examine the legitimacy of Nerdcore as a subgenre of hip hop, the larger rise of geek culture, and the desperation of one MC who's trying to achieve nerd stardom.

Salon's Best of Fest
"Hilarious & delightful" – "Funny, inspiring, authentic, sympathetic and never, ever mean." – "Negin Farsad's hilarious cross-country journey with "nerdcore hip-hop" pioneer MC Frontalot might be the ultimate SXSW film, with irresistible appeal." – "This one's sure to get some kind of distribution sooner or later."

Wired "The Ascent of Nerdcore Rising"
"Honest and heartfelt" – "You couldn't ask for a better primer."

Boston Herald
"Nerdcore Rising is a riot from the first scene" – "The contrast between Nerdcore Rising and every other rap documentary makes for rolling entertainment."

Austin Chronicle
"'The goal is to be funny without being a joke,' says one fan; Nerdcore Rising walks, and rocks, that line with skills to spare." - "The rallying cry of a movement"

Film School Rejects
"Electrifying and arresting" – "It is a well-edited, wonderfully presented look at a movement that speaks to everything geek." – "If you do anything this year to feed your inner geek, make it a point to check out this wonderful doc."

"This movie made me laugh." - "Nerdcore Rising is hysterical."

Ain't It Cool
Nerdcore Rising "makes for a hell of a fun ride" - "Director Negin Farsad has created an awesome documentary" - "This turned out to be one of my favorite South By films this year."

"Perhaps this could lead to peace and understanding between nerds and the people who normally mock them?" - "Nerdcore Rising is a crowd-pleaser."

The Film Lot
"Nerdcore Rising is packed with some great music, entertaining fan and non-fan reactions and cool animations and graphics which do a great job in rockin' that nerdy-cool vibe. A big hit at SXSW, you'll be sure to see more of this film around the circuit (and hopefully in theaters)."


TheWorldofBellaSara on


  • SeanBadSeanBad Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Im soo excited!!! this movie and reformat the planet will be amazing!

    SeanBad on
  • SpawnOfCthulhuSpawnOfCthulhu Also that Snifit guy. Gig Harbor, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    At first I wasn't really wanting to go to this.
    But after watching that trailer (And the fact I had a huge block of time between the fallout 3 panel and the Code Monkeys panel), i'm going for sure.

    See you guys there.

    SpawnOfCthulhu on
  • capnjackcapnjack Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Woah! That was awesome!!

    Can't wait to see it.

    capnjack on
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."
    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    of course they just had to show this during the mega64 screeningh

    all three big things I wanted to go to at pax happen at the same exact time. Where is the justice in that?

    The_Reflection on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I guess if you had to rationalize, Nerdcore Rising is in its West Coast premiere.. Mega64 will be everywhere after PAX!

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • ACC3SSACC3SS Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    That looks great! I'll be there. ^.^

    ACC3SS on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Maybe we should organize a giant afterparty in here too! hmmmmmmmmm :O

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Anyone? Don't be shy.

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Official Nerdcore Rising at PAX bump

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    4:00 pm, Sat Aug 30th. Main Theater!

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Be there!

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • TheWorldofBellaSaraTheWorldofBellaSara Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Friday bump :o

    TheWorldofBellaSara on
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    i bought the dvd and am watching it in BYOC right now! it is greatness.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • ShiggyShiggy Registered User new member
    edited August 2008
    It was pretty hilarious.

    Shiggy on
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